Employer Paying Me Too Much

So I recently landed a new job at a big company, the salary is around a 35% increase from my previous job.

I'm enjoying working there, but I feel kind of bad because I think they overshot somewhat on my salary. They're happy with my performance and stuff, but I'm well aware that I'm being paid a fair amount over market rate and I'm feeling a little guilty as a result.

What do I do? Can I negotiate a lower salary?

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Cucked: the thread

Despite what you may think they don't give a shit about you, they probably were happy to pay you that rate, a 35% salary increase is a drop in the bucket for them. Take what you can get

Yes. Obviously an oversight on their part. You should ask them to consider paying you half of your current salary, until they trust you and your work enough to earn a raise.

What a weak, pathetic attempt at bait. Should probably lurk some moar before posting again

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A little less money for a much cleaner conscience is well worth it in my opinion.

This bread is bait, retard

put the 35% into crypto it will be gone and you feel relived or you eont have to work again win win

le oldfag is mad xd

With all the money the government is printing these days 35% isn't that much. Most people who haven't got raises in the last few years are due for a 50% raise at least. I mean, you need to get more than a 10% raise a year to even be treating water in this money printing driven economy.

The most human thread ever on biz. Anyway, to think of this logically instead of emotionally, if I were you, I would not let myself feel any guilt with that amount of salary. High salary means high expectation and OP described about his performance being somewhat fine. So there is no problem at all with this. Plan ahead of your future, do some financial management perhaps draw a plan to buy high reward assets with it? So that you can leverage more on those benefits you have right now. Live small, invest big. Work like usual. Get out when you feel like to. tl;dr have a long term financial plan.

I felt the same way until I learned I was the most underpaid person at the company, my salary is on avg 40% less

Still happy, but it's all relative, economy is literally running on Monopoly money

Damn I'm sad to hear that user, this is your boss tracking your work performance.
I'm afraid after this breach of trust we'll have to let you go.

Think of it this way user, just keep saving that extra money, and incorporate it into your exit plan from the company.
The sooner you exit the company, the sooner you can get off the payroll and they can replace your job with a robot or something. They'll appreciate that they won't have to cover your payroll taxes or insurance costs anymore.

Wait, is that my fucking wife???


Trust me, someone (hopefully) during the recruiting process was evaluating how much ROI they could make off of you and submitted an offer they thought was appropriate.

Dig in OP and ask for even more next review

The baby looks weird.. the father is probably some odd looking mexican.

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Be glad. Take the money and be happy. Dump the excess in stocks or your 401k.

My "company" I'm the lowest paid dude in the division despite me doing the lions share of work and getting good evaluations. Median salary of the division as a whole is mid 30k to 40k. I make under 27k a year. I've talked with my boss about it. He's trying to get me a salary bump so we'll see.

As to why I ain't outta there yet it's due to the job being easy and stress free as you can get and cause I've got to much time in to just toss it out the window. Just 14 more years till I can retire w/full benefits. Be 50 years old.

i have longed realized 2 things best workers dont make the most and money doesnt motivate excellent performance in fact its counterproductive after a tipping point.

newborns always have black eyes

pretending to be retarded on the internet was universally considered stupid before you 90s kids logged on your first aol chat, runespace server or whatever crap onboarded you
99.99% of Jow Forums "oldfags" are newfags by eternal september standards, and you're as stupid as you are insufferable

did your wife tell you that?

Bullshit, managers don't care what you earn and higher-ups think you deserve it

Give the extra money to charity (the EFF is a good one). The business is paying you what you're worth, you just don't have the balls to accept that.

>money doesnt motivate excellent performance

Speak for yourself. The number of moments I've had where I've thought "I could do this, but it's hard and they wouldn't recognize my work" are uncountable.

hahaha cucked

Well with that extra money, you’ll have additional funds to tip your landlord. So just pay it forward and hodl on!!!!

are u a fucking faggot what the fuck is wrong with some people