>"Why don't you invest in a low cost S&P500 index fund user?"
"Why don't you invest in a low cost S&P500 index fund user?"
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but I did
why buy stocks when I can create them and sell them?
Why don’t you shut your pretty little mouth and suck my cock, I paid for your body not financial advice cunt
Uhh calm down this is our first date...
Man you gooks really are harsh to ur women
any sharkman in
I honestly don’t understand the Asian fetishism. I mean, I’m not saying I wouldn’t fuck her given the opportunity but she’s really not that hot
Shaskman reporting for duty!
Buy VOO retard!
Looks like a bug. I will stick to my Latinas thank you very much.
For me, it's VTI, the best low cost index fund
>unironically holding boomer bags
Same here. Does she not have a man face?
She's cute not hot, but we pretty much know they have make-up caked on and done plastic surgery.
Most weirdos with an asian fetish also have a thing for petite women, and more often than not, kids.
You are not required to use quotation marks when you greentext my Jow Forumscryptocurrency tourist friend.
stfu idiot it's what the girl is saying
a work of art she is and the heart skips at the sight of her selfies
Because I prefer maximum diversification and best risk:growth ratio.
Therefore I invest in a nice mixed 2 fund portfolio of VTSAX and VTIAX
>best risk:growth ratio.
Could you explain what you mean by that? How are quantatively judging that?
Give me early retirement or give me death
could you spoon feed me what im supposed to be looking for
ive used technicals before but this is just random charts
I do.
Never once touched cryptocurrency. I dump all of my loose cash into S&P500 ETFs like VFIAX. Whatever happens to the broader market happens to my money. Crypto is for people with severe gambling problems.