Just paid for my Netflix subscription and my Amazon Prime subscription for the Month with BAT I got from using the Brave Browser.
Just paid for my Netflix subscription and my Amazon Prime subscription for the Month with BAT I got from using the Brave Browser.
how much BAT do you get per month if you browse normally (NEET mode)
what's your social security number
How? Did you cash it out first with Uphold first? The necessary payment protocols and/or dapps don't exist yet, can't even properly withdraw the earned BAT from the wallet.
lmao good trick OP
how do you cash out or pay with it?
this OP, why are you lying to us?
I browser about 8 hours at work 5 days a week, and then about maybe 2-3 hours before bed every night. Not sure how much the average person browses, but Eich has said that an average person would make between $7-$10 a month.
However, I'm confident the BAT i'm earning now will be worth a lot more in the future. It's like mining bitcoin before the price went up.
>just pajeet things
give me your 40 bat and I will give you 80
Tipped my own publisher site.
>It's like mining bitcoin
lol no
so you literally cant take out the bat youve earned? what is the point of getting them if you cant even cash them out? Im not fudding just trying to understand how this works
So you're basically scamming the system.
> BAT has distributed some tokens to some shitty crypto companies to display the ads so it look the system is working.
> Ads pop up. NEETs click to open ad in new tab
> NEETs never view ad but collect BAT
> NEET tips to himself in wordpress site
> Browser marketshare is at most going to be 1%, with crypto NEETs automating ad viewing using Selenium
And this system is going to capture a market share from Google. Advertisers are going to pay for this
Look at the pic. I donated over 1000 BAT to content creators. 213 of it went to channels that weren't verified yet.
The bidirectional wallet is coming out soon. Right now you either tip the BAT to content creators or send it to your own site if you want to cash it out.
I call bullshit on this. You sent 213 BAT to a long list of dogshit content creators? This whole system is going to be a joke like all the get paid for ads models that came before this in late-90s, early 2000s. The whole point is nobody wants to view ads. And if they accept money to view ads, that's a poor demographic you don't want to target.
>sending an ERC-20 token instead of crypto
why would i use the bat i earned by watching ads to other people? Wtf i want my money
>increasingly pathetic and cringy bagholder posts
So do you actually get to keep the BAT that you earn or is it only for tipping content creators?
You can do whatever you want with it.
Cool thanks
No problem
You’re right it’s better
How do I set it up in the browser to earn BAT?
>t. doesn't even know what mining is
>owns shittokens with with a retarded usecase nobody cares about
Imagine my shock.
Number of verified publishers will go parabolic after the next payout on May 8. That's the day we take off.
a retarded usecase nobody cares about is still a usecase, this gives it a leg up on everything else in the crypto space besides ETH itself, whose only usecase is shitting out scam coins with no usecase.
nuttin' personnel
How many times do we have to tell Jow Forums?
How do i use bat on chrome?
They eventually catch on to you if you try a decent amount (over $100). That's what happened to me.
You download Brave which is basically Chrome with less ads.
>implying i give a shit about either one
I still cant comprehend how dumb that reply chain was.
>fork chromium
>muh privacy
>fork brave
>muh freedo-
w-what happened user?
I think it had to do with GAB fudding Brave moreso than what they were doing specifically. IIRC the GAB devs have been antagonistic towards Brendan/Brave from the beginning
>because they weren't using BTC
Though Im glad you were caught Im equally grateful you tried. The more their fraud detection gets tried & tested early on, the less it will fail when mass users arrive.
there will be no mass adoption. even the brave creator himself said no one will use brave. not sure how much more clear that needs to be made for you to understand.
>ETH itself, whose only usecase is shitting out scam coins with no usecase
>BAT is on ETH
>brave downloads translates to people clicking ads
Quite the opposite. I'm posting from Brave.
Why haven't I gotten any ad notifications since last night?
20 ads per day max. It is 21 now because of a bug.
Are you using it on mobile yet? Mine keeps telling me ads are coming soon
someone at my office is mining BAT on the computers, how do I steal it?
So you watched forty hours of ads just so you could watch some free television.
Jesus Christ you are a special kind of stupid.
This is how you FUD people.
Fake and gay