How do i turn 100k (unironically) into a few million?

How do i turn 100k (unironically) into a few million?

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all you need to do is to buy link (unironically)


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There are numerous alt opportunities rn which will almost guarantee that result.

Even ETH might well give you a 10x from here.

hello this is op but at home now. please continue with very serious suggestions. thank you

send it to me

LINK all in........8x to 14x locked by EOY.

INN /thread

based and 3x leverage

buy clc kekek

how would you turn it into millions?

All in dude weed

Specifically invictus MD is oversold as fuck and due to 3x soon.

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why would u sage my thread?

Buy NKN sir 1000× guaranteed

bitcoin ironically

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if you buy LINK you will have at least 20 million $ by the end of the year.

Just kys (unironically)


buy amazon stock, sell b4 market crashes. Buy real estate/other assets for pennies on the dollar

That HAS to be ironic since a dead man can't make money or if he does then he won't be able to enjoy any of it. lol I don't that's what OP wanted you silly goose xD

Join op and kys 2

O_0 but why would I do that

Ummm multiply it by 10. This is basic math

when is market crashing? why wouldnt i just buy puts if i knew it was gonna crash?

Times by 50 to 70


>the NASDAQ is going to go up 333% (much more considering theta decay) in any reasonable timeframe.

Not based, it’s retard tier

*beta slippage, options on the brain

This is a pajeet board, the only hint they can give you is how to turn 100k into 10 bucks without even enjoying them

Put it all into VIDT.

U have nothing to live 4

Wondering how much it will moon

Chainlink brah


xddd user, you silly willy goose

buy chainlink within the next 24 hours
you will be the greatest investor percentage wise in the history of the world

Sage goes in all fields, always