Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.
>the market will act exactly the same as it did before y?
Jose Johnson
Semi lead the melt up now they're about to lead the waterfall down.
Jackson Cox
Jaxson Cook
We're just bearing until the 30th.
Colton Martin
On what grounds?
Levi Jones
>sell in may and walk away(tm)
Tyler Bell
Nah. Look at the SPY monthly chart. We're pulling back hard. Only thing that's going to save this mess is a China deal but I feel like that's been priced in already.
Jose King
>have to register an email to listen to the biomarin earnings call
What the fuck? I’ve never had to make an account before to listen to a CC.
just look at it from an incognito window, you don't need to log out
Carson Evans
is this why those indices werent showing up today
whats the point of that, so it just means i have to log out and lose my watchlist? thanks guys
Evan Ramirez
use an incognito window
Dominic Thomas
>use an incognito window
The point is that, for some weirdo reason, tradingview think or have been told that they can display real time index charts publicly for free but they can't for logged in non-paying users. It's bizarre. The presence of an easy work around doesn't matter. Is dumb.
Recovering a bit. QQQ needs to end over 190.4 to still be bullish. I'm absolutely done holding options overnight. I'm gonna lose like 70% of my portfolio at 9:30 at this rate.
David Garcia
Anyone tried koyfin yet? I hate making new accounts
Slack IPO! Buy the pins dip!
Anthony Hall
AMZN is back
Nathaniel Adams
>F is in the green for the first time in months >dividends scheduled soon >bonus coming in from work >gonna buy me a Mustang feels good friens
Wyatt Martinez
>Mustang What's it like to have an incredibly small penis?
No fuck you. Who cares about 20 bucks in dividends when the stock is down 10 percent. Fuck you dividend dude, you bitch ass nigga
Josiah Miller
>appropriating black culture on 4channel
Chase Gomez
Going all in on Disney
Michael Morgan
Keep chasing pumps, faggot
John Richardson
am finally almost done getting trader computer setup >_> should have connection and computer speed faster than 99% traders and even some HFT firms (most servers cant get past 3ghz much less 5.4)
god this was nightmare for setup, almost nothing ordered worked right off bat Amazon scam site, they need clean up their shippers, short amazon
Me thinks a lot of money is going to come out of crypto because of distrust for exchanges and all of it going into traditional markets. Me also small brained
Do you really need to be that fast? >be me last week >phone vibrates while I'm driving down highway >"Apple Settles with Qualcomm, and their shares are surging" >buy 100 65 strike calls when its at 62 >80 eow
You just gotta be faster than the slowest boomers.
Isaac Bell
I literally cannot find the exchange regulation they're talking about. They either had a stroke while trying to read some regulation or they're trying to trick people to buy their package.
Does anyone have any idea what regulation they might even be remotely referring to.
Wyatt Carter
Where my YUMA gang at?
I am the guy that bought at 34 cents a few days ago.
I sold today at 45 cents but I feel it was a mistake. I want to buy back in, hopefully there is a dip tomorrow.
Noah Johnson
Yes :D It very RBG me like rbg even though it's kinda cheesy
Mainly it will be used for various trading platform, and eventually will try out some simple API trading to test fills
This true and while top end of HFT unbeatable by retail, you will be surprised on how limited HFT can be vs one person trolling for one order The main advantage am not needing constantly scan price since preemptively placing an order, having .001 ms faster internet not help against someone who placing order predicting 2-3 seconds into future
Kek yes and no Even though you made massive profit in your trade, you probably ended up paying some type of premium
Me computer really for placing market orders where 50ms of time can mean diff of 1 cent fill But all and all have no clue how much this will help with trades For sure this computer will give me competitive advantage in games like CSGO, but for trading... probably
Am I a sucker for trading through my bank instead of one of these "no fee" apps like Robin Hood?
Brody Kelly
expensive cheese ... have fun with the PC, I don't know enough about HFT to understand .
possibly, depends on how much you are paying your bank. I like RH very much, it has its quirks and w/e You can make an account for free, they give you a free stock, you can trade with some small amount of money on your phone and see if you like it
I've got like 50% good positions that I like and 50% bags. But they're my bags, dammit !
AAPL trading way under ATH + ER coming + 5G iphone rumblings + trade deal in may.
Jackson Sanchez
Which REIT?
Grayson Campbell
the Nikkei is red, futures are red
last nip trading day until May 6 or 7
yeah but obviously there are other things that will impact the valuation of semi stocks right now ... . . did you go BAKA or something near close?
Ryder Collins
Brayden Mitchell
Austin Richardson
Tbh senpai I use Ameritrade and Robinhood. I like Ameritrade's data/platform but the commissions are high. I am worried about Robinhood randomly going tits up one day and me losing all my Chuck E Cheese tokens
tl;dr Robinhood for gambling/quick trades but keep the emergency money with a reputable broker
Cooper Long
3M is done. Their recruiters bullied me at the college career fair for being a brainlet and I never forgave them, even after all these years. One by one I will take market share from their products until they crumble
Aaron Thompson
tell the story though, it sounds super unprofessional for them to be less than cordial at a career fair