>minecraft implements stores for kids to buy cosmetics with BAT.

>Kids become little ad watching machines to pay for their video game addictions.

>simultaneously you are mass advertising to one of ththe largest most wanted demographics in existence.

>parents buy their kids shit their kids see in BAT ads.

Why aren't you invested in BAT again?

Attached: minecraft-hero-og.jpg (1200x630, 483K)

Everyone in biz deserves to be poor.

>User gets BAT ad
>ETH based game
>User instantly can buy an ingame item with Metamask
>Pays with BAT

Attached: metamask.png (319x304, 52K)

There are no video ads. It's only popups with text.

It redirects you to another page. It can be whatever they want.

>ad viewing machines


How do i cash put the bat i earned? Theres no way to cash out...

I don't buy anything for my kids, especially if they ask for it. they get what they're given. filthy fucking freeloaders

Be more patient than a 4 year old and wait until they complete that step of their white paper.


You can go jump off a bridge now.

Exactly. BAT circumvents the parent gatekeeper while still allowing for abuse of the weak parents that buy their kids everything they want.

You're hoping that Minecraft will allow children to buy things with BAT so that you can dump your bags on 9 year olds?

What the fuck is a bat, and why would anyone, who's ever had the sex required to produce a child, use it or allow it in their homes?

If you are too stupid to see inevitable use cases once adopted you certainly are welcome to lose all your money on pajeet scams that are permanently in development.

You're right your parents should have stuck you in a blender when they had the chance.

Yeah that sounds about right

I like your idea but maybe a different platform kids aren't that hyped for minecraft anymore

Thanks for answering my question, bro.

Good luck with your retard internet money on video games gambling strategy! I'm sure parents will do whatever absurd 20 step process you need them to, so you can sell their kids bitcoins or whatever stupid thing.

It was meant as an example. But yeah.

>minecraft implements stores for kids to buy cosmetics with BAT.
>Kids become little ad watching machines to pay for their video game addictions.
>Big tech companies lobby to shut it down
>EU fucking CREAMS brave with regulations for predatory advertising to children
>The end

He's actually selling the kids bats, not bitcoins.
It's not even that hard, retard. You just access tor, enable nodes and then download and install the bat ecosystem. Then you turn on the wallet from the settings and bam, your kids are all set and can start buying bats on minecraft.

Keep up with the times old man

>You just... 7 EASY STEPS... and your kids are all set and can start doing done retarded thing that even they don't care about
I still haven't set up the online thing for my 11 year olds switch, and he doesn't fucking care. I'm absolutely never going to install Jow Forums poor kid pretend money shit on his laptop.

>minecraft implements stores for kids to buy cosmetics with BAT.
why the fuck would microsoft EVER do this lol

I love how even 2 years after dgb we're still using the "but imagine if minecraft used it for currency tho" shilling

Enjoy your kid getting bullied mercilessly for not owning any Jow Forums ad bats cosmetics, ol boomer.

Haha. Fair point.

Ok, I'm in! Anyone got a copy of the 250 page white paper instruction manual on how to set this all up?

microsoft owns minecraft. they will NEVER use bat.

Marines never give up.

Attached: 1556148975389.png (720x370, 402K)

LOL nobody reads things anymore, how old are you? The only paper I've ever read is the funny quotes on my toilet paper.

I sold most of my BAT stack after the CEO got BTFO by the low IQ retard who runs Gab.

Except there's 1 flaw with your plan
kids don't play minecraft anymore
deluded boomer

also this, ads for kids should be outlawed

This is the most delusional post I have seen on this board.

I remember this same exact thread like 2 years ago except with DGB instead of BAT.

Shit has really come full circle.

develo0ers how hard would it be to build a rpg type card game in javascript.
i can see bat is going and its in game ads and in game transactions
another user said its going after the itunes market and i think they are right. remember everything is pretty much browser based now

>if I think of new ideas, the people who control said idea will implement them!

What's this level of delusion called?

You people are so unbelievably stupid it is not even funny. I actually feel bad for you. They already are planning on implementing this sort of functionality. If you think businesses wont take advantage of BAT to make an extra buck you are fucking retarded.

It doesnt have to be minecraft it can be anyone. Literally all you would have to do is hook up a store to BAT. You guys make it sound difficult.

You people are beyond help.