$6000 by next week

$6000 by next week
Charts never lie

Attached: 8F907AE7-F003-423E-B8EF-ECA0463EA429.jpg (1910x1111, 251K)

$4800 next week
also, KYS

Lol delusion at its finest

it'll get wrekt this weekend yeah. prepare for monday morning coffee spats

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Charts literally never tell the truth.

dubs and $9000 EOY

>avg 3315 for 2 btc
>feel completely neutral/amused at people crying about movement between 4k and 5k+

mom, the bad bog bulls bulli me again

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is this God or some blasphemer taking his image in vain?

If quads Bitcoin will be 5$ at the end of this year.

>last post was 8688
>if quads...

Well then now. bitcoin will be 5€ because crypto is a joke

My quads say BTC 16k EOY and Chainlink $100 EOY and $1k 2020


if quads bitcoin $9000 EOY

Jow Forums is literally only 5 ppl

bitcoin $10k eoyu

if quads bitcoin $200k EOY 2021

I am going to unironically love breaking out my end of Evangelion folder and posting all over you Asuka prophecy moon boys.

Checked and Kek'd

Praise Kek!!

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Holy fuck I want it to crash just to BTFO you fags that keep spamming this hopium