/smg/ - Stock Market General

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First for Black Friday

big mistake smg header without anime pic

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Thinking about picking up some NVDA tomorrow.

Imagine buying MSFT for $50 after the great crash of 2019

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>1 job
And I thought we were gonna add that koi one?

>Black Friday
Black bull talk not welcome here you racefetish cuck.
We’re all about the GOLDEN bull here.

I’ve got $136 just sitting in my rollover IRA. What do I do with it? I’ve been using my Roth but not this one.

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Microsoft traded like shit today

Piece of shit Dean Foods. I WANT A REFUND.

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I missed my chance? Surely it can’t keel going if it’s up 10%?






I know I'm probably slow but what the fuck happened to RAD this week?

What can Intel say to revesre the dump during their call?

>right before AAPL earnings while its trading 30 dollars under ATH despite expanding exponentially since
Way to bankrupt smg

Catch the fall out from this market's ATHs. Soon, fren. Very soon.

Uhhhh... LCIguy, this is that NMM you were talking about? Sure hope you didn’t go in too deep on this one.

I mean, a 1:15 reverse stock split is like, a bad news right?


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>the market will act exactly the same as it did before

Semi lead the melt up now they're about to lead the waterfall down.


We're just bearing until the 30th.

On what grounds?

>sell in may and walk away(tm)

Nah. Look at the SPY monthly chart. We're pulling back hard. Only thing that's going to save this mess is a China deal but I feel like that's been priced in already.

>have to register an email to listen to the biomarin earnings call

What the fuck? I’ve never had to make an account before to listen to a CC.

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you could've drawn that at like 4 other green arrows where it didn't drop.

>amazon is down

Different this time. I want to say Boeing was the catalyst. Almost the canary in the coal mine.

You really though we were going to ATH without China deal? Oh no no no no lmao.

Iran thing is also concerning. That's a war waiting to happen.

And Amazon just shit the bed After-Hours

The china deal is next month

>no neckline

it literally doubled its profit, i fucking hate wall street

I love coke

Jesus what just happened to AMZN? HODLING 1905 calls till 24 May it will recover
>r-right guys?

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This AH dump is really annoying
Where is all the money going?

Was it yet another one of those "earnings beat, revenue forecast weak" episodes?

Get your shit together Tradingview.

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just look at it from an incognito window, you don't need to log out

is this why those indices werent showing up today

whats the point of that, so it just means i have to log out and lose my watchlist? thanks guys

use an incognito window

>use an incognito window

The point is that, for some weirdo reason, tradingview think or have been told that they can display real time index charts publicly for free but they can't for logged in non-paying users. It's bizarre. The presence of an easy work around doesn't matter. Is dumb.

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Recovering a bit. QQQ needs to end over 190.4 to still be bullish.
I'm absolutely done holding options overnight. I'm gonna lose like 70% of my portfolio at 9:30 at this rate.

Anyone tried koyfin yet?
I hate making new accounts

Slack IPO! Buy the pins dip!

AMZN is back

>F is in the green for the first time in months
>dividends scheduled soon
>bonus coming in from work
>gonna buy me a Mustang
feels good friens

What's it like to have an incredibly small penis?

that's only the case if he bought an automatic V6


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don't indulge.
just reinvest.
here's a picture of a mustang

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Would I be a dunce for dropping a yang on T and letting their fat divvys drip back in while letting 5G pump up the value over the next 10 years?



I never realized that I live 3 miles from the Invesco Powershares HQ.

I can drive over there in like 5 minutes any time I need to complain about the price action of QQQ or any of their other ETF products

and the weather here is getting nice, I should get a big sign and stand outside demanding that they pump my shares

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I'm waiting till $25, that's when their PB hits 1

Bitcoin selling off. Black market knows something and they're getting the fuck out of dodge.

We getting a false flag tomorrow, lads?

I literally just did this in my roth

it happened yesterday at 3am too. just zoom out little babby

This broke the uptrend channel


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No fuck you. Who cares about 20 bucks in dividends when the stock is down 10 percent. Fuck you dividend dude, you bitch ass nigga

>appropriating black culture on 4channel

Going all in on Disney

Keep chasing pumps, faggot

am finally almost done getting trader computer setup >_>
should have connection and computer speed faster than 99% traders and even some HFT firms (most servers cant get past 3ghz much less 5.4)

god this was nightmare for setup, almost nothing ordered worked right off bat
Amazon scam site, they need clean up their shippers, short amazon

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does it look cool?

how are you going to use it?


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Me thinks a lot of money is going to come out of crypto because of distrust for exchanges and all of it going into traditional markets. Me also small brained

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maybe crypto people will buy some gold and silver too ...

> than 99% traders and even some HFT firms

b--bu-but some hft companies literally move next doors to exchange and drill thru walls to get the lines directly :D

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Honestly with how memey earnings are lately I'm just glad they aren't going down after announcing double profits

see it'll sell off tomorrow i think

i made about 500 day trading options today (barely even scratched my losses elsewhere though)

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Do you really need to be that fast?
>be me last week
>phone vibrates while I'm driving down highway
>"Apple Settles with Qualcomm, and their shares are surging"
>buy 100 65 strike calls when its at 62
>80 eow

You just gotta be faster than the slowest boomers.

I literally cannot find the exchange regulation they're talking about. They either had a stroke while trying to read some regulation or they're trying to trick people to buy their package.

Does anyone have any idea what regulation they might even be remotely referring to.

Where my YUMA gang at?

I am the guy that bought at 34 cents a few days ago.

I sold today at 45 cents but I feel it was a mistake. I want to buy back in, hopefully there is a dip tomorrow.

Yes :D
It very RBG
me like rbg even though it's kinda cheesy

Mainly it will be used for various trading platform, and eventually will try out some simple API trading to test fills

This true and while top end of HFT unbeatable by retail, you will be surprised on how limited HFT can be vs one person trolling for one order
The main advantage am not needing constantly scan price since preemptively placing an order, having .001 ms faster internet not help against someone who placing order predicting 2-3 seconds into future

Kek yes and no
Even though you made massive profit in your trade, you probably ended up paying some type of premium

Me computer really for placing market orders where 50ms of time can mean diff of 1 cent fill
But all and all have no clue how much this will help with trades
For sure this computer will give me competitive advantage in games like CSGO, but for trading... probably

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Holding T calls and puts
Holding PFE calls for earnings(Bernie FUD led to the drop)
What’s everyone holding for Friday?

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Dear Jow Forums:

Am I a sucker for trading through my bank instead of one of these "no fee" apps like Robin Hood?

expensive cheese ...
have fun with the PC, I don't know enough about HFT to understand .

possibly, depends on how much you are paying your bank.
I like RH very much, it has its quirks and w/e
You can make an account for free, they give you a free stock, you can trade with some small amount of money on your phone and see if you like it

I've got like 50% good positions that I like and 50% bags. But they're my bags, dammit !

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3840*2160 would be handy. these are not suitable for gaming if into that as hz too low and res requires too much power to run

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What’s going on crypto? Buy the RIOT dip?

Uhhhh so im putting together a team best new brokerage in town. I’m considering some very autistic anons. We need RKG

Can a RGK to kick my testicles and shill GPRO. Can you handle the job?

He's assembling a team...

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May need. Need straight toothed mommy megamilkers once we get a stinky anime girl.

>two days after I convert my entire portfolio to semis
>semis tank for the first time in 4 months

Literally what is wrong with me?

Why would you do that after we've known semi inventories have been clogged since September?

buy high sell low
honestly why go 100% semis right now
I hope you didn't lose too much, that just sounds so bad

My REIT is cutting their dividends. Should I just into mutual funds?

red days are unacceptable
there better be a facemelting Golden bull day tommrow complete with 3M rebound

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AAPL trading way under ATH + ER coming + 5G iphone rumblings + trade deal in may.

Which REIT?

the Nikkei is red, futures are red

last nip trading day until May 6 or 7

yeah but obviously there are other things that will impact the valuation of semi stocks right now ... . .
did you go BAKA or something near close?



Tbh senpai I use Ameritrade and Robinhood. I like Ameritrade's data/platform but the commissions are high. I am worried about Robinhood randomly going tits up one day and me losing all my Chuck E Cheese tokens

tl;dr Robinhood for gambling/quick trades but keep the emergency money with a reputable broker

3M is done. Their recruiters bullied me at the college career fair for being a brainlet and I never forgave them, even after all these years. One by one I will take market share from their products until they crumble


tell the story though, it sounds super unprofessional for them to be less than cordial at a career fair