do you think Ross will die in jail?
Do you think Ross will die in jail?
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Sadly yes. His best chance of getting out is probably a presidential pardon, but that would likely only come from a departing liberal anti-drug-war president, so 2024 the earliest.
hello late adopter, enjoying those 19k bags?
but its nto hard to see that he's the son of craig wright look at the nose, same deformity. what are the chances?
>be future anarchist guy
>run extremely illegal operation
>live in California
big yikes
No but he should. Poor goy.
Jails are a statist concept. He is in a mutually self-interested private labor remediation cooperative agreement. It's all right there in Mises latest report.
Nope, he will be pardoned.
>a US president is going to pardon a guy who ran a site that sex trafficked underage girls
you guys are a special kind of retarded
Silk road didn't do that did it? I thought it was only drugs
>a guy who ran a site that sex trafficked underage girls
He isn't responsible for the site's content, just like Facebook isn't responsible for what its users post.
yeah and this is coming from someone who donated hundreds of dollars to his defense fund
the state is more corrupt than you can even imagine and the trial was such a joke reopening it up will implicate several agencies and destroy their credibility even more
they want this swept under the rug and will forget about him or kill him in jail if a pardon is discussed
>tfw heard about Ross back in 2013, but didn't pay any attention to bitcoin
Doesn't matter
He's still not getting pardoned. It's political suicide.
the price was crazy back then it went from like $100 to $1000+ in the span of 2-3 months after the arrest
then mtgox went insolvent and crashed to $200 over the course of 2 years
Uh yes he is
yeah he'll be out soon. he should write a book
the media did a number on the story
they kept repeating stuff the DA and police said when it had 0 proof
the whole hitman thing was a joke that was never used in court
the guy who supposedly was going to get "hit" has put out statements he doesn't think it was ross who ordered the hit and it isn't like him
it was a total fabrication, but people still repeat it to this day
there weren't gun sales back then that was on a site called armoury or something and there were no humans or sex or even CP or any of that bullshit the media repeatedly said
it was a total fabrication to make ross look bad, none of it stood in court
what also happened was 2 agents and there's some proof it was more stole millions of dollars worth of bitcoin from the investigation
those agents testimony was used and the judge made it illegal for ross's attorney to discredit their testimony that they have incentive to lie
those agents got 5 years and 7 years I believe and there is still more proof that there were more that stole money and lied
this case goes deep and it's corrupt and bullshit
the judge got a cushy job at coinbase after the trials as well
moot isn't responsible for your shitposts
Are you actually retarded?
Yea thats why he has jannies report cp etc. It was ross's duty as silkroad owner to report the illegal behavior but he didnt and now hes getting buttfucked by jamal and will likely commit suicide
He’s still responsible for removing and reporting illegal posting. He’s not hiding the servers and profiting off it.
>set up site for people to trade drugs, weapons and porn with persons of questionable age
>evidence is shown
>get in prison
>"I'm innucunt, I swur!"
>weapons and porn with persons of questionable age
never happened
The government had to make an example of him as he created an innovative new market that had the technology to evade law enforcement, the reason he was caught was not fully differentiating his deep web and clear web personas.
At his peak he was one of the most powerful drug lords in the world and in a non violent way.
Much respect to him for being so innovative and libertarian about the whole thing.
and look what happened to him kek
sucks that they got his laptop by acting out a couple fighting... im surprised he didnt have his laptop with a killswitch.. doesnt seem like him imo
He did ban CP. It was in the silk road TOS. The only thing that was allowed was drugs. No guns. No CP.
>It nevur happuned, I swur!
I still respect his entrepreneurial spirit and vision he had, he realised with bitcoin and tor you could create an underground Amazon for drugs all non violent, also there was a strict rule on no pornography.
Shame how his life turned out.
hard yikes
>an innovative new market that had the technology to evade law enforcement
>new market that had the technology to evade law enforcement
>had the technology to evade law enforcement
>technology to evade law enforcement
>evade law enforcement
>there will never be a JRE with shkreli and ross
As a response to this attack some guy made software that would turn on encryption if an unauthorised usb was put into the laptop.
silk road didn't have that
>give someone an insane sentence to send a message
>everyone keeps talking about it for years
Pretty effective what they did, eh?
Read the post idiot I just said he was caught because he never fully differentiated between his deep web and clear web personas. his website never fingered him
yes it did
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
I should add at this time smart bowsing practices was a much smaller school of thought, people thought of it much less, so people mixed their deep web and clear web personas.
no doubt. which is all the more unfair given that he wasn't the original DPR. This guy is, and he's still free. Listen to them discussing the "irresistible business plan" to which Ross was invited. Blatant.
No he was just a retard
rene is an absolute fucking criminal genius btw. ross was his "best friend" who he forced to take the fall.
no, it didn't. he specifically banned the sale of anything intending to harm or defraud
Sadly the gov and rich make examples out of people like this that go off the reservation. His sentencing is not only directed at him but it's a sort of advertisement as to what happens if you go against the status quo and elite.
"I've got a startup, i want you to be a part of it!" (no mention of what it was)
"you twisted my arm until i said aahh, yeah i'll come!"
"i feel like the world is in flux, i'm really fascinated to see how it turns out 20 years from now, but i don't suppose i'll be here to see it"
this was filmed in 2012. haven't watched it for years, but there are more blatant pointers. watch this while assuming they're talking about SR and it's obvious who's the real DPR.
I tried to sell the rights to my kidney on Silk Road. Not even the kidney, just the rights to harvest it if I died accidentally. And the sale was pulled. They absolutely were not 100% ancaps, there were rules
>"i feel like the world is in flux, i'm really fascinated to see how it turns out 20 years from now, but i don't suppose i'll be here to see it"
He said 200 years from now, not 20 years from now
He'll die in prison, no doubt
just think about it
you could be in his position if you had a higher IQ and some creativity
luckily the rest of us stupid enough not to commit these crimes
Its crazy how much I can identify with this guy.
>Ulbricht was first connected to "Dread Pirate Roberts" by Gary Alford, an IRS investigator working with the DEA on the Silk Road case, in mid-2013.[24][25] The connection was made by linking the username "altoid", used during Silk Road's early days to announce the website, and a forum post in which Ulbricht, posting under the nickname "altoid", asked for programming help and gave his email address, which contained his full name.[24]
Very classic trace.
Are you trying to call bullshit?
Because its actually true and that post of his from his altoid account asking for help in his venture and asking for replies to [email protected] is still on the bitcointalk forum
His post from his altoid account on asking if anyone has ever used the online drug market silk road (the first ever mention of silk road on the clearnet) is also still up
Yes, that was the fatal mistake. Had he taken measures, he could probably buy out the whole website and delete the traces manually.
why so sure?
He fucked the US government so they'll fuck him
Not really. That was probably parallel construction, they found that after probably
There were grenades and hitmen services on there when I first used it in 2011. I'm sure there were coded CP deals going down too but i wasn't as aware of that dark side of reality then.
They found that after they know who he was already
You think they'd give up a tor zero day or w.e. when they don't have to?
Perhaps they used parallel construction on the Alphabay founder too but we'll never know cos he's dead!
It was the perfect evidence when you think about it..
Something silly that you'll remember, because it's funny. His email address in the header being "[email protected]" it's memorable and makes you think he really bungled it and was stupid, you probably won't question the narrative at all because the first thing you think about is "haha what a fool, pimp alex lol!" despite no early members coming forward to say they ever received an email with that header
Maybe they found out who he was first, arrested him, used the data from his computer and then found it by working backwards to looking for something they could use as the story, so as to not give away the real method
Might get a pardon in 20-25 years when our generations is in power. The chances are not good though