The average IG thot is making more money than Jow Forums combined

Attached: Screenshot_20190427_122916.jpg (850x712, 177K)

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Checked but definitely not amused

Roasties are created by their fathers.

True, but thirsty betas are their fuel.

Imagine all the self absorbed energy they're like black holes

we need to bring back the gas chambers

A lot of young men are like that as well. Especially the ones that have their mother do everything for them. because she lacks the social skills to communicate with her child properly

great you made me upset, thanks

Ironically the girl in the screenshot was the only one who bought her ticket because she sells streetwear. Good for her I guess.

She's just the only one who lied. Bullshit that she earns anything doing her streetwear. It's just some bragging tool for instagram and she can pretend she's self sufficient.

Good point, I was looking for any sort of redemption in that video. Guess there was none.

how? whats the cause?

This is a product of a beta-male father. No betas should ever be fathers, and women know this instinctively.

if thirsty faggots didn't make these events possible, then there wouldn't be any problem. it's not like women are organizing anything. ffs we even had some turbonormie thread jerking each other off over this coachella shit two weeks ago

Nothing wrong with the event by itself.

Of course some self-hating beta loves roastie-fest aka Coachella.

the ABSOLUTE STATE of white women

>Dislike an event because there are women there
You don't have to mask your anxiousness over women. Everyone can still see it.

You're either a roastie or some feminist basedboy or an overcompensating beta.

>muh simplified classification boxes for the feeble minded
shoo poltard

>I hate all the women at these events and will never go because even though they are despicable and disgusting people their standards still prevent them from sleeping with me. Which makes me anxious sad and makes me want to kmd a little.

Every Jow Forumslet in this thread.

>I hate all the women at these events and will never go because even though they are despicable and disgusting people their standards still prevent them from sleeping with me. Which makes me anxious sad and makes me want to kms a little.

Every Jow Forumslet in this thread.

Not clicking this shit.

there is absolutely everything wrong with this event. same with edm, really any kind of obsessive music/concert white types who waste their life being huge faggots
you're as useless as weed addicts and twice as obnoxious due to the positive reinforcement you get from being together
bronies, trannies, those ugly toys with big heads, gamers, you're all the same. arrested development retards redirecting their passions to make believe activities instead of living life, and causing the world to crumble around them
have sex

The thread isn't about coachella. Just the roast pillaging her beta father

this is a boomer board you mong, most of us are in our thirties with kids, and we're not interested in babysitting you. go back to /v/

>have sex
bend over

When I make it I want to go.

What a hideous woman


White parents absolutely clueless about what's going on with their culture, all the normies around me think 'everything is fine' oh and the Trump is bad, but other than that nothing to worry about

>White parents absolutely clueless about what's going on with their culture
I'm pretty sure Gen-X women were just as degenerate, if not more than their daughters. Same with Boomers and their free love culture

IG: ashleylizcooper

Just another average ig whore ...
Have fun jerkin off to this ugliness xD

isnt the 2ยบ girl kendra sutherland?

>True, but thirsty betas are their fuel.
I was reading some chick's twitter feed yesterday out of sheer curiosity. She complained about her dating life in every other tweet with screenshots of texts from her boyfriend. The number of beta men that jumped in to call the boyfriend trash, how they revoked his man-card for using a specific emoji, to signaling how they also used to be like that but learned to be more in touch with their emotions. All made me recoil with disgust. I could never trust a man like that to be my friend or do business with.

I didn't think about how beta men act until I actually saw it with my own eyes. I mean dozens if not a hundred "men" tweeting at this chick validating her and tearing down the boyfriend, who simply responded with an eggplant emoji after the girl wrote an essay creating drama out of thin air.

Can you share that cringefest?

yeah, she is

Wish I had a link, but I stumbled on the account by accident. Most of these men also had thousands of tweets with barely any likes.

>who simply responded with an eggplant emoji after the girl wrote an essay creating drama out of thin air
based boyfriend

It's funny how the inversion works, they are trying to pass being beta is being a "man" somehow

She was lying. Her story was all over the place. First she got sent the shoes, then she said they cost her 3,000 dollars? She also claims to be an insta model yeah sure

Why won't the boyfriend drop her? She is openly hostile against him.

4/5 insta thots have herpes

normies disgust me

That video displayed some of the most disgusting people I've ever seen. wtf. I dated on tinder for awhile and thought I'd reached peak disgust with all the vapid thots I encountered, but this coachella shit takes the cake. nuke when?

Only one gender of normies is having fun, the male normies are fapping on their own just like anyone else, except they are unaware of how bad things really are

>paragraph: dont be a degenerate
>final sentence: be a degenerate
eggplant LOL
shes his sidechick, u can see how he doesnt care with the eggplant emoji. but ya, not worth the sex, he's playing with fire.

Isn't that kendra Sutherland the pornostar, th one who sucked dick for the ticket.

>average IG thot is making money

Let me stop you right now. No, they aren't.

11,000 people got herpes at a coachella concert

I actualy like to troll-call out these betas on their already supplicating behavior as bad, they are absolutely terrified of the idea there might be a single 'misogynist' bone in them

yfw modern women basically live lives analogous to prostitutes in the 1800s

Can I get a quick rundown? I dont want to watch that vid

>The average IG thot is making more money than Jow Forums combined
>Screenshot showing the only person who actually started a legit business trying to put her name on the map
Never change, Jow Forums I fucking love you


Really? Would you stick your dick in one of those whores there unprotected and expect not to catch diseases? Would you have one be the mother of your children?

Overheard one of the snobby women at work pridefully talking about her daughter and how she
> joined a sorority
> went on some trip with the girls in the sorority
> got "elected" into some high sounding "position" within the sorority (she'll likely slap it in her resume and it will likely work in her favor...)
> going to coachella

All while acting like she is extremely proud of her daughter.

why wouldn't she be proud of her alpha daughter?

Attached: tenor.gif (320x180, 3.5M)

>my son is an autistic neet who posts anime girls on a Cambodian basketweaving forum

pics of her feet?

HAHAHAHA so he was right, wasn't he

which one are you? You sound like a mix between the feminist basedboy and the beta

all of these are direct steps for a woman to find a high status man, of course her mom is proud.

eggplant emoji alpha as fuck

>retard grasping at straws to save his fragile self-worth
Not really

all women today are whores that 100% deny it while 100% acting like whores

More like the only men that deal with females, the Chads, want them to act like whores and project their desires onto them. They, not knowing better, accept them and become whores.

There are literal millionaires on this board and they all admitted to not paying for their own tickets
Shit thread

In ops defense and everyone shitting on this event these bitches probably have dieases

Is Jow Forums the most autistic turbo-virgin board on Jow Forums or is it Jow Forums?

I swear even Jow Forums awkwardly stumble their way into pussy but Jow Forums is a whole different breed of spiteful miserable virgins. My theory is that there are loads of Pajeets on here who are naturally inclined to hate women and never get laid until their parents force them together with some random poor Pajeetesse.

This board fucking reeks of incel though, it's painful to see


I have a daughter.

What happens is that some men worship the ground their daughter walks on and tell them how pretty they are every day and work their ass off to give them everything they want and they never discipline them.

It happens a lot, and it's the biggest reason why girls end up like the idiots in the video. That and cases where the dad isn't there.

If you just raise your kid right they will grow up with respect and humility. Shit is not hard.

But you have to accept that 50% of people are idiots. And idiots have kids too.

Music festivals start out really fun.

Then big business gets involved and you end up with Events like Coachella and Bonaroo that are way overpopulated and commercialized.

You sound like someone who can't take opinions differing from ones own. Basically an autist.

Think I struck a chord with this one

Calm down there aspie

Pussy is a helluva drug

This ashleylizcooper chick comes across as pretty clear minded desu

Attached: Trotsky.jpg (481x481, 16K)

Oof, definitely struck a chord

we have a worst of both worlds situation
>social/economic structures that "free" everyone (which benefits women since they're the naturally desired/selective sex)
>but we also have men who have not psychologically/socially adjusted to a world where the "old rules" no longer apply

throwing yourself at women simply wont work because everyone else is doing the same and she can have 100+ matches on tinder and she can just have casual sex with almost anyone and she has options like sugardaddy/findom/IG light prostitution work etc

because of this every male has to double down and try twice or three times as hard just to compete, which gives women even more benefits/opportunities than they already had. men have all the trappings of a traditional monogamous patriarchal society and almost none of the benefits of the new "freedom" while women reap the rewards of both

its honestly pretty blackpilling and i only see it getting worse

>I'll just repeat myself like an aspie to prove I'm not one

There will be a lot of cheap 30+ year old prostitues soon

>"too artsy for the hood kids. too hood for the art kids. what do I do?"
The utter state of this delusional cunt lmao

I don't know what you people fucking expect to happen when you live in the West, which is a collapsing society.
>inb4 boomer takes about how the stock market going up means America is the best country on Earth
The collapse is happening so slowly and is not happening linearly which is exactly why it can't be stopped because humans cannot take actions that that they can't see within their own lifespan.

the really sad thing is that the prostitutes only want the chads money

Is this how thots launder their prostitution money?