Holy fuck Jow Forums why the fuck didnt you tell me about this.
>If Craig Wright was Satoshi he could just move some of Satoshi's Bitcoin from the wallet.
No the fuck he cant because its locked in Trust until 2020.
What the fuck do we do?
Holy fuck Jow Forums why the fuck didnt you tell me about this.
>If Craig Wright was Satoshi he could just move some of Satoshi's Bitcoin from the wallet.
No the fuck he cant because its locked in Trust until 2020.
What the fuck do we do?
Other urls found in this thread:
So now what?
Oh cool. No replies after half an hour. This means it's legit.
Great. Fucking fuck fuckity fuck fuck. Cool. BRB, killing myself.
craig doesn't need to touch the wallet. he's already rich
what the fuck are you doing you mong, delete this immediately and post some pajeet delist fud
It's not too late
The FUD is too pervasive, you could literally show him moving coins and people would still say it's a scam.
Yeah sure, next scam
>you could literally show him moving coins and people would still say it's a scam
desu thats all i care about. If he can sign a genesis block, he is satoshi.
Instead he's asking for a judge, who probably just signed up for facebook, to prove identity. Weak and not something real satoshi would ever do.
Wait i thought dave died in 2013? How did the trust form in 2015?
>red age news group
nice source faggot
your post is disingenuous.
>there is no mechanism to lock the satoshi wallet and make the owner of the wallet with the private keys incapable or accessing, sending or signing txs.
so saying that the satoshi wallet is "in a trust" is playing on the notion that the general public just doesnt understand how BTC wallets even work.
i really hope u kill yourself in the future btw.
When it's spring again
Oh, I'll bring again
tulips from Amsterdam
with a heart that's true
I'll give to you
tulips from Amsterdam
For the day
I know we can
share these tulips
from Amsterdam
share these tulips
from Amsterdam
I don't have anything meaningful to add, other than this is something I've been thinking about too. Been thinking about buying $1000 or so worth of BSV just in case.
He has old coins, he just doesn't want to sign.
Businesses will respond to him winning the lawsuit. That's all that matters.
Maybe he'll sign for the judge, have any of you cucks thought about that? Idiots.
why doesn't Wright sign a message with Satoshi's PGP key?
you sell everything before it all drops to 0
Neck yourself OP.
Everybody knows Creig scammed AU gov, tried to evade a big amount of taxes, got raided and fines and then he decided to move somewhere else.
The document was forged only to evade taxes, and I mean, you really need to be blind to ignore CSW forging PGP keys, doing fake ECDSA tricks, changing blog posts several years later, and so on.
He is a scammer, that’s it.
You're embarrasing yourself by taking his larps seriously.
How do we know this document is even real? Craig has forged shit in the past.
It was leaked in 2015.
just buy BSV
nLockTime, but that wouldn't require a trust.
>Instead he's asking for a judge
is he? did he file the litigation he is currently dealing with?
inbred larping from a delusional con man.
even his own mother spits on him.
wake up derps , wake the fuck up.
Not fun having shit for brains...those who follows this creep is a failure in life.
He at Bitcoin talk forums begging for old wallets.
Craig is a cockroach refusing to die.
Nobody wants him, nobody needs him,, but he still behind your fridge shitting shit forks.
I agree with this, but dude, that Reddit spacing is ludicrous.
Fuck Reddit
Fuck your innuendo
I space as much I want
HODL now! - BSV will crash your computer tho..
As is his English, talks like a nigger desu.
Racist piece of derp ?
Im white and proud.
>Craig is a cockroach refusing to die.
Unironically I’m the creggy roach meme creator
"Craig the cockroach"
Check behind your fridge!
$400,000.00 @ 2024
Should also check out staking and trading.
>i really hope u kill yourself in the future btw.
wow, is this the power of core coiners?
>Neck yourself OP.
this is the power of core coiners. Where does the anger come from?
>Craig is a cockroach refusing to die.
what's going on with all this attacks on craig and bsv supporters? Do you persive us as a threat to your core coin segwit lightning coin or something?
An overflowing toilet is a nuisance, not a threat
Because you have plenty of evidences showing CSW is a complete fraud and we are tired of retarded shills
There is such a thing as signing with that Genesis private key, no bitcoins needed. Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're a fool rather than open it and clear all their doubts Sanjay
no there isn't. You are simply parroting what blockstream and other bsv haters are saying. It is you and them who lies and forges and scams - NOT Craig. There is a reason he is going to court. This campaign against him has to stop. It is pure evil
>Holy crap people. No wonder this is all heating up. According to the hacked tulips trust document from 2015, reportedly showing Craig Wright and David Kleiman forming a secret trust controlling over a million BTC. That Bitcoin is going to be officially released to Wright on Jan 1 2020.
>Thats what all this is about. Thats why Satoshi’s bitcoin never moved. THEY COULDNT. Thats why Wright teamed up with Ver and Wu to move away from Blockstream’s Bitcoin (LLC) only for Wright to then move onto creating BSV alone because only he knows the full original idea and implementation in the world.
>This fucking guy has had to watch his hard work into something world changing, losing a good friend in the process, be perverted by InQTel spooks. Cant yet prove his taking part in the creation because his access to Satoshi’s wallet isnt rightfully his yet.
>OMFG. This man is going to get access to the BTC and fucking dump it and completely reset the crypto game in the process. BSV will become the “peer to peer digital cash,” and be able to handle all of the op-code functions like smart contracts rendering a large portion of other crypto projects pointless.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH HOLY SHIT that's the entire article. Literally could be a fucking shitpost from Jow Forums
>According to the hacked tulips trust document from 2015
hey hey hey
cockroaches sucking craigs dick ..
come on !
mum not proud .
>retarded shills
Almost every corecuck I run into doesn't know what the purpose of mining is/they think they are validating the network with their laptop """node""". This whole problem stims from not reading the whitepaper, which no corecuck has ever done.
>they are validating the network with their laptop """node""".
Our own in house retard, O1G, is very loud and outspoken about himself and his laptop
Haha my core node haha. If you don't trust miners with your wallet what the fuck are you even in blockchain
Craig minions with DERP language?
I don't think hes a retard, I think he's unironically a paid shill at this point. I went over sections of the whitepaper with him for like 3 or 4 hours last night (I did all the quoting that faggot refused to quote anything from it) differentiating exactly what a full node is and what it does and how that is massively different from one I can literally run in RAM. After all of that he just said I'm a dumb cashie who doesn't know what I'm talking about. And the fucking way he tried to say shit like "terminology has changed since the whitepaper", pilpul if I've ever seen it. Theres no way that guy isn't a shill.
>After all of that he just said I'm a dumb cashie
LOL, that is his go to phrase when he cant answer. That or "curry nigger". kek.
You are kind of right and he does seem to utilise the pilpul technique. His anger when confronted with his nonsense is also quite telling
Holy crap people. No wonder this is all heating up. According to the hacked McDonald's document from 2015, reportedly showing Sergey Nazarov and Vitalik Buterin forming a secret trust controlling over a million burger recipes. Those burger recipes are going to be officially released to Nazarov on Jan 1 2020.
Thats what all this is about. Thats why Sergey’s mainnet was never work on. THEY COULDNT. Thats why Nazarov teamed up with Buterin and SWIFT to move away from McDonald’s burger recipes (LLC) only for Nazarov to then move onto creating burger recipe's alone because only he knows the full original idea and implementation in the world.
This fucking guy has had to watch his hard work into something world changing, losing a good friend in the process, be perverted by InQTel spooks. Cant yet prove his taking part in the creation because his access to the recipes isnt rightfully his yet.
OMFG. This man is going to get access to the McDonald’s burger recipes and fucking dump it and completely reset the fast-food game in the process. Sergey's burgers will become the “original fast food,” and be able to handle all of the complex food preparations like a grill and fry station rendering a large portion of other burger projects pointless.
>BSV can't get a crumb of buyers' confidence
You are so, so fucked.
That was fuckin great
400k per bitcoin (bsv) divided by 60.. 2024
Mommmmmmm I need 60dollars
Kind of ironic that the final update is on February 4th 2020.
>What the fuck do we do?
kill him
how much monero for an assassin
I used my laptop to validate your image but it said this block was the valid block
It doesn't seem like your Shitoshi knows how locking coins in a multiple signature fund works.
Protip: you have to move the coins first
>I'm Bill gates please invest in my next venture.
>Oh cool I would love to but I need some proof first.
>No fuck you I'm fucking Bill Gates.
>Dude it doesn't have to be, just some simple proof you are who you say you are.
>Fuck you I'll sue you for saying I'm not Bill Gates.
What possible fucking reason does Wacky Craig have for NOT moving some coins from the genesis wallet?
he doesn't even have to do nLock time. Literally all he has to do is say all these addresses are in a legal trust, and get all parties involved to sign, and it is done
no there would be nothing stopping him TECHNICALLY from moving the coins, but LEGALLY he would be violating the terms of the trust, and thus this would trigger tax penalties and legal penalties. It is quite simple. you anarchist drug addicts can't seem to wrap your head around the fact that he is a law abiding citizen who does the right thing.
He doesn't want brainlet fans and sycophant
retard, the addresses are in a legal trust. it is not some nLock multi sig wizardry bullshit. It is literally just the keys sitting in a vault, and a piece of paper saying basically 'don't move them or else'.
OK, if YOU say so it MUST be true!!!
lol why am I even helping you late adopting retard zoomer discord trannies I have no idea
So much gibberish.
with craig something big will always happen in the future.
>wait till this
>wait till that
>in 1 year this
>in 6 months that
typical of mentally ill deluded losers
DERP is all read.
Craig the cockroach with cartoon network mind.
You lemmings believing this roach xD
He would re write history and you DERPS would eat it up.
Circle jerk with some cookies is what you do everyday now
>Always in the future
How many January 1 2020s do you think there are bruv?
A minion following his demon.
I think its safe to say that 'Satoshi' was simply Wright and Kleiman partnered together to bring Bitcoin out into the public and begin its development in a pseudo-anonymous fashion. Other early contributers like Szabo and Finney did their part and maybe even worked under name but the foundation was Craig and David.
Did he sign it with his spit and blood, or just typed it so it'll serve as a "proof"?
Am I supposed to fall for that Tulip Trust crap? Do pajeets really expect me to do it? This is so retarded, holy shit. Just because you stash away a private key in a bank vault doesn't mean you don't have access to it if you have a copy.
This is how a Trust works.
>Calls people who are at least smart enough to understand Trusts pajeets.
>Doesnt have the slightest clue wtf he is talking about and is likely extremely substandard in intelligence and capability.
Never change Jow Forums
According to Craig, the Satoshi team consisted of himself, Kleiman and Dave Ree. Dave ree was a mathematician that was on the team that cracked the enigma machine. He was apparently a good friend of Craigs grandfather which worked in some alphabet organisation.
I seriously can't wait for the book to come out
My question is: who the fuck is the Trustee? Ayre?
Biggest LARP there is !
Don't KYS all over /biz
or xDDDD
Post your shit bags.
>be a nucoiner
>shill for Craig's scams under the pretense of a white knight saving bitcoin
Rings true
The meme magic is strong with bsv
I'm not sure, but I think I read somwhere it is that young girl Nguyen
Holy shit, that's pretty fucking plausible.
What if the whole tulip trust affair is just a giant lie? It would explain why Craig Wright became so increasingly desperate in the past 6 months.
delet this
desperate is a weak word describing this clusterfuck Craig is living now.
it's ok bro don't let them get to you
first they ignore you
then they laugh at you
then they fight you
then you lose because they spray you with the raid you fucking cockroach
I just wrote a whole summary but the thread got archived. Because of stupid impatient jannies I'm posting it here. Fuck you jannies.
I wouldn't bother with it. The market is a shitshow. Everyone's calling on everyone else to ''believe in the bullrun'' its pathetic. Maybe if you do some really intense research there might be a few projects worth the while but then if you don't have this capacity then don't bother. Cause 99% is a scam and 99.99% of the time you're more likely to end up buying the scam than a true moon mission. It would be smarter at this point to buy into pennystocks. All the erc20's are Pump and dump scams organised from within. Bitcoin won't scale and it won't be Bitcoin anymore once lightning comes out. The alternatives are horrible. Ethereum won't scale and it will fall apart as projects start picking at the remains.
Invest in stocks and commodities or foreign currencies. It's a lot smarter. You're more likely to lose a huge amount of money at this point than you are to make it.
>It is literally just the keys sitting in a vault, and a piece of paper saying basically 'don't move them or else'.
Sure, but that's pretty stupid. In crypto, the ultimate owner is the one who owns the private key. If you just put your key in a vault, it doesn't mean you don't own it anymore: you could remember it or save somewhere else. Besides, how are they gonna check if the funds are moved? By checking the blockchain explorer? Does the law even acknowledge it? Something really sketchy about the whole story.
>what's going on with all this attacks on craig and bsv supporters?
what's going on with all the sv shilling of late as sv goes below fucking $60 and heading towards sub $50? are you afraid it is heading straight to 0?
based cz fetched the raid
Crypto is such a mess it wouldn't suprise me if someone pretended to be Craig buying old wallets. Because that's how censored this censorship resistant blockchain ecosystem actually is.
You're more than likely a bot anyway. Let Bitcoin compete you fucking dweeb. If Core is so much better it should win. But imo they're all crap.
This rumor has been going around since forever and it's still just a rumor.
What if tho? With BSV so low right now it cost very little to have some, just in case.
You should check this out:
Marketing soon commencing with professionals.
You would know if you looked around.
>its locked in Trust until 2020
With fucking what? A smart contract?
You're retarded, the actual Satoshi can move those coins any time he wants.
Did the spacing hurt your bias?
oh my
Maybe you should look at the head of things..
See if they are any incentives at all for the coin.
Yeah competition is good, real good actually!
Cockroaches like Craig tho! he halts everything as a rugrat throwing kaka around.
Just like Roger Ver
Two imbeciles destroying the Crypto Spark.
What if they just left !
We all would finally breath and do this right.
>>its locked in Trust until 2020
>With fucking what? A smart contract?
Legally. You have heard about the law, right? The thing that allows business to operate like in a first world country
yikes and cope