1 Milly BTC

John says that it is mathematically impossible that Bitcoin will be below $1 mil/BTC by December 31st 2020.


Do you guys have at least 1.5 Bitcoins (considering tax) to guarantee you make it within the next 2 years?

Attached: 1480_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9hZmU0Y2VlMmE1NjJiYmE4M2Y3ZDE5YTc0NDk1MGI (1480x987, 168K)

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enjoy the taste of penis

Attached: footlong.jpg (410x387, 16K)

Who cares, by then EOS will be 100k per coin.

you're not still holding onto this dead alt are you? it's been months since ethereum completely and fundamentally dismantled it. there's no room for me-too coins like eos.

Lmao liberals are brainwashed

Yea like I'm going to listen to a guy who.murdered his neighbor

>John says that it is mathematically impossible
I'd be surprised if the guy even made it past pre-algebra. And I'm still waiting on him to eat his dick.

he will have to eat dick

I mean, he is a software developer and to his credit he did create probably the 2nd most successful anti-virus software of all time. So probably a bit past junior high in knowledge.

>McAfee didn’t precisely dwell into the mathematical formulas that urged him to come with a million dollar valuation for bitcoin

him? wtf are you smoking? he was never a dev.

Did he eat his own dick yet?

Doesn't he have a degree in math though?

Anyways, even if his brain was working when he was younger he has fried it with drugs by now. All his predictions are obviously retarded.

says the late adopter clinging to a failed ethereum "competitor" for dear life?

Imagine being this fucking retarded

he just have a bachelors degree in math from a state college and an Doctor of Science (honorary)

source: wikipedia

Tfw McAfee has more degrees than CSW.


EOS is done they can’t even get 5% of the holders to vote on stuff so the block producers just go ahead and do whatever.

eh end 2020 is still far away. still not buying it


for those interested, the prediction of mcafee

What will ETH be in 2020 after proof of stake implementation? $100K?

0$ because centralization

he probably meant spotted dick

or so he'll say

Attached: Spotted_Dick_with_Custard.jpg (2560x1920, 2.11M)

>Do you guys have at least 1.5 Bitcoins (considering tax) to guarantee you make it within the next 2 years?
How is $1m enough to make it? you need at least $10m.

Holy fuck dude get a job or hobby or something. Do you actually do anything productive, outside of fudding/biz/?
I won't be checking for a reply, btw.

Anywhere between $4k-$20k/ETH

we'll see

Attached: 1534385221539.jpg (1714x1711, 452K)

Not in this interview, but in other interviews he's done he explained that he came to this conclusion by correlating price with the average growth rate of new users.