No shit coin shills. Which one of these bad boys are you in?

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ETH but barely


ETH is a useless shitcoin with a 18 billion dollar marketcap, its unironically going sub $50


This. Just wait til shitcoins can pay their own network fees. Even $50 will feel like a distant dream.
>b-but muh staking

I don't understand ETH in depth enough, but BTC is the biggest shitcoin of them all, in a few years you won't even be able to send it without selling a kidney.

short term BTC is better, long term ETH is better since all BTC is proof that crypto can become a reality.

ETH is BTC 2.0. Many, many solutions can be made because of smart contracts.

So with opinions on both sides we just don't know?
Im sitting at 75% ETH and 25% BTC.

Might just stay here.

ETH maximalist here. Working in tech, Ethereum is the only blockchain that is seriously considered in the industry (besides r3 and hyperledger). Plus, beacon chain testers & plasma public alpha are available now. Don’t stop the FUD tho, still accumulating.

yes, keep the FUD up so I can buy more while I'm still wagecucking.

you already know the answer

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ETH, ecosystem and self-contained economy of the future.

Bitcoin is just a normie Boomer cash magnet with literally nothing going for it.

Both, 20% BTC, 80% ETH

BTC and a little bit of ETH

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Thanks guys. It's like the old biz where people are actually helpful.

I'm feeling comfy at 75/25 eth/btc after reading this thread.

i'll bite, why user? in your infinite wisedom, why is eth useless?

Opinions are like farts buddy, we all one one.
I do believe ETH will flip BTC in the next 3 years. BTC will get too expensive, and the ecology factor will repulse normies. ETH will be new for them, has a gay leader, and actually "does" something.

Can you name a single thing Ethereum does? Apart from being a platform for erc20 tokens and ponzi schemes

Vitalik's future "plans" don't count

Cos hes mongo...

Everyone in industry knows ETH is next big thing...but BTCis to big speculative tool now and retail will gamble on it next few years..and where retail gambles -big boys will suck them dry...

So dunno OP ...btc next few years may prove better investment...long term you cant go wrong whit ETH if eth fails crypto will have new mt gox anywaay so...

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mETHhead reporting

Enabling decentralized loans & leverage (e.g Maker & Dharma) and tokenized real world assets.

Litecoin. Fuck these two

> Apart from being a platform
> Let's just not consider that part

I have 70% ETH and 30% BTC rn.

The total value of my portfolio is only 50 CAD thought because I didn't get in on BTC early and I'm a poorfag.

>can you name one thing Ethereum does
>beside the thing that enabled crypto grow to what it is today

Just do what you can. A lot of people here like to larp that they are rich af.

See i understand fanboys and arguments on eth and btc side and there is room for discusion..

But why the fuck is LTC still a thing, because its "silver to btc gold" lmfao?

Pls let me in mind of ltc maximalsit pls enlight me????

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Because LTC is essentially the technically superior BTC.

I don't care about fundamentals but it performs better than bitcoin when there's uptrends. Also likely to pump in the summer due to the halving in August.

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Eth. Its honestly the better bet being as its creator is still active in its development. Like many things when the original creator leaves it tends to decline.