/smg/ - Stock Market General

I need to Photoshop a TSLA OP for times like this

Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

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Earnings Report Calendars:
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YUMA about to moon bros.

Should I just dump my VFF stock, I'm already up 98% from where I bought in and its so dang erratic

That's a nice bubble you got there, Investor.

...Be a real shame if someone came along and popped it...

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Now THIS is how you firstpost

Good job user




I'm curious as to why there isn't there a forex general?
Most of the board seems to be about crypto fetish.

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forex is for fags who hate their money

If you're not buying TSLA right now you literally have no brain. That shit is going into four digits next year.

try and start one !
there isn't a bonds general or commodities general, usually all of these things come under the /smg/ umbrella

there are only a few people on /smg/ who even pretend to be big brained enough to understand forex markets.

it's a big ocean with big fish. If you post about forex in /smg/, especially in a way that we can understand, it would be nice ~

TY. I already try and have new OP images ready (nothing special) but people keep getting ahead of me ! I haven't really used photoshop at all since about a decade ago, when I was in high school.

now that it broke 240, don't know where the bottom is

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Exactly. What kind of faggot risks all of their cash for two zillionths of a penny?

>240 share price
Elonchan was so close! Maybe he has dyslexia?

I ain't catching that falling knife.

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Want to earn money from the coming iran bullshitery?

iShares US Aerospace & Defense ETF,
SPDR S&P Aerospace & Defense ETF
PowerShares Aerospace & Defense ETF.

or just but LMT :^)

>generally beat the market so far but only slightly
>takes a lot of time yet mostly feels like luck
>one stock crashing by 10-20% makes me wanna puke
Fuck this pressure. I think I will shift into ETFs. How do I scale out of my positions safely?

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Sorry LPTXchads, I’ve got to sell 41 shares so I can get back to a nice clean round number.

You all got in GreenDot like I told you, right?


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>scale out
lmao just market sell big guy

if you're the only person shilling GDOT, I might be the only person that bought it

sell with limit orders? patient etc., easy in, easy out
if we can talk psychology for a moment, if your stressed, you can try different things to gently ease back in to "decision-making":
50% index 50% cash and chill
~30 % cash, ~30% index, the rest only buy things that you really, really research. Buffet style. Buy things you love, and buy things that you love when they're inexpensive. Think of your stocks as cute anime girls or whatever helps
you should feel good or at least OK about your holdings, even on bad days.
some people like a stressful position.
There are very few times in investing where you should let your emotions lead your decisions. Mostly emotions are things we work around. But if you're really stressed you need to adjust your strategy.

There's been rumors about invading Iran for over a decade at this point, won't happen, doesn't benefit major players (IMO)
the Putin/NK news recently seems more impactful to me, which is bearish for defense

>try and start one !
I wouldn't dare, I'm only learning. Never even tried a demo account.

Rude. That's what the cryptos are all about, trading a currency for another. Just wondering why this board is so focused on the BTC/USD.


>How do I scale out of my positions safely?

Careful bro.. you don't want to move the market with that $500 robinhood account

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Ok. Heres the gameplan. Sell RAD puts now that the reverse stock split has completed. Nobody who is actually holding RAD at this will want to sell at a loss until theres a proper rally that lets them recoup so selling puts here is easy money. $60 a week guaranteed.

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Yeah I don’t shill really, just recommend and ask about. It’s a pretty low key stock with major institutional ownership.

Still, I like gains of 8%, feelsgoodbrah. How do you feel about yours?

Waiting for TSLA to bottom out, then buying.

Daily reminder....
You bulls are misbehaving...
Also RIP Tesla

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why not just ignore penny stocks
historically many penny stocks R/S, fall, bottom out, then dilute and keep falling. beware. Or screen penny stocks that have R/S recently, try selling a put on each, see what happens. But beware putting too much of your money into gambling positions

I mean you might be the only one posting about it, I just say shilling for anyone posting positively about a stock more than once
I have 6 shares at 61.74. 1.14% of my RH. not too much, but I don't know an awful lot about the intricacies of the company
simplywall.st shows it overvalued by their basic 3 metrics. gives it a fair value of 26.41 based on probable future cash flows : /
lots of insider sells recently, executives and C-levels dumping a few hundred K each (according to sws):

Thoughts on going hard on short term 9 dollar GE puts for earnings?

Btw I'm also holding GE long

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>tfw sold my amazon calls at $11
>worth $23 now
holy SHIT i should never be allowed to trade options

Last I checked, the CEO had been “dumping” shares weekly as part of scheduled divestment plan. CEO’s are often paid largely in stock, and can’t really sell whenever they want to, they orchestrate their sales months in advance and I think coordinate with or leave the timing up to someone else, so they can’t get in trouble for insider trading and price manipulation.

That said, I also worry a bit when I see that. I see such conflicting things about earnings, a lot of analysts think they’re going to beat the estimates and they do have a history of upside earnings surprises, but then Schwab seems to absolutely hate them.

I might trim before earnings next month. My bullish case for them was based Apple cash, and the new Apple card is still being tested I think.

why are these threads so fucking dead lately? everyone getting banned?

I wouldn't hold more than 20% of your account in it

is this a gamble? buying puts just to buy puts, after looking at the graph?
I'd advise against, look for real opportunities
if you did your homework and you know 9$ GE puts are a good opportunity, you probably wouldn't be asking.

If you learn from it, it's worth
if you were being cautious based on what you saw, it's still a good decision
you sold this morning? maybe a case of being too twitchy off the open
a lot of days recently start down and recover (for the general market)
amazon is still in an uptrend (upchannel for hte graphically inclined).
your learning opportunity might be patience and more big-picture view in this case
then again I odn't know what the call was

they used to crossthread forex general with robinhood general back in 2015-2016

there was a great alaskan forex trader swinging around 7 figures in USD

I think the major crypto bull runs purged most of the old slower moving generals though, and they never came back because posters dont reply fast enough unfortunately

there use to be actual small business threads on Jow Forums too, not dropshipping or adbot meme shit, but actual lisenced contracting, government, and family owned business generals/advice threads too

just do a split between LMT, more LMT, BA, HON, and another LMT share
get some GD or RTN if you are feeling lucky

>>There's been rumors about invading Iran for over a decade at this point, won't happen, doesn't benefit major players (IMO)
there have been rumors about invading Iran ever since the Iran-Iraq war at least, so a few decades now
Iran is an easy boogyman for people (and especially politicians) to yell about when they know nothing about international relations/diplomacy (not to mention logistics and power projection...)

i can top that
>Sold my AMZN share at $1500 in december
>never bought back in

on the bright side, 30% of my portfolio isnt one stock/company anymore

i think a few tripfags offed themselves after their biotech memes crashed this past month or so

these threads have been dying since like newyears though...

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Honestly I’ve been honestly wondering the same thing to be honestly.

It’s earning season during a bull run, every day we’ve got companies mooning (but also Xilinxes). Shits actually exciting. What are people even doing?

I can’t imagine how bored I’ll be if we go back to crabbing.

Also, I tried to warn you about the R/S yesterday but you mustve missed my post.

>Also, I tried to warn you about the R/S yesterday but you mustve missed my post.
what r/s? On NMM? I sold off a large chunk.. such bullshit

Good afternoon, traders. How have you been doing this week?

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GE always drops after earnings. I don't have any information that implies they would beat their earnings this quarter. Feels like a pretty safe bet to me. Maybe could do a bit more ITM but ge is under too much pressure for them to get any gains unless they report killer earnings.

My bad.

Y'all are faggots; especially tripcoded attention-seeking namefags.
College kids getting their lives wrecked over a $20 bill. Haha!

And all the usually usual shitposting.

Hope your screen's green and bottom line's black today, faggots.

Post portfolio

is your bottom line blacked today?

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Rate my portfolio. Just getting started, there a 10€ purchase fee, that's why most of them are around negative 10.

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dont pay such a gigantic fee for small purchases

your ruining your ROI, wait until you have more money and buy index funds only

for a cheap stock in this market, they could miss earnings and go sideways, or miss earnings but raise guidance and go up.
One thing they have working against them is cheap(ish) oil and natgas, but I don't think it'll move their bottom line one way or another
with current market sentiment, I wouldn't buy puts. Too much a chance they just go sideways.
There have got to be better places to commit your capital ! if a market play that your considering right now just has the basis of 'GE always drops after earnings', I don't find that very compelling.
Speaking of GE:

first 2 or 3 seasons of 30 rock are some of my favorite TV ever

I'll buy it at some point this quarter. Right now? Eh.

I know, but I'm a poor student I can only save 50-100€ as month. I'll soon start an internship with 1.7k/month and I'll buy some nice stocks and funds with it.
>inb4 wage-slave

did i forget I posted this or is it an imposter?

it's OK to invest that money, just save money for a couple months and then make ONE transaction, using all the savings to buy a single mutual/index fund. otherwise transaction fees can destroy any possibility for gains

don't worry bro.. you got it.. just gotta keep going and always try to work smarter not harder.

Thanks for the assistance.
Any recommendations?
I was thinking about going for a high dividend strategy and reinvest all of them.

>beats earnings
>raises outlook
>still red

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go all in on LCI ride the bitch to $30

Fuck off Schiff! REEEEE

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there is a rotation going on in the markets... i can feel it.....

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lol I'd rather buy some decent pharmaceutical company such as Merck, Sandoz or Roche, not that Belgium non-skilled pile of garbage.

Hi guys, anyone long Docusign? Their earnings look great, they seem relatively unknown and the technical look pretty positive.

LCI is fucking trash lmao

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depends on a lot of things, your age, what country you are in, etc.
Let's assume, hypothetically, that you are young and German.

I don't know anything about German brokerages, etc.
But there isn't anything wrong with the funds that you're buying now.
Just save up whatever money you can (after emergency fund, normal cash on hand), and then chose one of the funds and buy as many shares of it that your investment savings can buy. Then you are only paying on transaction fee.
A couple months later, buy a different fund with the money you've saved up.
you're still down 20 euro to the broker, which is too bad, but it's worth it to be investing hundreds of euro (and they have to eat too).

LCI is a decent pharmaceutical company that the previous CEO ran to the ground.. now the new CEO is setting up for growth. The stock price will follow.

try not to be so new kid


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>tfw bought 100 shares at $7.90

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Opinions on Cigna? It reports on may 2nd. Earnings estimates are up almost 200%

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entire sector is beat down due to bernie momentum and medicare for all talks. biden is likely going to be the nominee though, and he's going to support obamacare more so than a new idea. BOOLISH

>Playing earnings.

You're gonna get burned

Tesla BIG Down

temporary recovery to 239-241 then one more ride down

stabilize and buy in a week ~?
don't know what kind of buying mood I'll be in then
Elon I don't know if we can be together

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Sounds good, I was about to hold everything for >40 years anyways, but I'll increase the amount with which I purchase new things.

I have never heard of the company, but you seriously think their new CEO might be able to make it turn around? Does the company have any competitive advantage, i. e. unique products covered by patents? If you're so sure about the company and your trip code might indicate that, then I hope your dreams come true. You're gonna make it!

Literally nobody is buying AMD, why are you yelling

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>creepy uncle Joe Biden will be the nominee

It's going to be the craziest, most batshit lefty. They appeal to the base the most. Same principle behind why Trump was the nominee.

>mfw it only took the public 9 years to realize that Tesla and Elon are literally just memes

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How much you got invested, es em gee?

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around 700k

I have information that AMD will miss and lower guidance STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM AMD CALLS if you have shares highly consider selling before close tuesday do not I repeat do not fucking hold any shares or calls going into er it will be a fucking disaster you think intel was shit? You have no fuckkng clue whats about to happen Tuesday

I'm 23, in Ireland, have a German brokerage account though because my father lives there.
If I'll save as much as I can every month and invest it into funds with low running fees, I might be able to accumulate enough to retire before I'm 60.
I don't like those morons who gamble all their hard earned money with Cryptocurrencies. Crypto is the worst joke of the 21st century desu.


Well la dee da Mr GucciLoafers!!!


i shop at thrift stores

>America posts unheard of GDP numbers crushing all expectations
>SPY up +0.14%

Naaa fuck this I'm out. This shit is more manipulated than Bitcoin. It's impossible to make money in a market that is this rigged. SPY should be at 300 after GDP numbers came out. I'm tired of this rigged shit.

What's it in?

I bought a month ago.

Sounds like something NVDA wwould say.

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10 billion and dropping every second


1 AAPL @ $0 (thanks robinhood)
4 MSFT @ $104.75
5 AMD @ $19.74
1 S @ $0

>free AAPL

you sonuvabitch

Yeah I shit myself when I signed up and got that.

did you share with someone or were you selfish

All mine baby

I got a fucking Sprint

$10K atm