To anyone who think this will go above a dollar, you’re retarded. It’s a clear scam.
To anyone who think this will go above a dollar, you’re retarded. It’s a clear scam
> ma I post some link fud today
>Except it’s literally dumping right now
Id be happy with a dollar. That would be almost 10x my investment
The final shakeout
>cant even reach 1 fucking dollar
>Citation needed
Too scared to swing my LINK so I missed the sweet dip.
If I swing at 13555 I could increase my LINK stack by 40%.
$1.00 USD is 1000x for me, which is pretty good.
Fuck you guys. I've had enough of Jow Forums calling me a scammer, making fat memes out of myself. ChainLink is as legitimate as it can get. I'm a honest guy trying to improve the world and the technology is finally almost here. But I swear if you behave like you do one more time, I'll market dump all my LINK. As long as necessary to make you lose money. And then I'll create new tokens which only VCs will get. As unprofessional as this sounds, I'm not made out of steel. I'm tired. I'll become immortal soon through my reality decentralization engine. Then everybody of you idiots will be hunted down and brought to justice by my other selves.
>clear scam
why don't you tell us the clear part if its so clear
Also Rory’s kind of a fucking clown desu. He played ball at my local court a few years ago. I saw him after the game and I flexed on him with a few of my favorite poses (perched eagle, blacksmith pivot) and he didn't do anything about it.
>investing in an ERC-20 token
You get what you deserve. This is 2019 noob faggots.
Goddamit below 10
ITT coping bagholders of a meme coin lmfao
Based Sergey
Because you’re a faggot and if Rory whooped your ass if would’ve been a hate crime
I have literally nothing left, going to kill myself soon. Just let me have a little bit of hope with my 5k links
I unironically sold 20k Link at 13.5k sats and rebought at 13k. Felt good on that day.
Not so good right now. Been holding since then.
ITT people who can't do math. Chainlink never hit 10 cents., faggot. 100/16 is not 10, faggot.
its over
tax man is going to want that sweet money next year. Unfortunately your 30k link will be worth $1500 by then. Oops!
What happened to Chainlink being the best thing ever? Literally 30% of Jow Forums was talking about this shitcoin a few weeks ago.
hahahahahahahahah, you late adopters are going to miss out on the next bull run AGAIN. you already missed out in 2017 holding this worthless funding token, and you're so emotionally attached to it you're going to keep clinging to it like a söyboi
Ico price comes pretty close, tho
Koreans already bought above $2
Pic and title fucking related. Idiots buy into shit like this, thinking that even if the vision succeeds the token will have any value whatsoever.
Check altcoin long term charts from the 2014 bear market and you will see the fucking truth.
.06c to 51c. 16c to 1.00? Money is money and I love chain link.
0.5 to 1000.0
I'm convinced link threads and post they contain are 99% bots.
Link is fucked, only dump from here.
I unironically believe this story, based faggot.
Rory just likes to watch