How many billions of dollars did it cost to make this shitty picture? We need to defund this kind of bullshit science.
How many billions of dollars did it cost to make this shitty picture? We need to defund this kind of bullshit science
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I agree wholeheartedly. We have enough bullshit problems on our planet. Dicking around with space telescopes while the turd circles the drain is abominably stupid.
Pure vanity and "ghee whiz!" Spending.
I disagree, this is what makes humanity great and should be the endgame of our civilization imo. If we don't advance in this area we could be living in the middle ages as well.
back to facebook boomer
Outer space is definitely a huge scam.
Awesome. You think it's so great? Then you pay for it. Count me out.
You clearly don't understand how science works, retard. If Einstein hadn't discovered special and general relativity (which this photo is, once again proving to be right, btw), combined with quantum mechanics, you wouldn't have any of your toys you are shitposting on all day. No GPS, no smartphones, nothing.
Why do you not want to understand how the universe works and what our place is in it? Are you really so dimwitted and dull that you think your meaningless existence and having ten more tax dollars to spend on shitcoins is more important than finding out the most extreme places in the universe, learning about how it all began, how spacetime bends and how it all will end? Your a nimwit with the mental horizon of a guppy and I detest your kind and everything you stand for.
>unironically taking the bait
Einstein didn't do shit that was used in gps and smartphones, i can't believe you think special and general relativity has anything to do with engineering, fuck you, you literally cuck yourself away so chad enjoys his little toys with his fund money and you don't even realize it, this generation of cucked engineers who don't stand for themselves and just get milked away is seriously the worst thing that has happened on earth
Bro there wont be white majority countries before the end of our lifetimes. We're not getting to space.
None of that faggot shit matters you little commie fuckstain. All this grand technology and you spend 60 hours a week playing fucking video games, and 75% of the rest of your idle time parked in front of a screen consuming raw sewage on the form of modern media.
Wow! What a fucking accomplishment! An entire generation of humans completely domesticated! All it took was a small enough and amusing enough magic box, brought to you by our vaunted technologists. Thanks guys!
Go back to stone ages fucking idiot
If GPS satellites didn't account for time dilation based on the earth's gravitational field (general relativity) they'd be inaccurate after a few weeks
Holy shit I fucking wish. Teenage poon, bbq every night, hunting with the bros. Then you die like a badass to a sabretooth tiger or some metal shit like that.
Not this fucking DYSTOPIAN ubiquitous surveillance state bullshit.
I'll take it. Give it to me.
> GPS has nothing to do with relativity
user I...
The tech can always be used for good and bad, what does it have to do with its creators. You are spending your time shitposting about meme coins on an cambodian clam fishing forum, others may use their time differently. Has nothing to do with underlying workings of the world/universe.
Back to your containment board.
So this means we should stop advancing at cutting edge technologies?
As I said, that'd be like in the middle ages
>GPS satellites
>didn’t get the flat earth memo
Invest in cuckolderly
No need to kys, you will unironically die young
I hope I do, so I don't live to see what sort of garbage dump you fucking idiot children turn this planet into.
Kek, I thought it was pol for a moment
>durrr munney shud only b used 2 make moar monney munnie shoud never b used 2 advans humanity durrr
People like you are literally the reason the world is still a shithole in 2019.
I fucking hate Jow Forumstards. Stop ruining 4channel and go back to Jow Forums.
Why tho? Pol is the only place that speaks the truth in a sea of leftist propaganda
AyyMD --> RYZEN, job well done!
Reddit cringe.
*tips MAGA hat*
Nice to see another fellow deplorable, helping the internet wake up, one red pill at a time.
>this shitty picture?
What did you expect? One of those beautiful artists' interpretation shots? I'm curious about the know what you would consider a satisfactory picture of a black hole.
While I do agree that the American left can be pretty fucking stupid at times, and that a couple red pills here and there is a healthy way to view the world, Jow Forums is still an absolute cesspool of shit, where you get some of the internet’s finest retards who think they’re hot shit after watching epic Ben Shapiro compilations and reassuring themselves that at least “I’m not them because they are dumb and I’m smart”. There’s only a couple good threads in the whole catalog. At least when I browse Jow Forums, I get a productive return and actually make money from it.
Well that is going to happen
Middle age society for plebs
High tech for the elite
Rest of the world will be herds of cattle - see Africa
There was no good reason to take this incredibly expensive virtually rendered image when there are far more practical things to do from literally any perspective.
Anything beyond the solar system might as well not exist, let alone stuff that isn't even in our galaxy. We would be much better off making anti-asteroid defense missiles, massive city-bunkers or super-submarine bases. Those are practical, species-saving inventions that will help our understanding of self-contained ecosystems needed for potential space travel.
The money could've gone into anti-aging research, nanotechnology, nootropics, AI or GM. But no, we had to make a blurry picture of a black hole unimaginably far away and totally irrelevant. This shit is amongst the strongest evidence for ayys, why else would the governments waste so much money on telescopes unless they knew there was something to see.
Yeah, humanity hasn't really ever had its priorities in order. There's still world hunger, people dying, a looming energy crisis and no one gives a shit about that.
But that still doesn't answer my question. What would be an acceptable picture of a black hole in Jow Forums's eyes?
Einstein is a fraud and a faggot
No picture would've been better. It's aesthetically impossible, like taking a picture of a proton or something. You can't do it accurately and pleasingly, so don't bother. It's an achievement of computing power over common sense.
It's not even a black hole. It looks like a birkeland current or the beginning of a nova.
Black holes are as "scientific" as man-made global warming and veganism.
yeah we def. need to invest more money in electricity for farming shitcoins
It's basically a proof of concept of a virtual earth-sized telescope. At some point we'll probably have telescopes in space at different orbits around the sun and can combine them to a solar system sized telescope, you'll get much better pictures then.
It's fundamental research, it's literally expanding the borders of what is technically possible. You never know which fields will profit off of this at one point.
weeww didn't expect to see this on here
Look around user, humanity is thousands of years from even thinking about doing something worthwhile space. Think about how much better whites are than any other race and we are still all basically niggers as far as space in concerned, we are a garbage species that degrades more every day, we can only hope there is a mass culling so only the smartest and strongest procreate. If we even had the tech to muck about in space we’d just fuck ourself up anyways
I knew Jow Forums was lowiq but I had no idea how low
False, those were not requirement and einstein didnt do it first.
If you look into Einstein he is a big dissapointment from the hype, also genrral relativity isn’t even that great or correct
gb2 reddit faget
only blue gaybo ids will make it here
Found the nigger
If it's a birkeland current wouldn't we be looking for some columnar structures coming off of it? Definitely has the look of a rotating accretion disk to my untrained eye, especially based on how the light appears to be doppler shifted to a lower frequency at the top right and higher at the bottom left, would normally indicate that the mass at the bottom is moving towards the lens and the top is moving away.
billions of dollars later, months of anxious waiting, weeks of hype, and we get.... a glazed orange donut
das no black hole fren, das teh evul eye of sauron. das teh evul saturn god, das teh devul fren
i gon hav to do dah exsra sprecial blessings on biz now for you did da bad tin fren. never post dis evul eye eva again fren
>teh power of christ compels you!!! i call upon thee spirit of notre dam compel dis satanik imagry to teh hell it belongs. TEH POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YUUUUU!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Zoom out bro, the real image is way larger
Oh no actually proving something that was previously only theoretical?? How lame, it has low resolution!
No let’s make glowy donut pictures instead
>hurr durr I got 100k in debt just to know some useless facts that i will never use in my life because i don't have any position were i would even design something useful in the first place
jewish indoctrination and its finest, i bet my ass that you feel so joyful at this useless conversation
So you admit that you have no idea how the technology in this world is working but yet feel inclined to comment about hundreds of scientists wasting time and money to advance said technology?
faustian spirit. double niggers will never understand.
>Turd circles the drain
We use drinkable water on the toilets
Is there any way to find out how much was spent on this project? Seriously.
God biz is actually incompetent when it comes to research.
19.3 million actually seems like a pretty good dead. 2014 dollars so adjust for net present value but still.
Humans will never even leave the solar system.
If i was a billionaire i would launch myself into the void when i got really old
You'll just fall into the sun eventually.
This has been the stupidest thing I've read in months. You retarded useless caveman, without science and research you couldnt difference between your dick and your finger. Is deeply disturbing how someone would be this lost.
Just kys disgusting animal.
You will perish sooner my primitive fellow. Evolution was not meant for everyone. Please try to enjoy the rest of your futile existence.
>Your a nimwit with the mental horizon of a guppy
jewish lady downloads a shopp from JPL and declares jew einstein was right. Fucking a humans really are gullible
You fools. If you were a real MAGAer you'd realize the only way to end the kikes reign is by devaluing gold and precious metals, and the best way to that is by going asteroid mining since a single asteroid could conceivably contain more minable heavy metals than the combined sum of all heavy metals mined on earth to date. And you can't go asteroid mining without good asteroid finding telescope arrays. Another space race would ironically end the jew. Which is why we haven't had one.
-> Women
>1600, KILL GALILEO, their telescopes are useless
A few decades micrology was born.
>1865, Stupid James Clerk everything is doing is playing with waves
A few decades radio was created
>50 and 60s stupid NASA playing fool with Rusia space things. MY MONEY
global telecommunications, the stupid GPS in your phone, live weather,
>STUPID CERN they waste my money.
Unlocking fusion, God particle, theory of everything
Don't be in the wrong side of history faggot
Holy shit, you guys don't know anything about history or tech, do you? Just to cite one decade of US history, the 60's: the massive financial undertaking of developing technology for space travel--- especially the moon landing--- created or mastered most of the technology that underpins contemporary life. Everything. Modern metallurgical techniques, medical technology, optics, aeronautics, food processing techniques, synthetic fibers, plastics, propulsion, and on and on and on. The point is that seemingly pedantic or isolated expenditures of money--- like the moon landing and the Event Horizon Telescope alike--- yield discoveries that completely reshape tangible life on earth. To spoonfeed you again: little discoveries like this inform us better about how astronomical phenomena behave and confirm the effects of relativity. Discoveries like this have given us models of celestial behavior that, for example, have directly enabled GPS technology. Philistines like you seem to always come down hardest on NASA funding and art, when the reality of knowledge is that by seeking it out for its own sake, we end up creating a drastically different, unforeseen, and often better world.
Jesus. You are so fucking dumb.
you either suck dick at the frat house or you are a public school teacher selling lies to captive children of debt slaves. probably both. einstein was an idiot and the moon landings are b movies with bad lighting
Prove to me that it isn't just a photo of someones thumb over a flashlight. Protip: you can't. Fucking retard.
You're absolutely bluepilled and cucked.
Is there anything left in science for us to discover? Seems that science has plateaued and no new major discoveries are being made.
>why we sleep
>what are dreams
>read the brain
>creat neurons
>re-wright neurons}
>quantum mechanics
>breaking binary with quantum computers
>creat new cryptography with quantum mechanics
>fusion plants
>AI buildings
>AI 3d printing
>universal incom works?
>how fix corruption
>how fix debt
None of these would be new discoveries, just developments on what we already know.
The replies in this thread are 100% undeniable proof that we are officially in the second dark ages
>spend billions of dollars to take a picture of something you already know exists
this is why nasa is a joke and rightfully defunded. it should not cost so much to take a picture. if it's expensive now then just wait a while for technology to get better and take the picture with a smartphone in the next 20 years. tired of money getting thrown into endless """"science"""" pits so some libtard can justify his physics phd.
So you expect us to tell you about things that haven't even been invented as concept? How fucking retarded are you?
haha damn dude, I can tell from your paranoia you're already far sadder and more alone than I can possibly make you feel in an hominem attack. I hope your slow decline into a psychotic break is as painless as possible. Death is a scary thing and you will probably go through it alone. I'm sorry.
>i can't believe you think special and general relativity has anything to do with engineering
>relativity has nothing to do with engineering
Why do I still even come here to share a board with 55 IQ dribblers?
here kid... probably this video with cartoons, colors and sounds helps you
go fuck yourself
>5 minute photoshop job
>billions in computational costs
u deserve whats coming
People who look at that picture and see nothing more than a blurry orange donut are the sorts of people who wouldn't have been impressed with the discovery of fire half a million years ago. Brainlet beyond words.
this is why and you know it
>stupid science
>imaging the gravitational lensing and accretion disk on a supermassive black hole 50 million light years away in a massive active Galaxy
You're going to die alone
>retards actually biting this guy's bait
shitting on le science is the easiest way to bring out the redditors on Jow Forums
>being against scientific progress proves that I'm le anonymouse oldfag look at me mom I posted again I've been here since 2015 I'm 2 cynical 5 u
this is the most Reddit post I've seen.
IMAGINE caring about politics after the 2016 election lmao. You're living in the past bucko.
Prove to me your dick isn't 4 inches long
Thanks, just stole image. Will claim I created it.
np, I didn't make it either