What a fucking idiot. Yes let’s blow all the money our company makes on bonuses (earned by those who are leading to company to profitability) for non revenue generating employees which are incredibly replaceable. Is she running for president or something?
Can anyone defend this?
What a fucking idiot...
She sounds nice desu
On top of this, her retarded ass is talking about giving away money she had 0% input in earning, why is she so entitled. Pure unadulterated virtue signaling
It's a PR move so the decision would have been made by those at the top
aw poor widdle bagholder
are they getting heavy?
have sex incel
I’ve seen more people talking about how the CEO is actually UNDERPAID relative to his peers based on company value. So it is brilliant 9d backgammon PR
I’m a business owner, sold all my crypto for a small profit about 6 months ago to reinvest.
Come over lemme stretch out your boipussy, faggot.
based heir
I've seen that woman before giving some type of speech about tax inequality. It's more than likely just a PR move though. Because she's bitching about not having to pay enough taxes but then doesn't actually do anything with her considered surplus except spend it on consumeristic goods for those with a bigger bank number.
she looks jewish
so did walts bloodline get jewed?
She is gaining popularity from the masses. Caesar did the same upon returning home from war. He just gave every citizen money.
Wheeeen yooou wish upon a ((((star))))
>dis is liderally gommunism!!!
Cry harder faggot.
always do the opposite of what Jow Forums says
Hey kid, you’ve clearly never been at the top. Nobody is “incredibly replaceable.” Replacing a good low level employee, especially one who has been there for years, is incredibly fucking costly. Training alone usually is going to cost a few thousand dollars per employee. Institutional knowledge is going to be worth at minimum an entire years salary and in most cases at minimum 3-4 if they have been around that long. Attrition is the worst possible thing that can happen at almost any level, but it’s often worse losing people at the bottom because often until you hire their manager or a higher up will have to fill those shoes at least partially which is extra costly.
As someone at the top, as long as I make enough to live it is WAY more preferable for me to keep people around and never ever have to worry about what to do when someone leaves but make less money than make more money but have to work harder on menial tasks because I’m trying to keep the company glued together during a transitional phase.
Why wouldn't you want the lowest paid workers to have the ability to afford an easier lifestyle?
This allows them to take all that energy and time they were just wasting from financial PTSD and focus it more on education and personal development. This results in an entire class of people being better educated (as well as their kids) and ultimately providing more resources for maximizing technological/commercial progress.
You're no different than a dysfunctional boomer that believes it's in his family's best interest if he subjugates them all under his authoritarian rule and makes them dependent on his salary
Why do you give a shit faggot, stop getting triggered like a little bitch
that's good
less money for their (((agenda)))
>he actually believes this
I bet there will just be more heroin overdoses
that's because it's all you know. When you live in a flyover state where everyone's depressed and addicted to medical grade heroin because they're losing the "american dream" why else would you not think there's a better way?
right so because disney is on the coasts the "poorest of the poor" in their company are all just valorous people who have made all the right decisions in life but have so far just been oppressed, top kek. got it.
Wether they spend the money on the lower level or burn it is irrelevant
Cutting pay for upper management can encourage them to leave which will destabilize the leadership
she's only going public with this because she wants virtue points from the public as she thinks it will help her depression from being a disgusting hag
So many post...ugh. Just write it in one, man.
Both positions are retarded, but there's nothing more retarded than being a bootlicker for fucking Disney of all globalist megaconglomerates.
But higher pay for lower level positions means more competition for said positions and thus better lower-level employees, which in turn means better product, better sales, larger revenue…
Checkmate atheist :^)
what an anti-semite
you're literally wrong tho. high turnover of low level employees is not a bad thing.
if they stay for a while, you have to give them raises etc.
for example a 17yo legal min wage is much less than a 25yo min wage.
i guess it depends on the company tho. if it's more than just stacking shelves then obviously you need more than just a 17yo kid.
Disneys low level employees are actually pretty impressive on how competent they are. Just look at how well Disney Land moves people around the park for events and shit. I doubt you could grab the old indian lady from Subway and have her coordinate with hundreds of other employees to move thousands of inattentive (and some intoxicated) people everyday.