What's the point of it all?

What's the point of it all?

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bro lmao just love everyone unconditionally. Play a ukelele! Have fun, have sex, get a gf, get a job, get a 4 year degree get a wife and kids. live life laugh love

Just kys my man

We all got what I call a life trap, a gene deep certainty that things will be different… that you’ll move to another city and meet the people that’ll be the friends for the rest of your life… that you’ll fall in love and be fulfilled… fucking fulfillment… and closure whatever the fuck those two fuckin’ empty jars to hold this shit storm. Nothing’s ever fulfilled, not until the very end. and closure.

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never go full normie

The point is to take pleasure when you can

There is no inherent meaning in life. There is no end goal and it is something that is entirely self sustaining. However, that is the goal; to sustain itself for the purpose of continuing to sustain itself.

Most people will achieve their "purpose" by surviving and reproducing. However, there are other ways to fulfill a seemingly purposeless purpose by sustaining life in other ways.

For instance, there are wars, chemicals in the water, threats of asteroids, AI...etc. All these things threaten the self sustaining nature of life. So your purpose can be to figure out solutions to continue life to sustain itself.

Also, you want to make survival as pleasurable as possible (minimize suffering) so people don't opt to kill themselves due to seeing how terrible life is. That means lifting instead of eating shit. While both provide pleasure, one will provide a more sustained pleasure.

It's like carbs; both release glucose but oatmeals will release energy over a longer period of time while a cookie will give a quick spike in energy and quickly go down.

So I suppose it's non degenerate hedonism for the purpose of sustaining life

take 5-meo-dmt and find out


Life exists because it just does. Even if someone created it, what created the creator? Oh, the creator just "existed"? Well what's the point in that, am I right? What's the point in going to heaven, are you just gonna float around in some shiny kingdom forever? Sounds pretty boring, huh?

Also you never know for 100 percent certainty what the purpose of life actually is. I gave a likely answer but maybe you're only 99% sure but that other 1 percent is still unsure.

So that's the reason why you must continue to live. You don't know for an absolute certainty what the purpose is and the only way to find out is to live through your entire life and then eventually die? Or who knows, maybe the goal is for humanity to discover immortality and then some gay alien comes down and tells us what our purpose is and will only do that when we use CRISPR to edit our genes to make us immortal

I remember some nihilistic philospher that killing yourself is retarded. He likened it to throwing away a math problem in the garbage. Sure, you're doing away with the problem, but you haven't solved it. If there's one place to solve it, it's in life motherfucker, not death because most likely it's just PURE NOTHING

Also, you can look at it like this: If life is meaningless than death is meaningless too. However, life can have some moments that feel good even if they're ultimately just chemicals in the brain. Still beats complete nothingness though

Nothingness isn't an experience, retard. Invalid comparison.

Will drugs really help me see the light?

Can’t you objectively see that it’s just various chemicals having different effects in your brain and not true enlightenment?

what is anything in life but chemicals in the brain?
5-meo at the least is probably the closest thing to enlightenment in drug form, I assure you if you take it the experience will be beyond anything you could ever imagine would be produced by chemicals


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Boomer based detected

Why are you defending nothingness though if it doesn't mean anything?

They know the purpose of us humans, but they are hiding it from us because if enough people knew the truth, the whole system would collapse.

I wasn't make any kind of defense, just stating that the user can't compare nothingness to any kind of conscious experience since nothingness is the lack of any experience- there is no one to experience it.

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>There is actually a Jow Forums equivilent of "bro just be urself"

Jesus I mean I thought it existed but this level of autism is just scary.

>being too subhuman IQ and autistic to comprehend very clearly written sarcasm

I hate this board so fucking much

But you can experience nothingness in your sleep.

Where get?

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God you're all so fucking whiny. Pathetic faggots. Kill yourselves. I hate all of you.

To create a healthy lifestyle, take care of loved ones and to constantly be finding a way to create more free time to do the things you enjoy.

Even me? :(


dunno. i can't figure out that one. knowing the who, how, and what still doesn't answer the why.

fuck of you cloy cunt

can't say but just look up dark web on reddit, should be enough info there

Nothing really. It doesn't matter what you do, it doesn't matter how you live and it doesn't even matter if you pass on your genes or not. You'll die eventually and won't remember anything of it, and your kids and everyone you love will also die at some point. It just doesn't matter.

Even if you become the most famous person in the world and other people remember you for decades - what does it matter? You'll be dead and won't notice it, so it's just pointless to do anything with your life.

To form a family and give your children a better life than you had.

Evolve your bloodline. Reincarnation exists but its just your children. No kids? No reincarnation

To be fulfilled. Whether through prostitutes or Zen buddhism.

Emerging to a higher state of hyperdimensional being

Here is your redpill:
You are nothing but a part of something bigger. The thing you called spirit is the meta-you and sum of all your ancestors. It will continue to grow if you reproduce, that's why it's hard-coded.

Also don't try to kill yourself. Quantum immortality is real and you might end up being stuck in a coma until you die of old age.

So the purpose is to reproduce and gather new experiences, add something to your spirit in the meta level and you did your job well.

I told you faggots to take the idealistic singularity hedonism pill years ago. And all you npcs respond is "uuh duuh its escaping blablabla". Fuck you. Dont you get it? In a few years we hit singularity and nothing will matter anymore. Reality as we know it will not exist anymore. Everything that is will not be anymore. It might be that we evolve to 4d creatures. But meanwhile you have to make the decision not to suffer, just make that decision is all Im asking. It helps alot of you buy alot of LINK until singularity hits.

No because you're unconscious in your sleep

The fuck nigga?

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Whats so hard to understand?

It's hard to understand how someone can be more of a faggot than you, singularity is not coming soon, maybe, MAYBE, in 30-40 years
And even if it happens it will probably be a gradual process with neurolink, nobody is going to save your sorry ass you nibba

>idealistic singularity hedonism

I wish you all the best during your suffering. Keep in mind you can opt out any second.

>nihilistic fag that doesn't growth

Growth is the purpose, OP. Stagnation is equal to obliteration in this universe.
I assume you came to Jow Forums to grow your wealth? Visit other boards to augment your self in other ways.

I'm not saying I'm against positivity, you just don't have to justify it with wishful thinking about the singularity that is going to elevate everyone and not the ones that deserve it the most or have the most money or connections
I'm generally positive even though I think there might be a war soon

Also I think that choosing to stay on a high horse when I called you a faggot doesn't paint a good picture. You do your best, I hope you won't loose yourself in comfortable thought

Life is change. Absence of change is death.

If your conscious experiences are nothing more than electrons moving in the brain, then matter isn't some inert shit, it is something with the amazing ability to give rise to experiences.

Psychedelics do not make you see hallucinations, they make you see the world differently, in a way you can't comprehend without taking them.

What you believe has an impact on the world you experience. Changing your beliefs changes the world you experience, in a way you can't comprehend without having them.

The world you live in is a tiny fraction of the infinity out there. If you think there is nothing left to discover, you haven't even begun exploring yourself.

When you have add/hyperfocus and you drop acid some of those frames are getting pretty crazy
I understood the God and the Devil on 1.5 tabs just by walking around in the flat and casually talking to myself in the mirror
I'm not sure if it's even advisable, If God showed yourself to you and you dismissed him as just a harmonic frequency pattern in the brain you can become pretty evil if shit hits the fan for you, I dunno man

imo the God is part of yourself that forgives you no matter what, you can't find God unless you think you've done enough evil though, so you keep betraying him because you haven't locked in strongly enough, you didn't have the metal leverage to do that.
Basically everyone who found God can't forgive themselves for something and they are drawn to 'that place' but as soon as they do they'll loose it and the cycle starts again. We're funny creatures

The point is to realise that this world is a bad place, and to refrain from dragging anyone else here.

This is gambling.

Walking on the sidewalk along a busy street is a form of gambling. If you're that afraid of life why not just jump off a bridge and get it over with

We have to take risks because we're already here. Imposing risks on another being that doesn't need to be here and derives no benefit from being here is something else entirely.

dont worry user, I got it, we are few but we exist

fuck nice post just bought LINK, take a tip from me user, get a stack of UND. Its going to pop.

Maybe your feel like that like OP because you don't like to do anything in your life? If you had one hobby you liked you wouldn't post such shit.

Archons tap into our capacity to create in order to create themselves (they can't create themselves because they are cut from the source).

I'm not sure. But try to enjoy the ride as much as possible. Don't fall for the "I'm sure my life will be great once I X" memes. Some people are miserable their entire lives thinking life will get better once they get that promotion, get wealthy, win the loterry etc.

Utter state of this psued brainlet

Life is a meatgrinder, it takes a lot of effort to have fulfillment and you lose it all so fast when nature hits and lets you know you are just a bunch of decaying meat eating just to survive.

Compare how shitty you feel when nature sickness hits you to the average feeling you have and you will quickly see that the only reason people fear death is their own bodies raging and punishing them everytime you do something against life. Life is a joke and only cares about life and nothing else

Hahahaha you're literally the Letzter Mensch seeking only comfort

Basedboy cretin trying to convince others life isn't worthwhile meanwhile still choosing to live. Potentially stopping millions of lives if op is persuaded and decided not to reproduce.

Why haven't you killed yourself?

MY philosophy is simple, enjoy life and don't let others bring you down, if that means being greedy and selfish then so be it.

Anti natalism and gnosticism are the only true philosophy, nietzsche philosophy got btfo by their own siphillis revealing we are simple tools of a great meatgrinder called nature

Hahaha betamale cope. Why not kill yourself and get it over with? Your genes are weak

I have already outlived many chads, life doesnt give a shit about your society facade about outgoingness, no chad survives nature and randomness

>Anti natalism
That's a cuck ideology. Why should brown people procreate and whites not? It doesn't seek to reach a fair equilibrium, it targets a specific demographic

good goy

>browses Jow Forums
>calls people beta
user.... just....

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There is no such thing as a "chad", but nature rewards courage anyway. You're a lifelet and if you believed what you write here sincerely then you would have killed yourself already.

To say you know for certain it is randomness is to pretend you have answers that no other man on Earth has ever had. You are a brainlet and thus your opinions are all poorly thought out drivel
t. Lifelet, see above

>TFW this weakness will be bred out and die off within 3 generations

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Thats because you think brownies are doing themselves a favor by procreating, they live shitty lives and then get painful third world illnesses, the issue is whiteys giving them access to things they shouldnt have considering their philosophy views about life, notice the issue is about niggers and white trash living in first world countries

Anyway having an amount of children that you know can sustain is an inherently gnostic view, you are literally putting into balance the suffering your children would have and the long term potential for him, if you followed nature you would have children without caring about the long teem outcome of them, and you know thats wrong

They're the ones you take your kids to school to learn from

Big cope, keep thinking you can control your life, i will be lmaoing my ass once mother nature simply decides you should die without reason whatsoever, the only reason you have those views is that you feel you are special and deserve greatness, time will take care to cuck you eventually

>Suffering is bad
Your brain is fried kid. If your suffering was unbearable then you would have killed yourself and wouldn't be typing this nonsense. The only suffering you could ever know enough is your own, and if you STILL haven't killed yourself then doesn't that render your position (this nonsense you're posting) absolutely pointless? There is no way you could ever experience someone else's suffering. You only know your own suffering. And clearly, yours isn't so bad because you're still here.

To be conscious of never having existed at all is the ultimate suffering, and you KNOW that if you don't reproduce your progeny will never exist, potentially stopping millions of lives just as if your ancestor 10,000 years ago decided to play the skim rocks game all day and sit in his hut instead of reproducing. Yet he didn't do that and so you are here 10,000 years later - with all the life and moments of pure despair, joy, etc, in between too

Lol seething incel, anyway only a virgin would care so much about procreation

Nah I shag, you're just a syboy

there isn't a point we just gotta do it man. It sucks but we gotta do it. There's nothing at the end of this man there isn't a reward we just gotta play the game until it's over. It sucks man I know, but it's all good. Time just passes without us having to do anything at all. Just waste it, don't feel guilty since you're not leaving anything behind when it's over. No one will remember you in a couple generations anyway so fuck it just do it man. That's what you gotta do. Just endure.

That's all we can do.

Anti-Natalism is a fucking joke and I'm honestly stunned someone would put it next to Gnosticism and call them the "true philosophy". For one, Gnosticism is a religion. Secondly, Gnosticism makes for interesting stories, art, or at the very least is home to thoughtful alternative interpretations of divinity. I can't say the same about Anti-Natalism. It is quite literally a dead end.

Anti-Natalism has real use cases, but it will never be the norm and unlike Gnosticism I can't say there is a net benefit to my own life, hypothetically, should I embrace it as a truth. I read up on the ideology long ago and think the members are mentally disturbed in some way. Not because I want to attack their character, but because the online boards that often discuss it always have people talking about feeling depressed or wanting to kill themselves.

I dont know and actually my gf left me this morning after yesterday fight. Via fb.
Ive quit my job, went all around the world to Australia to see her, and then she came back from Australia back to me so we can be together. After a year i see our ego's r so big we cant let the other one to control the relationship. Im the middle kid of my parent's and im afraid of being left and unloved so i sacrefice myself to be loved. She is the oldest of her parents and her mom is fucked up, so she is chasing perfection so she can deserve love that was never gave to her. Life is a flash. One day u have the best gf in the world, and the next second u r dumped into the dust. I guess it is some kind of enthropy mixed with time theory.

Life, like death, is necessarily an abstraction, existing solely in our minds.
First, survival; then, reproduction. Only these two things truly matter, yet is that enough? And how many things that we do, how many thoughts that we have, can be traced back to these two overriding concepts? Could it be that our minds deceive us into believing that our efforts have some other benefit, when in reality it all feeds into the mission critical tasks of survival and reproduction?
It is my belief that if you want a point to it all, if you want to strive for something higher - a purpose, an ideal - then you must look within yourself. Escape your self-deceit. Override the mind.Seek your truth. Forge your destiny, OP.

asian women

I recognize I'm just an ant in the grand scheme of things. My "spirit" as the other poster said, will continue to grow and thrive.

Unfunded pension liabilities will purge the public school systems.

Nobody knows.

Avoiding wagecucking

>I remember some nihilistic philospher that killing yourself is retarded.
Camus. Too pussy to tell people they should kill themselves.

>Still beats complete nothingness though
Literally all Buddhists and Hindus will disagree with you.

I had the realization after doing DMT that I have absolutely no idea about the nature of my reality, my place in it, or the reason for it. I realized my own insignificance, how little it would matter if I died in a ditch, or became the richest person on the planet..so since all else is the same, I'd rathet be the richest on earth.

>I did drugs and thought stupid shit
Yeah we know, that's what druggies do.

Survive and Reproduce my man...thats all life is about.

To improve the collective consciousness and our species as a whole. Whether it’s through children, art, inventions, mathematics, philosophy find something that improves yourself and our species as a whole. Or just be a Le sad doomer faggot and curl up in a ball and complain how everything isn’t fair like every faggot under the age of 21. The universe owes you 0 explanations and evolution ain’t fair the strong prevail and will overcome the bullshit.

>Improve the collective consciousness and our species
Fuck this species niggah, had enough of whitey telling me to pull my pants up n sheeit. I'm with the Nazis on this one nigga

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Honkers gonna honk

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Don't honk at me with your faggot as rainbow wig you fucking green looking faggot nigga I'll fuck you up. fucking blanket wearing ass clown looking mother fucka