Forked Brave browser and Bitcoin Lightning Network
- BTC-LN vs BAT = nobody wants BAT
- BAT/Brave gets 30% = BAT is not decentralized they're centralized and make comission
- BAT cannot withdraw tokens right now - GAB/BTC don't lock you in
- BAT will force KYC in the future for withdrawal so no anonymous. The whole reason people are drawn to BAT/BRAVE. People will dump once they learn this.
No wonder Eich is pissed. I don't think the ad part will ever take off but using BTC could be a great system for paid content and tips
Camden Williams
BAT is only number 22 and already BTC maximalists are trying to kill it. "Be Braver" lol should have gone with "Love BAT's Hate"
Brody White
Based. Brave backend+BTC sv payments are the future. BAT going to $0
Christopher Walker
Good luck, last I checked LN was completely unusable.
Nathaniel Lopez
Gab is the real Brave
Zachary Reed
Wheres the link to download the gab browser? Oh wait there isnt one, gab browser btfo.
Easton Parker
>nobody wants BAT Nobody mainstream wants ANY crypto. That's why BAT works; because advertisers can use fiat, and creators can cash out in fiat. Brave doesn't have to be a bank, but they can still get BAT in the hands of millions of people.
> Brave gets 30% = BAT is not decentralized they're centralized and make comission They're decentralizing as they go, and focusing on mainstream users at first. Do you seriously think "Please install MetaMask", "Please fund your wallet" type apps will ever take off?
> BAT cannot withdraw tokens right now - GAB/BTC don't lock you in You'll be able to very soon. Gab is a joke. Go look at the Brave Github if you think it's an easy job building a browser.
> The whole reason people are drawn to BAT/BRAVE You're so disconnected from reality if you really think that's why people are drawn to Brave. Adblocking and speed improvements are why 600m devices have adblockers installed on them. That's mainstream as fuck. Those people don't even know what the fuck KYC stands for, they just want to watch YouTube and read articles without being bombarded by ads in their face. Those people will use Brave and they won't even know what a blockchain is, most of them won't ever learn what KYC stands for.
Asher Mitchell
>Nobody mainstream wants ANY crypto. That's why BAT works user, I...
James Lopez
...can't read? Finish the rest of my sentence
Connor Ortiz
so why not just cut the shitcoin out and use USD
Oliver Gonzalez
>w-we'll copy their exact same idea! >except ours is better >because [our shitcoin] is better
Because then they have to spend most of their efforts on becoming a straight up bank
Jose Lee
meant to reply to this
Lincoln Bailey
>nobody wants BAT >and why that's a GOOD thing
Jace Perry
when I say nobody I mean advertisers and creators
go ask a publisher to set up a lightning node and tell me how it goes
now try asking them to click 3 buttons and literally collect USD
which one do you think they prefer?
also go ask advertisers to buy ads with BTC and tell me how it goes
then go ask advertisers to use an interface like they're already used to using on FB/G
see which one they prefer
Jayden Price
whatever. I'm out. so many people don't get Brave and BAT, but people on this site are definitely not the target audience. normies are the target audience. you'll see.
Landon Diaz
> Nobody gives a fuck about earning a couple of dollars for viewing ads - if they do, they they are poor and advertisers don't want that demographic
> Normies using the brave browser are not drawn to it to BLOCK ads NOT to get paid some chucky cheese token to vie ads. A chucky cheese token they can't cash out on, or they need KYC to do it in the future and a chucky cheese token that cannot be used anywhere except on some wordpress sites that belong to BAT shillers
Idk, "pay for your Netflix subscription just by browsing like you already do" is pretty appealing
Ayden Gomez
>pay for your Netflix subscription just by browsing like you already do
I don't even get any ads. There is only a handful of advertisers out there and these are pilots. And nobody is going to go to the effort of putting these ads for a browser that has less than 1% market share AND where you don't know the demographics. Demographics are key user. Google and especially Facebook have that information.
Even if a got a couple of dollars, it's stuck on dogshit BAT tokens which can't pay for my Netflix subscription. I also tried to go which BAT made of big deal of. I can't even access their paid content even if I tip.
How retarded are these Gab people? Do they really think it's a good idea to waste their already meager funding on maintaining a browser fork and even develop some features of their own on top of it? That's a a ton of work.
Ironically, they'd actually be the kind of site that might profit from BAT's model if it ever became somewhat successful. Advertisers that would never advertise on such a shithole might still funnel money to them through Brave's anonymized model.
Lucas Hill
Gab's CEO Andrew Torba has been in BTC since 2012, he's willing to toss easy income for his platform through BAT to get his users to pump his bags.
Lincoln Jenkins
Sounds like OP is salty that he missed out on one of the best performing alts in 2019.
Justin Campbell
OP here. I bought in December and made a good amount of money selling after ads launched
If you read, I've been using it too and I probably know a bit more about it than you late to the game fags who are only now shilling it
Most of you fags don't even know that when you finally are able to withdraw you BAT, you'll have to go through KYC. How do you think people who opt for Brave because of privacy will take that shit?
If you buy crypto through any real legitimate exchange then you have done KYC. Only you auspie spergs think its a problem.
Jordan Fisher
You're thinking about this too much from where everything is today. Think bigger.
Google and Facebook are going to be FUCKED when regulation starts ramping up and they have to be super honest with their users about how they're using their data.
Look up research on this, over 50% of people were surprised to find out how Facebook profiles them. And a lot of the impending regulation is going to force Facebook and Google to tell its users everything.
And re: demographics, Brave is going to be able to get BETTER targeting and reporting than anything out there today. Google and Facebook are trying to track you across every website you visit, but that's the wrong way to approach the problem.
If you do it through the browser, it can see /everything/. AND it doesn't have to send any of the user's data to advertisers, or to Brave. "Can't be evil" instead of "Don't be evil".
Seriously, this is a huge deal that I don't think most people even understand yet. Sure there's not a lot of people using Brave yet, but advertisers just want accurate targeting and ROI, and they're gonna get better ROI and targeting and reporting with Brave. Plus, Brave/BAT finally gives them a way to reach the super valuable adblocking demographic.
And yeah, the value is denominated in BAT. Companies are going to start implementing BAT payments into their sites once they realize all the problems it solves for them. BAT paywalls make so much more sense than the current ones. The current ones make >75% of people just leave. But imagine if you could get through those paywalls by just sending them a few cents worth of BAT? People don't do that with credit cards because it's too much of a pain in the ass. Getting micropayments working on the web is an absolute game changer. Look up HTTP error code 402. Never worked.
BAT is going to make it work. From the very guy who literally made the web interactive and then took down the big-tech-funded #1 browser, no less.
Wyatt Cook
no one is going to spend $10 dollars in fees to tip someone $1 in BTC. This will fail and even the most retarded of Maximalists will see the reason BAT was necessary.
Jacob James
Brayden Nguyen
Try and send me $0.001 cents right now as tip for reading my reply to you. Do it dickface. When you fail (and you will) you'll understand why straight up USD wouldn't work.
Dominic Evans
Pajeet confirmed. I get ads roughly 3 or 4 times an hour, but then again I don't live in some dirt merchant town on the edge of the world.
Carter Morgan
its been ready any day now....for years.
Dominic Cook
Man Internet boomers never cease to amaze me. >grr me no like ads but me no like opt in ads either
Justin Lewis
didn't some LN dev say it would be ready sometime in the next 15 to 20 years?
Cooper Campbell
biz doesnt deserve BAT.
Its funny reading reddit threads where bitcoin maximalists hate BAT, but they are in support of it only if bitcoin is added.
BAT is a huge threat to the majority of cryptocurrencies. It wont surprise me to see the level of FUD grow as it picks up more steam. Theres way more normies than cryptofags though so biz and reddit fags will just be wasting their breath.
Brandon Williams
LN doesnt work. I 100% guaran-fucking-tee this will not work.
I still remember when biz was saying Oyster Pearl made more sense than BAT.
Blake Perry
Honestly not even trying to shill, I've just been learning about this space for years now, and I'm genuinely excited about what Brave is building toward, regardless of the price of BAT. It frustrates me to see people misunderstand their vision so profoundly.
The web is so fucking broken right now, and Brave solves problems for every major party: users, advertisers, and publishers / creators.
It's gonna look obvious in hindsight.
Jose Wilson
Ah, those were the days. I think its safe to say BAT won that round pretty easily. Although to be fair PRL wasn't that much competition to start with. I also think its funny that fudders forget that Brave has a massive war chest to advertise the browser. Can't wait to sip maximalists tears when their boomer parents start telling them about this awesome new cryptocurrency called BAT because they're getting shilled through tv ads.
> what a hoot
Camden Thomas
The catalog is still full of shitcoin posts daily. biz just doesnt get it, and they probably never will. Majority of bizlets here hold coins that are down 95% and the only saving grace is a bull market where pump news can get them back out of the hole. Majority of their coins will never see widespread adoption.
It makes much more sense to just rebalance their portfolio and jump on the train instead of standing in front of it.
I guess some people just love the feeling of pain
Jordan King
This user gets it. I can't wait to look back at old reddit and twitter conversations where people were bashing BAT like it's just another scammy ICO.
They're gonna look like the people who thought the web was a scam after the dot com crash.
Jason Ortiz
Exactly. I've mostly stopped visiting here, I only come on to see what people are saying about Brave or BAT these days.
I'll admit I got swept up in the hype in 2017 but I eventually did exactly what you said, rebalanced. Now BAT is the only thing I hold, don't even blink or feel any FOMO when some random thing goes up 500% any more.
Landon Scott
And as if by magic Bats whole raison d’être is over and is already obsolete thats why Eich is pissed. They are now like Kodak a painful and extended death of a thousand cuts while Bat bleeds out.
Kudos to Gab the guy is a soothsayer not looking for a quick buck at the peons expense
Ryan Bailey
>Not looking for a quick buck Any income that goes to Gab is money that Andrew's dev's/employees could ask for. If he gets gab's users using BTC and increasing the value of his 2012 BTC bags that's not an issue.
Noah Scott
>yfw you realize that if Brave dies and stops updating, then Gab's shitty clone will die too
top lol. They're literally relying on Brave for their updates. This is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.
The stupidity and hubris is absolutely breathtaking from gabfags. I'm excited to see what the first major vulnerability will be on the gabrowser because I'm sure whatever it is it will be awful for its users and at the very least expose their PID. And the best part about this whole thing is that its supposed to run on LN which is always two-years away(!). Sure Brave might crash and burn (not likely but it could happen) but this shit is going to be like watching the Hindenburg. I just can't actually believe people think that this is a good idea.
> muh fork!!!!
No dumbass when chromium is used as a base package and Brave forks it's code that is most definitely not the same as gab forking Brave. The complexity factor rises exponentially and even if gab has decent web engineers they'll always be a couple steps behind Brave in terms of usability and security. Whining about someone forking chromium and implying that what you're doing is the same thing should really be a red flag to anyone who's ever read up on not only software engineering but version control as well.
Unironically Brave == Bitcoin and Gabrowser == BSV, let that one sink in
Alexander Nelson
Oh well. In the end the market will decide which it prefers anyways. Brave still has the same solid team behind it that it's always had. "GAB" are some literal-who's that will be forgotten about in a year's time.
Jow Forums is clearly not the best place to gauge general opinion on anything Crypto related. This is the same board that shit on Bitcoin until it was worth $19,000 and is still shitting on Ethereum. This board is so hilariously dumb.
>Unironically Brave == Bitcoin and Gabrowser == BSV, let that one sink in
This analogy fucks
Henry Johnson
>GAB the bitcoin maximalist butthurt that Brave doesn't use BTC >fuds Brave from the beginning publicly demanding Brave use BTC because he has a vested financial interest in it >makes a fork of a fork no one is going to use-just like his social media network-that can only utilize BTC, the bloated, deprecated proof-of-concept currency that costs $75 in mining fees for each $.37 exchanged (that was hyperbole if any of our genuinely autistic frens are curious)
it works, but it isn't very user friendly yet the automation of maintaining channel liquidity and AMP and other efficiencies need to be developed for it to actually make sense
>Try and send me 0.001 BAT right now as tip for reading my reply to you. Do it dickface. When you fail (and you will) you'll understand why straight up BAT won't work.
Wyatt Moore
>the bloated uh I don't think you understand how this works bitcoin is the least bloated chain with the amount of economic activity happening on it
Joshua Hill
>if they do, they they are poor and advertisers don't want that demographic Imagine not knowing the poor are a coveted demographic because they literally cannot save their money and must spend it.
Joshua Torres
I don't give a shit about BAT, browser advertisements, or whatever. I support Gab and all of their projects because they are the solution to Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
Camden Torres
this is a good point
Ian Russell
Gab is a safespace from the aforementioned with no longterm plans to be a solution, Brave actually has a plan to demonetize them and remonetize creators and users.
Gab has done nothing to change the underlying laws that currently allow this to happen. At least Brave has filed GDPR complaints in the US to stop the tech companies from collecting that info. All gab has done is start a shittier version of twitter where they bitch about black people taking muh white womans. This is why mouth breathers shouldn't be given access to the internet, they can barely function in society as it is.
> don't breed
Ryan Ortiz
>logical reason for altcoins existing as spare change to Bitcoins gold bricks PIECE OF SHIT
Parker Adams
>Gab gets removed from app store or something >take their anger out on a boomer developer on twitter why
Isaiah Myers
Also When 1% of the population has the majority of the wealth in the world, poor is the ONLY demographic.
Joseph Martin
Firefox should be in there, get rid of not netscape
>The wealth of 550 people could support millions of people and fund the country with the most advanced military in the world for almost an entire year.
Yeah no issue there at all.
Kevin Reyes
The entire purpose of currency is to keep it circulating not to stockpile it. They are still the problem. How much the government spends doesnt mean shit if it goes to the people and then back to the government.
Caleb Rivera
Explorer was the one that Sabotaged Netscape, Brendan founded Firefox to kill Explorer in turn. Likewas he founded Brave after Google sabotaged Firefox.
Consider that very often the great bulk of these billionaires' wealth isn't liquid cash but a product of the companies these people direct (or in some instances have bought into from the outside) in the form of stocks. Compare the gross profit to net profit of many these people's companies, the greater implications of this, and maybe you'll understand why liquidating them in exchange for a year's worth of gains would be absolutely nothing compared to what would be lost in the process.
Look at macroeconomic phenomena like globalism, intrusive government, feminism, overpopulation, the ubiquity of dubious/overpriced college degrees etc.; looking at individuals who are fortunate enough to net a few dozen dollars off of their employee's paychecks is damage control for the far more substantial (((machinations))) of poverty.
Not only that, Braves backend software is not open source so Gab will have to recreate all of that to communicate with the browser. Think Sync, Wallet creation/maintenance, maintaining an internal ledger, etc., etc. This shit is not going to go anywhere. They are just trying to get publicity.
Caleb Ortiz
And unironically its helping Brave so whatever.
Zachary Davis
Hu? works fine for me.
Sebastian Torres
It works less and less the more that use it at the same time.
The only reason it works when you two test it is because you are the only ones in the world using it that minute. If the network state changes before your transaction reaches the destination it fails.