Bitcoin adoption

While we're all hung up with the tether shit show, Bitcoin is actually getting massively adopted in Africa. I think we'll be good bois

Attached: D5A0uEbU8AAPli0.jpg large.jpg (742x1158, 94K)

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>getting below poverty nations to pump your bags
The absolute state

Barely enough money in the whole continent to even move the price 1% though lol

Adoption will start in the 3d world, as you can see by the map. Nobody in the first world actually need crypto

Where can I find this

yea they have no old shit tier infrastructure to hold them back so they'll leap frog past 1st world countries by adopting the more modern tech first, crypto is just a continuation of that trend
nice trips

>will accomplish something

this (10:18)

Attached: hyper.png (755x267, 43K)

Chinese are making some progress here, but we all know...

Attached: sotiresome.jpg (807x659, 37K)

you don't realise how bearish this is do you ?
you really think 1rst world country are going to allow 3rd word nation to own something valuable ?

btc adoption in africa first = btc never worth anything

>are going to allow
how do you stop math?

Put people in prison if caught using BTC and refuse to accept it for taxes. Also break their internet etc.

you didn't answer the question

that was a meme question

This. Op trollin

the original nigger coin, always dumps

Attached: 1517045062683252.jpg (1435x907, 194K)

well here's a meme answer: you have to blow up the planet

People in the 3rd world can't use btc, fees are way too high.

He's not saying they're accomplishing anything. He's just describing their lack of accomplishment explains why they skip generations in tech.

Hopefully more whites catch on to crypto before that. I don't want a massive wealth transfer going to shitskins, foreign aid already exists.

>they think this is btc