Just paid for my Netflix subscription and my Amazon Prime subscription for the Month with BAT I got from using the Brave Browser.
Just paid for my Netflix subscription and my Amazon Prime subscription for the Month with BAT I got from using the Brave Browser.
how much BAT do you get per month if you browse normally (NEET mode)
what's your social security number
How? Did you cash it out first with Uphold first? The necessary payment protocols and/or dapps don't exist yet, can't even properly withdraw the earned BAT from the wallet.
lmao good trick OP
how do you cash out or pay with it?
this OP, why are you lying to us?
I browser about 8 hours at work 5 days a week, and then about maybe 2-3 hours before bed every night. Not sure how much the average person browses, but Eich has said that an average person would make between $7-$10 a month.
However, I'm confident the BAT i'm earning now will be worth a lot more in the future. It's like mining bitcoin before the price went up.
>just pajeet things
give me your 40 bat and I will give you 80