
Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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Based. Trips.


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>accept the things I cannot change
Like, your memecoin is unnecessary bloatware that hasn't solved a single orcle broblem in two years? You mean the serenity to accept that?

There is no god. Stop deceiving yourself. It damages your mind.

Were going to make it anons!! God is with us!! Were all in this together.

its not too late to accept jesus into your life user

There is no god. By deceiving yourself, you end up inflicting pain upon yourself.

Good luck accepting jesus at the border.

You sure you're not the decieved one?

>OP's pic



I'm sure it's you.

You are forgiven, fren.

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cringe and Nietschzepilled

Checked sacred trips we gonna make bros

God loves you, Jesus loves you, and I love you too user.

cringe and faggotpilled

You wouldn't say that to my face.

All of it.

Checked. We are all gonna make it

oh no an user's words hurt him

Feeling cute, might die for the entire world later idk..

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Double checked. Thank you fpr witnessing with us fren!

LINK or HOT highway?

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They will go hand in hand

Pray for the entire world instead

Thank you fren.

my green id confirms this

Only if you want 1000x instead pf 10000x


I will tithe 10% of my node income

Just be sure to spend it on bigmacs for the hungry.

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Jesus wooped some ass, and he's come back to do it again.

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God bless all of you.

A fellow AA fren I suppose