What's his portfolio?

what's his portfolio?

Attached: jp.jpg (669x720, 225K)

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All in Rheinmetall AG

Attached: 1554589728487.png (796x1060, 407K)


all in bitbean

fucking kill yourself you nazi subhuman

Bitcoin and only Bitcoin.

Hed definitely be interested in truth seeking decentralized oracles.


CYR clean your room

30% anxiety
30% depression
40% erectile dysfunction

Isn't this guy dosed up on an SSRI?

0% Womencoin

not since he's eating an all beef diet

>not CYP clean your penis

100% Onions industry

How did the wash your penis thing start?

Unironically Bitcoin and he's probably going to be filthy rich in 10 years


Attached: 1554454455985.jpg (474x590, 27K)

He is a daddy figure for all the losers out there.

Wrote a book about cleaning you room and other basics.

People making fun of the manchildren reading his books came up with the line to mock them.


>sprouts your beans, bucko

Attached: 1496678807870.png (825x954, 440K)

going by the clean your room ordeal despite his room always looking like a hoarders mess, probably ~$10 in hundreds of random shitcoins

Attached: 1553370966593.jpg (920x698, 304K)

I mean that joke specifically, is it based on something he said?

He wrote something along the lines of: "clean your room".

People changed it to: "wash your penis".