>still above ATL
CSW haters BTFO. I'll enjoy your tears when it pumps back to top 5.
BSV is the real Bitcoin
Other urls found in this thread:
>seems like a good time to catch a falling knife.
>craig will sell his bitcoin for bsv
*this is me larping as a pajeet*
>being emotional about coins
Never gonna make it. Binance delisting, Kraken delisting and it still holds its price. You lost.
bitcoin satoshi vision is best haters don't understand true bitcoin it will pump soon get ready sirs
Funny how the entire project gets punished because of one man. Imagine Ethereum getting delisted because Vitalik said something Binance/Bitcoinists didn't like. BSV survived and it'll thrive, while you idiots will just keep wasting your time on hating it.
Isn't it one man's project, though? When you bring something like patents to the plate, you automatically discard community development.
Your curry is getting cold rajeesh
BSV is the Donald Trump of cryptocurrency
Can't wait to see all these losers melt down when it wins
If you follow cregcoin you are complicit in the actions of creg. Youre the kind of person who posts shit like "fuck ethics I'm here to make money!"
Are you making money now?
what actions? Craig is cleaning up this space, that is why everyone hates him
He is the only person in this space NOT trying to scam people
it might survive but you turned the entire market against it. I liked the idea of BSV. I had to leave because the representatives were fucking up the coin.
I moved away from it, and with recent happenings I'll never buy bsv again.
dash it is.
Lol. Bernie's gonna win and you faglets will seeth.
It's going to $0, the most embarrassing thing creggers could do now is come up with a third 'muh real bitcoin' fork.
Cleaning up crypto with lawsuits.. CSW is not the first entity trying to undermine crypto with the power of the state. Each such attempt failed.
>heh guys I was trolling
>heh I would never buy a shitcoin even thought I'm a sad fucking late adopter
>hehe I troll biz hehe
the entire community other than paid pajeets know BSV is a scam and faketoshi is a scumbag.
>bitcoin streetshitter version
Stop posting anytime, fag
what's wrong with law? Law is to protect people from billionaires, not the other way around.
All these anarchist trolls don't seem to get that. They are social darwinist losers who ironically would be the first to be eaten up in the world they want to see. They are not the lions, they are the gazelles.
I've been in this space before Bitcoin was even worth $2, so don't give me that shit.
I just have a brain and understand what Bitcoin is (Not BTC)
Getting sick and tired of these bsv shill threads by suicidal bag holders
Give it a rest, Craig.
Crypto is lawless, it has been designed that way. Its philosophy is complete, absolute independence from any state-based actors, including law enforcement. It works solely on the laws of math and cryptography, it does not need any patents and legal protection. That's how its initial created wanted bitcoin to potentially replace the banking system. Craig Wright doesn't seem to understand this.
yeah its pretty mich cregcoin except mostly plagiarized.
*initial creator
sorry but that is extremely naive and Craig is about to show everyone just why this line of thinking is stupid...
truly BSV is the aryan coin
he will show it by going to prison
>been in this space since btc was $2
>still hasn't made it
lmao you dumb fucking shit
>I've been in this space before Bitcoin was even worth $2
And yet here you are still buying scams. Unfortunately for crypto a lot of "early adopters" were the kind of people who were sending money to Nigerian princes and now we have to listen to them like they aren't total retards.
I've made a lot of money with this what are you talking about
The secret is it is not about the price. Focusing on the price will ironically lose you major money in this space over the long run.
Investment requires work. Real wealth is not getting lucky on a pump or anything short term.
What is he about to show? You don't win favor by throwing lawsuits around. The whole satoshi thing is just about reputation points, which he won't make up for anyway.
You're the one emotional that your worthless shitcoin got BTFO
>The secret is it is not about the price
The ultimate cope
That Bitcoin isn't anarchist and "code is law" is stupid
It has nothing to do with people liking him or winning favor with the god awful crypto 'community'. Most of these people are total losers who need to leave this space ASAP. BSV is about the 99.99% of the world that doesn't even know what is going on here. Bitcoin is financial plumbing for the world's use. It is not any anarchist crap and it isn't a pump and dump ponzi HODL scheme. The moon lambo greedy idiots you see on this board are NOT who Bitcoin is for.
If craig loves sv so much why hasn't he dumped all his BTC yet?
Neutral here.
Ive noticed the efficient market hypothesis is a reasonable approximation feeding investment decisions and cant help but notice BCH is an order of magnitude more valued by the market than BSV, and two orders of magnitude more valued than LINK. Its not clear to me why CSW and JW havent cottoned on to this, shut up shop and fucked off home.
So, I look forward to the Dragon being Gayed from Thursday because Im long popcorn
How can anybody read the posts of Satoshi on Bitcoin talk and think "oh it's totally Craig Wright"
Leaving aside the fact that CSW can't even sign the genesis block
>craig will sell his bitcoin for bsv
you are severely overestimating the amount of btc he has
>That Bitcoin isn't anarchist and "code is law" is stupid
You can't really prove that wrong because it's just the way of things. Crypto is a self-adjusting ecosystem where an unstable man with lawsuits is a clear outsider. Crypto will throw him out.
>It has nothing to do with people liking him or winning favor with the god awful crypto 'community'.
Seriously? The whole point of trying to convince others you're Satoshi is to gain recognition and respect. Being Satoshi doesn't have any other benefit than respect from others, it offers no technical advantage. If you got the money, you just go ahead and spend it, there's no need to prove anything. Being Satoshi can also be a marketing gimmick to lure in the masses, which is still in line with what's been said. Considering how sociopathic and desperate Craig's attempts have been, I don't think he'll achieve either.
He only needs to win favor with people who understand Bitcoin and have some intelligence. So, that rules out 99% of the crypto community, who don't matter anyway
The 1% of savvy ones are not so comfortable with Craig's persistent attempts at forging things.
>still holds its price
from 230 to 55
You know what would be funny? Pushing a copy of the cultofcraig repo to the BSV chain so his shitty fork will always carry a copy of how he is not Satoshi :^)
Craig signed a message using a satoshi owned private key of Gavan Andresens own choosing on a freshly bought laptop with new software installs which Gavan verified on his own machine. To date no one has been able to explain how this could be faked.
Too bad szabo don’t support this dumbass just the other dumbass
Yes it has massive support amongst the working class of Ohio which will tip the balance
is that a diagram of the lightning network?
Trump wouldn't sign fake PGP keys, sorry!
>BSV will win
Oh boy
>t.low iq
what price was bitcoin 4 years ago?
Oh ok. So you mean the entire market going up while bsv is continuing to go down is normal, yeah? Pic related is eth during the same period as my other screenshot.
This is unironically an inverse FUD post
>luckily betting on magic internet money at the right time
>feeling powerful and superior as a result
>remove the internet and you're still as much a gazelle as you used to be
Craig is the 6IX9INE of crypto
Proof me wrong faggot
>itt ranjesh campaign
Instead he signed a fake oath and didn't do anything he said he'd do. and u fell for it ahahahaha beep boop redpill beep boop ahahahahahaha you were so confident in your retardation
No he didn't. Brainlet.
oh you were there? andrew o hagan was there and he wrote about it and gavin confirmed so who is the brainlet?
If it happened the signature would be public. Anything else is a scam.
how naive can u be
which real bitcoin wallet should I use? I need to get my BSV off of kraken and binance ASAP
nigga, y'all know the motherfucking sco', y'all non-snorters, non-smokers, non-sippers,
Get the fuck up out of here, bitch
Nigga, it's some sipping-ass, pouring up-ass, smoking-ass, getting high-ass niggas in here
put them on bittrex
More worried about you killing yourself when things don’t turn out the way you think they will
LTC is the real Bitcoin.. DGB is the real Bitcoin... Doge.. etc...
the rest of the market will be doing what bsv is doing soon so don't get too excited
I'm not from the states, mate
nice facebook filename
>what's wrong with law? Law is to protect people from billionaires, not the other way around.
you fucken idiot. the law is to protect you from niggers killing you in the night. billionaires wouldn't exist without the law because tyrone would just steal kill and rape the wealth from the land.
Bitcoin SV is a great buy
>Still ATL
Because most of the exchanges will stop active trading at the end of April.
After that there will be almost no active market for this trash. You'll be lucky to see $10 worth of daily volume on Yobit with the Bots and Pajeets.
Fuck you and fuck Sanjay's Vision.
ITT: OP desperately trying to sell us his SV-ShitcoinVersion-bags.
>down 15% with volume increasing with declination
sell while you can retard this thing is going to bleed out
BSV will end up flipping btc next year
I'd go further, by the end of summer
Are we in any summer festivals?
I could do my part in legwork if someone could offer fair prices on stickers, t-shirts etc.
is this what you tell yourself when you cry into your sleep at night?
top kek
Oh look it's that tripcode LOSER again... Do you ever sleep you total fucking LOSER
Time to hang out with Sayori!