Are you smart enough to make it?

You will only make it if you're able to solve this riddle. Bonus points if you're a stinky and still able to solve this.

Happy Easter!

Attached: Easter riddle.jpg (664x759, 63K)

*clicks hide thread*


It's a modestly difficult riddle, brainlets like you won't be able to solve it. I totally understand the kneejerk reaction to flee from reality, it's painful being confronted with your lack of intelligence.

Not enough information to solve this unless you made it in which case tell me. Line 3 has two eggs, but the final line has only one egg for the unknown. What did they mean by this? Are they two different integers, or does the two eggs mean that number*2? Also, one of the two eggs is a different color.

Two eggs is the number*2

What does : mean?

Another thing, since we're essentially trying to fill in integers to match the results on the right what if multiple numbers can be used? The final result would change while the result of the previous 3 lines would remain the same since we don't know what the final result is. But I'm a brainlet so I guess idk

I was confused on this too, I assumed it was a ratio so like 3 is essentially:

(E*2) R / B = 18

-3 was what I got

It works out if
R = Rabbit = 4
C = Carrot = 3
B = Bird = 6
E = Egg = 6

>3 equations and 4 unknowns

We know that carrots are an odd number, chicks are even, and rabbits have to be even or else they wouldn't be able to get five.
Rabbits are most likely 4
Carrots probably 3, meaning chicks are 6

(X^2) 4 รท 6 = 18
X is six, I guess? Why the fuck are two of the symbols the same number?

Did OP ditch us, or did nobody get it right yet?

Rabbit = 6

6 + 6 - Carrot = 5, Carrot = 7

7 + Bird = 9, Bird = 2

2Egg * 6 / 2 = 18
2Egg * 3 = 18
6Egg = 18
Egg = 3

7 - 3 = 4.

Why are you solving the last line backwards?

idk i typed it out as i was thinking about it

you can do division and multiplication in any order you want and i just started with the end of it as it had no unknowns

I guess the more important question is if we treat the two eggs as 2*E or (2*E). I assumed it was (2*E) so that's where I got the answer of -3, since you would have to solve for that before the other steps.

I'm guessing the real answer to this though is OP's punchline in an hour from now that is "anyone who didn't waste their time trying to solve this autistic question is gonna make it" so we all lose by default, it looks like you can solve it with multiple answers

Still shouldn't matter. The multiplications and divisions you can do in any order you want and you always get 3.

If you want just move the equation around before doing anything:

(2E) * 6 / 2 = 18
(2E) * 6 = 18 * 2
(2E) = (18 * 2) / 6
(2E) = 36 / 6
(2E) = 6
E = 3

Answer is 4.

Rabbit is 6, carrot is 7, chick is 2, egg is 3.

Each chainlink token will be $399 by 2021 EOY.

Using what I found also works though which was my point earlier, you can use multiple different number sets to get the "right" result

(E2) R / B

E = 6
B = 6
R = 4
C = 3

(6*2) * 4 / 6 = 18
12*4/6 = 18
48/6 = 18

Well fuck, guess I'm a brainlet. Out of the corner of my eye while solving it I was trying to solve it for 8 instead of 18. Looks like I'm a fucking retard, I'm still convinced there isn't just one answer though

I should also note that the answer can be anything because there is insufficient information, but that is part of the riddle. You see the true point is that when you own chainlink, you can define the variables as I did and make the answers and the world as you see fit. Enjoy!

Yeah you're right it's a shitty puzzle with multiple answers

I have no fucking idea what ":" is so I don't want to bother with this.

it's divide, user

All integer solutions

-45 -95 104 19 -114
-15 -35 44 21 -56
-9 -23 32 23 -46
-5 -15 24 27 -42
-3 -11 20 33 -44
-1 -7 16 63 -70
1 -3 12 -27 24
3 1 8 3 -2
5 5 4 9 -4
9 13 -4 13 0
15 25 -16 15 10
45 85 -76 17 68

4 variables and 3 defining equations
you can do what ever the fuck you want with that

lets say
rabbit = 4
carrot = 3
chicken = 6
egg = 13.5

ding ding

now give me some btc so I can buy a bit of land, get a big greenhouse, a well and a small house on there to basically get everything a human needs on a piece of land (bigger garages because I love to work on machines / electronics); I would gladly get a server internet connection, set up servers and host what ever you want on there, kinda like a small private funky stuff zone if any computer scientists want to help me
>19yo, studying mechanical engineering
>parent house burned down, put my inheritance money against a new house for them but I do not want to life with them any longer
btc 334bSuJRaGYV4foQsuAX4P3xWvMrJKRnP5

Attached: 6d93604b4e8a8586d033dac5c5856bc20dd678eb.png (1783x1068, 271K)




-47 Fuck stinky linkies

2R - C = 5
C + H = 9
2E * R : H = 18
C - E = ?

(5 - C)/2 = R
9 - C = H

2E * ((5 - C)/2)/(9 - C) = 18

This is as far as I've got

you can solve it using only integers like bitcoin