Hypothetically speaking, if i had 8 million dollars (in my currency, cash), acquired illegally some way...

Hypothetically speaking, if i had 8 million dollars (in my currency, cash), acquired illegally some way, and no one knows i own that amount of money nor could anyone track down the money down to me, how should i wash it?

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Buy a bussines legaly, and gradually increase your revenue by hiring yourself.

Go away CIA.

Buy high end art at auctions

If it's anything like US currency, it's made from cotton and there's literally a cotton setting on washer/dryers.

I don't want to work to wash it. I want to have a not disprovable reason why I get atleast 250k every year on my bank account.
Swiss franc notes aren't that easily washable in a washing machine.

Go to a bitcoin atm every day for a year, badabing, badaboom

Are they the plastic kind of money? That's even easier, just hose them off in the back yard.

First buy something for 1 dollar 80,000 times using 100 dollar bills.
Now the money is half washed.
Now bury remaining money and direct a scene where you find it and record on video.Make sure the area where you find it cant be linked to anything shady.
Just wait and if nobody wants to collect it you can have it all i guess because you found it.
Not sure how found money is treated in there where you live.

They're logging those atms though, and have security cameras monitoring them.

And i thought about localbitcoins, but im probably not being able to pull this off for too long aswell before people get suspicious

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You dont need to work retard, thats the point, just get an accountant to make this, there is people who specialice in this kind of things, i cant understand where you even came with the 8M in the first place.

Probably not being able to keep it then. The money is reported as missing and being searched by law enforcement. It is not linked to me in any way though except that I have coincidentally acquired it though.

This changes things. Find a good long-term hiding place for the vast majority of it (~7.5m) and I'd go a few times a week to buy scratch and lottery tickets in relatively inconspicuous amounts. Do you have scratch tickets there? Any other KYC-free gambling?

also unironcally not an awful idea to load on pre-paid cards (also make sure you're under whatever limits might raise eyebrows in your area) and use those to buy crypto to put in a wallet that's not (visibly) tied to you in any way shape or form

just keep it at your house and skim off the top for the rest of your life.

If you have anyone that you know that is suicidal just give it to them and have them will it to you before they go

>too retarded to change the stolen amount tot something else on a public basket weaving forum while there’s an ongoing investigation for that exact amount.

I just reported your IP to the police faggot. Your posts prove there is malice. Have a nice time in prison for the next minimum 10 years of your life

Oh noes

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literally nothing you can do about that

there is no explainable reason why you would ever have that much money, in cash, without any other similar amounts in legally provable places, like banks, brokerage accounts, property, etc.

Buy things in store with cash and sell it online? Definitely seems like you'd be taking a lot of losses, but it should be clean.

>get the biggest credit card you can get with your current credit score
>use it to buy stuff
>pay it physically

it shouldn't track as income because it never went into your account, and CC companies don't care.

Just buy everything in cash retard.

$XMR and cash it out through BTC.
Clean money

Do what US indians do.


You can PayPal it to me and I will hire and pay you a salary of $4M per year. You’ll be done in two years easy.


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use cash to buy mining hardware from actual stores. never purchase more than 10k a store
mine monero
keep on cold wallet
move to country without taxes like cayman islands for 2 years
transfer monero to exchange incrementally at a time then sell and transfer to real bank account
move back to your home country

Buy shiny rocks

travel for 3 yrs but tell everyone ur gonna work overseas w high salary

Y'all suck at money laundering. No wonder you're on Jow Forums

localbitcoin has kyc now. Better off going with local bitcoin cash when its completed. Its Decentralized so none of the kyc faggotry.


>give suicidal friend 8MM
>suddenly not suicidal or your friend anymore and you no longer have 8MM

>buy a business that is break even or slightly profitable
>this business must have a lot of business done in cash
>gradually increase the cash receipts on a per month basis
>pay yourself and declare is legal income

and that's why you see a shit ton of restaurants, nail places, etc... and you wonder how they stay open with hardly any customers. it's all money laundering.

Open a business with a lot of cash coming in. The problem is the bank notes are maybe noted and could be detected that way?

Try other things like localbitcoin and such.

I have an unrelated question: how do law enforcement, prosecutors, legislators, etc learn to know and fight money laundering tecniques?

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OP RESPOND, what happened, are you okay, was this a larp, the quality on that photo looks pretty shit

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op pls respond

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