Strap in for mainnet boys, the team has so fucking much in store for us
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The name is just so fucking retarded
It reminds me of ahegao. That is a good thing
im still legit mad for not buying this shit in early march FUCK
checked, you still have time user, at least until mainnet and the team reveals all the juicy stuff.
Bags packed
>burgers can't buy it
Fuck this gook coin. I'll pick some up in a few weeks after the mainnet dump
10K ready to stake
You can buy on kucoin
argook is already 300m marketcap. it's dumping
No need to fud bro relax
AERO is one of a fuckign kind, this is going to shake my dick for the rest of my life
they just got upbit. bithumb, binance coming
remember the gooks are exceptional at MM
"Samsung backed blockchain startup Aergo has received $30 million in venture funding.
Aergo is a partner of South Korea based Blocko – an enterprise blockchain provider. Aergo allows businesses to build applications and services by sharing data on a trustless and distributed IT ecosystem. "
"The funding round was said to include some pretty big names like Sequoia Capital China, GBIC, Neo Global Capital, Dekrypt Capital, FBG Capital, Arrington XRP Capital, JRR Crypto, Rockaway Capital, Block Crafters Capital, and others."
"Phil Zamani, Founder and Chairman of AERGO, said he has spent 25 years leading firms like VMWare and Red Hat in driving adoption of open-sourced tech."
Sequoia Capital has invested in over 250 companies since 1972, including Apple, Google, Oracle, PayPal, Stripe, YouTube, Instagram, Yahoo! and WhatsApp. The combined current public market value for these companies is over $1.4 trillion, equivalent to 22 percent of Nasdaq.
Google's first investor is now onboard AERGO.
We going to the moon!!
Sorry if I sound informed but how in the hell do I buy this chinkcoin, you guys have shilled it so much that I actually want some, I search up, and I'm met with a brick wall.
How do you even put Aergo into a wallet?
Excuse the low iQ
these paid shills wont tell you aergook's total marketcap is over $300M dollars... it's already pumped. it's started to dump. fantom is better
Same dilemma with Fantom
How do I get in on it and where do you even store them? What type of wallet?
fugg my tiny 100k stack need moar
TOTAL/MAX supply guy won't quit it lol why don't you finally buy a little and stfu buy store
false and fud. takes 5 seconds to disprove.
open telegram > search for 'aergoofficial' channel, search 'supply'.
I only have 1k...will I make it Jow Forumsbros?
the market cap isnt 300m but this shit has already pumped so hard the past month and a half atleast. fuck you guys for trying to lure noobs in to buy your bags. may you scammers all burn in hell
The amount of people ready to onboard Aergo, this is hardly a scam. open your eyes and research instead of being a bitch