Alright Jow Forums, give it to me straight.
Am I going to make it?
Alright Jow Forums, give it to me straight
you will make it buddy
yes, just raise those ltc please
No, with a poorfolio like that you need to be taking bigger risks. Get into one of the likely next-gen alts down at 10-30mil cap and you might pull a 30x
BTC and that crap will barely give you 50k in the end.
What should I buy? Chainlink?
Just one question, what's this "linda", and why?
Needs more HOLO
My moonshot pajeet coin. It hit $.01 last bull run, would be a big gainer if it even hit $.10
OP here, phone posting. Went roaming.
As long as you have 4-5x that in stocks and bonds to offset the inevitable JUSTing coming your way you should survive. May even break even.
Enjoy poverty.
>if you write the L as lowercase l the shitcoin's name becomes and anagram for "India"
Pajeet is just blatantly mocking you guys now.
Very balanced portfolio, solid coins and one moonshot.
I don't agree on xrp, but it's a matter of opinions
Poorfag here.
What about me? Will I make it long term?
You mean 100% Internet funny money 0% stocks 0% bonds 0% cash
Fuck no.
omg NO.
Please warren buffet, teach us how to be you
You go all in dude weed like a man.
I mean you do realize most people posting there portfolio here don't also tell you how much they have in the 401k, bank accounts or even stock portfolios right?
They're just talking about crypto.
lol.. fucking lmao. god im glad im not a poor piece of shit
Yeah it does suck. Gotta try to bet on FTM to increase my eth stack. Got that 100 0xbtc a long time ago and am to lazy to use a shit exchange to unload it.
If i had half an ETH for every enormous stack of shitcoins I was too lazy to offload, I'd have around 200 more ETH... feel your pain
Holy fuck bud I hope you're not older than 19 otherwise you're falling behind
I fucking rarely do this, but if youre looking to start building a decent portfolio of shit thats going to moon in the next bull, shoot me your email
I'll do you a favor and you can offload any shitcoins you want onto me.
bro you got memed.
It gets boring only holding eth or btc. FTM is a gamble.
Will I make it?
basically yes
DUMP that vet and buy more BNB though
BNB went on a retarded run over these last few months and vet has bled sats. Will probably consolidate when things start popping off
stupid retard, litecoin/bitcoin is the same shit and are litteraly shit. sell those and try again. Linda aswell. Xrp is the only one you got right so far but you dont got enough to make it
>no eth
Vet is the name of a depilatory cream
A coin with the name and the logo of a depilatory cream can't never make it
"Retarded run" = 4x since january? Ok you gotcha
Chinese scam
How much should a 22 year old have then?
>doesn’t hold eth
>holds linda and xrp
Top kek
>7 BTC
>125 ETH
>100 NEO
>12000 LINK
Tell me how much this'll be worth EOY, and EOY next year. I can't wagecuck much longer, bros.
Nothing big happening until atleast 2022. Keep on cucking fren
Don't believe this half dead bear, during 2020 those will be mooning
Hope you bought all that shit at the very dip
Tell me the value 2020 value of my folio. I know you don't know shit and your guess is as good as mine but please make me feel better about my memecoins. TYIA homie.
How embarrassing
You mistyped ETH. I got you fren
Not the poster you asked but I'd say give or take 3MM (~100K BTC, ~10K ETH, ~100 LINK, the other is going to zero)
is this June 2018?
Man, no one can tell you the 2020 value of your folio, but i think you'll be comfy.
I would reduce neo and link an take some other shitcoin too.