What a sad fkn world we live in

what a sad fkn world we live in

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I want climate disaster and nuclear weapons destroying this planet more than ever.

$100 soon


The ZOG finally got to him.

what took them this long

too easy

Ci A taps into twitter account of WikiLeaks easily haks into Leneen Moreno cell phone and that my fwens is how you get shit done

hurr durr WikiLeaks uses full proof firewall because they dont want others leaking documents.


The leftists are celebrating like there's no tmr. Julian Assange was a hero who paved the way for transparency. They're going to kill him

He was a hero until he got in bed with Putin.

By selectively leaking Democrat‘s emails while withholding the GOP ones? Muh transparency

Exactly. He chose his side and gave up on transparency. Fuck him.


get out newfags

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U dumb brainwashed sheep. Go watch kardashians

Finally this creep can be locked up forever

he is a pedo criminal

buy RLC

Neither of those is happening or will ever happen.

And what exaxtly is sad? He pissed and pajeeted on the country who saved his ass by threatening a fucking leak. Get fucked and live with the consequences. Nobody is immune in this world.


he is a massive faggot

I’ll never forget the stupid smirk on his face when he went on Bill Maher’s show when he was asked if he would ever leak something compromising to Trump. I do not buy for a single second that Assange had nothing compromising against Trump to release, nothing at all. On Donald Trump. Come on.

Assange was purposely and maliciously trying to influence the U.S election in 2016 with the excessive leaks against Hillary Clinton while at the same time doing nothing against Trump or the RNC. I believe in whistle blowing laws, Obama was right to commute Manning’s sentence and Snowden should be back home however this isn’t whistle blowing, this is manipulation of an election. This man tampered with our democracy and he shall pay for it.

Not to mention if you go outside the US, Assange props up the Putin regime constantly and aids him in his ambitions to sow discontent in western. democracies

>This man tampered with our democracy and he shall pay for it.

Oh shut the fuck up. You're not that much of an NPC.

fuck off

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All the talking points from mainstream media, you are a brainlet aren't you
>muh western democracy
fucking lol

>actual political refugee gets arrested
>millions of nignogs claiming political asylum for gibs are given free range to come rape and kill
this is why unlike Jow Forumstards i don't give a shit for the white race. most of you are scum and deserve anything bad that will come to you. idiocracy wasn't a prediction of the future, but of the past. world IQ is 83 and dropping, and frankly anyone under 130 is functionally retarded. first post is unironically best post, we might as well embrace clownworld until the inevitable extinction event happens

get a load of this reddit newfaggot.

>do not buy that assange had nothing compromising against drumfph to release
Do you buy Mueller had nothing compromising to release, even though he crawled up trump's asshole looking for dirt? how do you know he had dirt on trump, you flaming faggot? nobody else does.
>trying to influence US elections.
Even if he was, by merely publishing material which was undoubtedly true and of relevance to the public--you know, journalism--"influencing the elections" is not illegal. there's tons of britcucks who took sides on our election and tried to meme and influence it, just as there were tons of burgers who had opinions on brexit and did the same. the BBC, owned by UK, took sides and tried to influence election, as did dozens upon dozens of publications around the world

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He is a crime who leaked top secret information that could threaten the lives of american intelligent officers. How could killing people not a crime?

obvious bait. only redditors are really this emotional and dumb.

yeah I'm actually posting comments direclty from reddit into this thread because it's funny to me

who gives a fuck about some mutts abroad?

Fucking braindead zogbot, neck yourself with your lies.

The irony is that USA influence foreign elections all the fucking time, Macron is a literal atlantist shabbo goy who got his network by the French American Foundation.

You should go back to plebbit

>one race above all others handsign

good this racist fuck is going down

I need to see proofs or calling bullshit right here

I can't tell if this is parody or reality anymore. RIP Assange

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hes a real internet wizard now.
wat a legend.

Poor lad. Fuck leftist bootlickers.


time to study english pajeeto

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$1000 end of 5 year sentence

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you gotta go back

>He is a crime
Very good, sir.

> ameican
> intelligent

fuck those officers. they knew the deal when thy signed up.

He's fighting the good fight lads. even if they arrest him for the rest of his life, wikileaks is already a self sustained device used to fight governments. You think Assange hasn't groomed others he trusts to take his place? His spirit will forever live on. Don't be sad he got caught, be happy he did gods work

but who was phone?

dont you fucking dare use assange to shill your shitcoin.


Assange revealed how utterly criminal the United States and its Kike owners really are.

Just because this happens to please the Russians doesn't change that.

You fucking worthless whore.

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except presidents and diplomats and rothschilds

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