Ask semi constructive questions, and I will answer. After this thread, I disappear for another year or so because biz is a dumpster.
2012/13 oldfag here, part 2
Other urls found in this thread:
you can disappear now
fuck off
Thanks for coming back.
What marketcap do you think the entire market will hit next bullrun?
How many more bullruns do you think there will be?
I reckon once the ETF is approved, that will be the last chance to make it (if your bags are already full).
Why you acting like you know something I don't?
is the bottom in?
No, user, it's not.
What are your btc sell %s
Will you start selling at 40k, more?
What do you think of link
I havent joined the market yet, when should I buy in
No problem, hard to say on the mcap, I don't pay too much attention to it. I'd say in the trillions next time around, hopefully a rather large financial collapse occurs (at least I think it will very soon) and market makers will flee into crypto and gold. If shit gets real crazy, definitely trillions.
I'd start averaging out of the market once we hit 50-65k, and way more aggressively as we get closer and closer to 90-100k. We've already entered 5 digit territory, 6 digits I think will be a large physiological, round, barrier. When others are greedy, be fearful - You can bet your ass if we enter 60k+ air space people will be salivating at the mouth.
already answered this yesterday, it's 4chans meme. nothing more.
Imho, I really think DCAing right now over the coming 3-6 months would put you in a very good position. But what the fuck do I know.
This is always the correct answer. People always say "Man I wish I had bought bitcoin earlier!" this has echoed around these parts for years and years, even back in 2013/14/15. It's pretty simple, get into a solid position trade, and wait 1+ year. Exit when you see euphoria threads on plebbit, "MOON TIME BOIS WE MADE 60k!! IM BUYING TWO LAMBOS!!!"
The bottom was in when we hit 3.2k - we're slowly going to claw our way out of -10k territory, and then before you know it the next bullrun.
Okay and would you suggest btc exclusively? Or eth? Or even shitcoins?
it's a fucking toss up, man. I don't really think it matters what you get into, it's when! (obviously excluding exit scams like bitconnect, etc) Markets are expansions and contractions, boom and busts, ups and downs, on and off, 1 and 0. You will see ungodly gains regardless of the coin you choose come bullrun.
The hard part is not being a greedy fuck and taking realized profits off the table. at the VERY minimum, next bullrun take out your initial investment and put that shit aside. If you're smart, you'll start averaging out of the market when you smell euphoria in the air.
side note; thread link from yesterday if anyone wants to read:
>link is 4chans meme. nothing more
How can anyone be this retarded? 10 minutes of research and you'd be kissing our fucking asses for showing you the light that is coming off the chainlink cube.
Take your meme bag and KYS fag.
Last question from me, when do you reckon the next bull run will peak?
You said DCA 3 - 6 months so possibly starting early 2020 and peaking Q1 2021?
Thanks for the input, regardless of whether you're right, it's refreshing to read the odd thread that isn't garbage/shilling.
Why do you think link is a meme?
what about xrp?
This was posteed on the last thread, I think you havent yet answered it.
>Ok, i'll bite
1) what is your current impression of the market? (bitrock go up or down)
2) what is your current impression of market sentiment?
3) I assume you are a BTC maximalist, but are there any alts that you think may have a good future? To clarify, I'm not asking you to shill per se im just curious if you see any resemblance to early BTC in some of these new projects in terms of community perception, project goals, implementation etc...(mimble wimble for example, any thoughts?) Again, not looking for "will X coin moon" but i'm more referring to the sentiment of the early days and if there are any new coins/ideas that have captured the spirit of early BTC or have similar sentiments in the community
4) Buy and hold, or are you a trader? If so, do you use leverage?
5) Where do you get your information on crypto trends? Since you pre-date most of these scammy "crypto news" websites, are there any OG websites you use?
6) Where do you see crypto going in the future? limited to areas like payment transfers or full scale 4th industrial revolution? Any sector you see being heavily impacted in the future that's being ignored?
Thanks friendo, I tried not to ask questions that you've already answered, or at least tried to distinguish them but I apologize if I repeated any
I am also from 2013 and as I have seen them all .. from wolong pandacoin to the dead exchange mintpal .. fontas .. darkcoin, catcoin, cryptsy, etc etc.
I also made the money .. this last bear market has also made it difficult for us to have suffered the 2014-2015 bear market, but I have tried to make the most sensible choices for the future.
here are my tips
exchange token
now it's late to make big gains with bnb but in my opinion other competitors can make great strides like digitex or bitmart
the future will be the stake coins and tezos is destined to be one of the largest in this field.
iota is a bet that only god knows how it will end. all legit but I don't know if it will succeed.
anonymous token will have a new trend? who know.. maybe daps can be a good choise
good luck for the next bull market.
Thoughts on Monero?
>I won the lottery, ask me anything
How can i win the lottery?
>Why do you think link is a meme?
no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
How much bitcoin do you own and why didn't you sell in 2017?
thanks for coming back.
1) what is your current impression of the market? (bitrock go up or down)
I think it'll slowly go up, and eventually bullrun.
2) what is your current impression of market sentiment?
sentiment is almost none existent, because so many noobs were burned on the last runup. This happens during the deeper parts of the bear recession. You can look up stats for Jow Forums post count, google trends, reddit post count, and things always get super quiet. Typically, this is a good indicator to start averaging back into the market.
4) Buy and hold, or are you a trader? If so, do you use leverage? position trade, think long term, most day traders will lose. fuck leverage.
will answer 3 4 and 6 in a bit.
if you're comparing the lottery to crypto, you're actually retarded.
>second chance to make it with crypto
>tfw can't buy in because I'm a poorfag living paycheck to paycheck
I'm truly cursed.
Mfw our memes are so good we tricked tom gonser and ari juels lmaoooooooo
we all start somewhere. be smart with your money. cut your expenses as much as possible. pick up a skill or learn something that can produce money. or, solve a problem or provide a solution. money will follow.
you didn't answer last time what's your take on the blocksize limit? I'm sure someone from 2012 would've opinions on it wtf? also what about Blockstream and LN?
it's somewhat trivial, the whole argument. Wisdom of the crowd and consensus methods will insure best route forward. As far as Blockstream I think it's a pretty future proof idea and LN, I like L2 technology in general, it works well in the OSI model.
Maybe in 10 years user!!!
but we are solving a problem with link, why do you think link is still a meme?
What do you think of the Nash Exchange then? It's an exchange token that you can stake too.
thoughts on BSV?
is craig a scammer or satoshi himself?
What coins are you most excited about?
is it gay if two guys jerk off each other? isn't that something good friends do?
Unironically you’re a fucking low IQ human. All of these answers are trash. Please go away again forever.
kek, thanks for the input & bump
you do what ever the fuck makes you happy brotendo
dont want to talk about, or trash any one coin specifically, but all of the btc clones are a waste of time. it's just humans naturally leeching off a very booming space, for profit. surprise.
What altcoins do you recommend? Have you heard of Semux?
this thread is fucking embarrassing
was of the same idea
still am desu
just that all the shills make me question myself
>not a single person even picks up on this
That's it. This place is beyond saving.
Thanks for these threads brosephine. You have reinforced several things I have been thinking about my future strategy.
Last bull run I got greedy. Had a few $100k worth of shitcoins at one point at the ATH, but never sold anything because I was a greedy fuck. Still have all of those shitcoins (worth about $30k now), so I think I have a good base to get ready for the next bull run now. Next time I won't be so greedy and will start averaging out when reddit and normies start getting too excited.
If you made any real money off being an "oldfag" on Jow Forums you wouldn't have come back. Everything you said are meaningless truisms, you talk like either a low IQ dipshit or an underaged kid, pointing out you know what a bump is lmao. You're a newfag /b/tard that stumbled upon Jow Forums last year, now fuck off.
I immediately disregard the opinion of anyone who thinks LINK is a meme. I've been in Bitcoin back in 2011 before Coinbase existed and I had to cash out using fucking Dwolla lmao. I was early on BTC, and I'm early on LINK, difference is, this time I'm holding with iron hands and not selling like I did with my BTC at $20.
no problem, this place is actually cancer, the pure amount of shilling can subliminally brainwash you, just visit this dumpster less and you can more freely think.
6-8 years in the crypto space is fucking decades in normal time.
but yes, I agree, beyond saving indeed.
you're welcome. as i've explained to myself, and others previously. There's a few learning points when playing this crypto game. 1: you buy the top and lose your asshole. 2: you buy in, but don't sell the top, and you let the greed get the best of you, maybe you sell a little, or you just hold. 3: you wait patiently for the next run up and take off the table a fat ass profit when you smell euphoria in the air and walk away. 4: you become saged and know how to spot the bottom (declined volume, posts on reddit/Jow Forums, google trends, nothing exciting happening, etc etc) and you average in to a great position, and take an even fatter profit off the table next run. this short list is something most have to experience first hand, and takes years, if not decades to master. I'm coming up on a decade being in the cryptospace and by no means am I a master, just learning & adapting as best I can.
lol, as fucking terrible as Jow Forums is, it does (somewhat) allow free thoughts to flow, in their truest manner. That's why we can freely say fuck you. So every now and again, you can find good arguments and formulate your own opinion. But it's mostly a cesspool.
as I mentioned above, it doesn't fucking matter what coin you're in, they all swell with btc, some more than others. regardless, being able to make a minimum 3-4x your money is absolutely mental compared to traditional markets.
I've been on 4chain since it was created, for the most part. Since moot posted all the time. I remember all the old posts about btc but never being interested. It was pretty much always talked about in this space, like a year after it was created. I got into drugs around 2012, and never bought in. Got clean and invested in 2015 and am doing ok. I agree with most of what you say, but I'm starting to have my doubts, just because it doesn't look like btc can do the tps needed, and the whole digital gold idea looks like a new concept to cope. I hope I'm wrong, but it scare me. What are your thoughts on this? Make me feel better.
Did you do anything to avoid tax? That's what stopped me from cashing out in the last bubble, that and the tether fud.
You are not an investor, just a lucky gambler, clown
>After this thread, I disappear for another year
>proceeds to make this exact same thread tomorrow and the day after and the day after for the next 3 months because you're a larping faggot dying for attention
kind of coincidental tether fud was all the rage during bullseason, interesting how that works. There are many games of fuckery happening this very minute in this space, dyor & dont believe the headlines.
I agree. Pre2000, who knew the internet was going to be so fucking big a few years later? The lucky, and the basement dwellers of the 90's who believed in a tech that they thought could change the world.
similar to the neets on Jow Forums when you actual think about it.
kek, people enjoyed the insight, figured why not.
What do you think about icon (icx) ? Thx
anyways faggots,
to summon me, post cartoon fridges. I'll be around.
anyways faggots, skip to 2:30
to summon me, post cartoon fridges. I'll be around. peace!
get a personal loan and put it into crypto, or do cash advances for all of your credit cards and transfer the debt to a 0% apr account for 15 months
Dog shit thread, sage
>digitex and bitshart
my dog, these are pajeet tier exchanges