Hey biz, I have a financial math problem

My boss asked me today, what's the difference between 5 999 999 and 6 000 000

I said 1, since that's what my excel told me. Apparently, he was not satisfied. What shoudl I tell him tomorrow?

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keep saying 1 until he agrees, that way you show him you're not scared of him

say 1, but put it as it was him idea

Nice idea, that's shows who the real alpha is in the company

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tell him one

its the same

Shoot him

The difference between 5 999 999 and 6 000 000 is a sale you fucking retard


>What shoudl I tell him tomorrow?
Tell him that he is a retard.
This is some low quality trick for low IQ people psychology to sell underwear at 9.99$
No one managing 7 figures is a retard to even think about a different between 5 999 999 and 6 000 000.
So tell him, there is no fucking difference, and if you are trying to sell something to a guy that is smart enough, you better tell him 6M and avoid to look like a peasant.

First of all we dont know op currency so we dont what value he's currency is at. + People on /biz are more retarded than furries cough cough bitconnect.

its not a math problem its a visual/auditory problem. the start of the phrase is the most important in english (most begin with the noun and verb) its 6 million blah blah blah versus five million blah blah blah. Its similar to why companies will price shit at $5.99 instead of $6.

.00000016 percent, so there really is no difference unless we're building a space ship or splicing atoms.

"What do you want it to be, massa"

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>Hey biz, I have a financial math problem
>what's the difference between 5 999 999 and 6 000 000
this sounds like an anti-semitic joke problem

this guy gets it

It's -1 you fucking retard. I can't believe you were so fucking dumb not to see it.

If you're not smart enough to know why (like me), then you should really go back to school.

You should just say "oy vey muh 6 million" next time he asks.


You know that difference is not minus necessarily right?

yes, tell mr shekelstein about muh 6 gorillion

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I don't see the fun of joking about 1 digit though

Anyone else remember this pepe from the best Jow Forums thread ever? Never seen him pop up since then.

I see this pepe posted around all the time what are you on about.

Pic related is probably the best pepe I've seen on Jow Forums though.

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The one scamming 1M zrx or so 2 years ago?

Yeah those were the days

Alright since noone of you autists can understand a meta joke I will explain it before I go to sleep

2 years in prison

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A product on TV, will often be sold for $19.99 and not $20. It'll often be sold for $29.99 and not $30.

It's only one penny difference, but there's another difference.

5 999 999 and 6 000 000
the difference is that 5999999 starts with a five, so even though it is 1 dollar less, in the mind it looks like a million dollars less.
why u think 99cent store beats the dollar store?

Tell him that the difference is that the 6000000 is your power level and 5999999 is his, but its logarithm scaled

>Jewish and Polish scholars of the Holocaust now agree that the Auschwitz death toll was less than half the four million cited here for four decades. The actual number was probably between 1.1 million and 1.5 million-and at least 90 percent of the victims were Jews.
6,000,000 - 2,700,000 = 6,000,000

Years in prison for offending shekelstein who inherited holocaust trauma