What now frens?

Is Crypto our last hope?

Attached: assangearrested.png (980x551, 595K)

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the BSV guy that is extorted and handled by MI6 will tell you how anonymity is not privacy

BTC us handled by US side of the 5 states
and it is shit on by blockstream

also the top cryptoes are all literal scams to siphon money away

Youtube already deleted the videos.

seriously? I'll waste a couple minutes to see if you're larping or not

praise alah
the only crypto left standing will be the privacy coins

This is false theres tons of videos up

none of this helps fix the shitskin problem. letting the first world continue to turn into a zoo just makes countries with a working border even more valuable

Damn he was one of the main guys responsible for leaking all the shady government shit. Yea I know it wasn't him hacking, but like his platform. This is really sad.

You can't arrest a level 99 wizard without consequences.

Attached: 1537218303297.webm (636x622, 943K)

any evidence to go with that?

This timeline is getting completely fucked and dystopian as shit the only silver lining is atleast we bull season again
This bitch needs to assassinated

May should be dead. It's an affront to the senses to have to gaze upon her or his ugly presence.

bitconnect's UK headquarters address where it is registered is building/warehouse owned by MI6
craig is facing changes for millions in tax avoidance in Australia, he was offered to be stooge and move to the UK or face prison

any evidence to go with that?

if this is real then what the actually fuck can we neets do about it ?

That's not Assange. The real Assange Is dead.


ato case is done and ruled in craig favour

use yandex to search for all that
crypto is a fundamental treat to the state, they will do anything, lose all kinds of money to stop it
use that as a guide and you can make a lot a money on the swings, buy gold and do try to do business in privacy coins

What happened?

Im glad i always keep some monero but now considering increasing my stack

trump is loosing the election
DoD that made him the president needs an event
the event is
Trump pardoning Asange with presidential honors.
That will get him reelected.

do npcs really care that much about ass angel?
or is it supposed to be goodwill for lefties

the lefties are just clowns to keep the right invested in the idea they need protection from the leftist because they are nuts
the USA is not a true country, there are to 2 companies the DoD and the CIA, the CIA since they run the drugs have independent financing and are "rouge".
The CIA is the left and the DoD is the right.

Trumps has to be reelected or the DoD will loose significant funding since they do have to get their money from the state.

So what you do is ramp up the crazy dangerous left and make trump the hero of freedom by pardoning asange that was indited by the left.

After DoD gets their lame duck president they can start another war and put a communist in house to show the clown the left is.

and that way to have the freedom people
living in a police state working like bees

daaa its telll em its justan experience
also hmm idk its loler derby
i mean if 2 biullion euros has no effect
then well were keeked te hell
if any one is even reading this still
idont know i need to hang out wiht soem bots
anyways hmm hang a priester for me

Attached: wallhaven-5023.jpg (1024x768, 112K)

so what happened to the dead man's hand?

Imagine thinking assange was ever a 'hope'.

Brah what are you smoking?

Nice to se craig is taking these trolls to court. If you don't like it STIFF.

NPCs hate Assange because they think he got Trump elected. Look at the comments on lefty websites like ArsTechnica, they hate him.

Pleiades weed brah.

Attached: Pleiades.jpg (728x546, 36K)

Yes Bitcoin is our last hope

lefties absolutely hate assange

Wasn't also Christchurch madman bragging about his gains from Bitconnect?

holy shit mate

what the fuck the british govt needs to stop murdering muzzies what the fuck is going on

Check out!


Stake while you trade

Have to say it looked quite like him...

Wow! That is looking amazing! i will definitly DMOR

that guy was hilarious he fell over when some muslim with no weapon charged him

watching craig wrights behavior and seeing that it matches up perfectly with a cuck on an extremely short leash who is completely owned by part of the legacy establishment? its really fucking obvious if you have multiple brain cells.

its outrageous to me that people could be mad at an outcome when it was completely driven by truth. they should not be citizens. they should be removed

Who is that 70 year old boomer and what did he do with Julian?

who are we talking about when we mention NPCs?

Craig is fucking around but he knows the limits, he doesn't want to end up like Hal....

Be careful or she might summon a curse upon your children's children

it is too late
crypto already won, the state is dead
all they can do is postpone

People who just go with the crowd and can't think for themselves. They are both on the democratic side and republican side. Only difference is that at least the republican NPCs are parroting pro life, pro guns and smaller taxes.

the sheep, i see what you mean

they have no control of their own actions just mimic the things they see on screens

people who visit r/the_donald are definiley sheep


you saw some fake video or are mentally ill because there was nothing of that in that video

I strongly belive he was just trolling there

Something about this stinks... Did they just plant him back in the embassy for a show, or is that a body double?

he was always in there. dont fall for the psyop designed to make you abandon him.

bro i can give the exact time stamp if you want

what book is he hodling?

Attached: CE827C1B-C9C9-4F9A-8BEB-7F34B8522D12.jpg (361x203, 22K)

who is arstechnica owned by? hmmmmmm
was it conde nast?


Attached: IMG_9247.jpg (639x916, 43K)

No. Without hackers like Mr. Jow Forums there, crypto is sunk.

He is so fucked. America always wins.

Happens at exactly 7m04s on the edit thats up on bestgore. He gets charged by a shitskin with no weapon and falls over, fucking watch it then tell me im wrong.


Sad thing about this is that Assange can no longer be trusted. He's been compromised.

imagine the smell

Alright that's enough all of you. Honking move along now unless you got a loterin' license

Attached: Assange.png (790x526, 420K)

I'm pretty sure if a 160lb sprinting muzzie got headshotted right in front of you and then freefell into you you'd fall over too

as predicted they are very happy

They had 7 years to find a passable double, then with some Hollywood prosthetics turn him from passable into identical. Think about it.