
What is the most Jow Forums religion and why is it protestantism?

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sorry, we are jains here, away with your paganism.


have a read ,
you are able to read, user, arent you?

this is so incredibly gay

kys virgin

they reject the mother of jesus
and worship spring with easter eggs and winter with the sol invictus.

they also teach that ''good faith'' is sufficient for salvation. that the lamb has died for their sins, lmao, but this is not written in any of the bible, written by king james, the gay who spent UK's wealth with presents to his boyfriends

>implying Jow Forums is spiritually enlightened
We're all atheists here, sorry.

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Snake handlers obv
Boomers with low risk religions pls go

>not being Sedevacantist.
End yourself.

judaism, so yeah, protestantism, same same

yahadut is shit and its corrupt

Lmao. Protestantism is the ultimate wagecuck religion.

and it's immoral, and antichristian. it's literally The Cancer.

what TV show is this?

found the catholicuck



Votes Democrat

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Derry girls.
I love Orla btw

>Jow Forums religion
>not Judaism
It's like you don't even know your racist stereotypes.

Judaism isn't a real religion though. It is a jewish trick.

Church of England all the way lad

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Judaism that rejects Christ is Satanism - the worship of Lucifer (and I don't mean that meme "religion" edgy teenagers call Satanism).

We are all christ cucks here, Jow Forums is the apple that sins us with enlightment thus throwing us to chaos.
But society made us give up but not completly thats why we put our saving into bitcoin, god condmended us to work, to sacrifice but we dont want to because we cant, we want god status, we want to be stupid and not woken, we crave the eden.

If that's true then Christianity has got to be a Jewish trick then. I mean you're literally taking everything in the Jewish old testament as literally true and then worshipping a dead Jewish guy.

Nope, there trick is to refute the New Testament.

Jow Forums has always been a jewish board

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checks out

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Non-duality and atheistic determinism. The universe is cyclical. We are all immortal and one, we just don't remember.

Protestant work ethic = work hard for mr shekelberg and be grateful for it, live modestly, and don’t flash any wealth you may have. Not terrible values, but it is definitely a wagie mindset.

>Mfw post a pic of catholic schoolgirls

In your opinion what religion has better values?

>googles protestant girls

satanism and judaism. which are both pretty much the same

There are no fuckable girls on that whole show!

catholic here
you will burn in hell, heretics, jews and blasphemes

Well, because fundamentalist protestant morals and practice among settlers in America birthed basic capitalist principles like the idea of hard work being a spiritual (ascetic) practice and the generation of wealth being a goal in and of itself, without a desire to spend it.

As an atheist I'd of course argue that you don't need to practice the religion itself to be successful at all - but this philosophy does highlight one core principle necessary to understand if one ever wants to not just make it, but make it *big*.

And that principle is to never flaunt one's wealth. Live like a pauper even if you're as rich as a king. You can make money all you like, but you'll never make *a lot* of money if you spend it all. Again, based on Christian morals, wealth should almost exclusively be put toward generating *more* wealth, as indulging your base desire by spending it all on material gains would not only be sinful in a religious Christian perspective, but also effectively prevent you from generating further wealth. That's the difference between "having a well-paying job" / "running a successful business" and "getting rich".

I study religion and have taken a small-time interest in it's influence on the modern economy.

definitely not Catholic because Catholics are fucking based, meanwhile Jow Forums are fucking cuckolds, low IQ losers and pajeets

so yeah, Jow Forums is probably Protestant or Hinduism. Also atheist because you have your edgelord depressed suicidal drug addict schizo's as well. That's 95% of the board.


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>And that principle is to never flaunt one's wealth. Live like a pauper even if you're as rich as a king. You can make money all you like, but you'll never make *a lot* of money if you spend it all.

But in America, normies do literally the opposite. They buy status symbols on credit, effectively flaunting wealth they don't even have. Is this a symptom of the multi-billion-dollar advertising industry winning a popularity contest against the Bible?

>sustaining a kiddy rape cult for 1400 years

who needs a religion if you are a stoic

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>But in America, normies do literally the opposite. They buy status symbols on credit, effectively flaunting wealth they don't even have. Is this a symptom of the multi-billion-dollar advertising industry winning a popularity contest against the Bible?

First of all, my argument for Protestantism being the most influential religion when it comes to business is mostly meant to be read in the past tense - religion plays a very small role in it these days. While at one point being rich would be seen as a sign of virtue (how could a bad man possibly be so successful?) that view has largely been turned on its head these days. I mean, is one of the most common criticism of outspoken wealthy Christians not that it isn't very Christian of them to be wealthy and outspoken?

What you also have to consider is that we live in a far more materialistic culture now than we've ever done before - mostly because we have access to more stuff. More status symbols. More pointless bits of tat, smart watches and brand new phones and gadgets you'd never realistically use.

This means that you can substitute *actual* wealth for *simulated* wealth. What matters in a hypermaterialistic culture is one's hoard. Nowadays we'd be shocked to see a multi-millionaire living quietly in a three-bedroom apartment and working for 14 hours a day with little to show for it in terms of actual material goods - although environmental movements might finally have become so fashionable that we're moving back toward a minimalism being trendy.

I wouldn't say that the multi-billionaire advertisers are winning in a popularity contest against the Bible - consider how the Bible, and faith in general, has also become a market in and of itself. Mega-churches, paid faith-healing, new-age and NRM's, etc. Obviously the the singular asceticism of pilgrim Protestantism has been all but wiped out in such a competitive marketplace. This was all I could fit in this post, but I'll happily speculate some more.

Well, I find it a little challenging to see how stoic philosophy would help you generate wealth though.

Hey, someone here is waking up. It's a cultural value, and a self destructive one at that. A peoples culture in a general sense can easily be gauged by celebrities as they pander to the general public. As an example, here in the u s., Who is celebrated and how? I generalize here, but It's televised red carpet events of people wearing 10,000 dollar dresses or 50,000 "grills, ice, bling" getting out of 300,000 dollar cars. It's mtv cribs showing off 50 mil mansions and television shows flaunting ridiculously expensive toys. All the while these same people are constantly in the news for bankruptcies and other financial problems but that fact doesn't get near the coverage.

Tl/Dr "westernized" cultures value and celebrate the illusion of wealth more so than actually being wealthy. Congrats on pondering the right questions to stop being a sheep/ first step out of the rat race.

you are looking for Zeno dummy

no wonder because stoicism is not about generating wealth

fair enough the dummy was a little unnecessary tho

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That's sort of my point. It's not. So it's not really a very business-minded philosophy/religion/worldview, and since that's what we're discussing..