The subject header pretty much sums this up.
Who's interested?
Any LINK Marines in NYC interested in organizing a community Chainlink Meet-up?
Other urls found in this thread:
No thanks jidf, I don't want to get suicided
i would never want to associate myself with you degenerate faggots.
im good on eating ejuaculate brownies
We're only meeting up after we make it. Before that, it's just a sad LARP.
NJ marine here. I'll be at Times Square tomorrow, giving out flyers. If you want to talk to me about LINK, I'm the guy with the red jacket giving away musical flyers.
This is clearly an attempt to honey dick anons. Beware simpletons, spiders abound.
When bigmac net
everything associated with link is a hopeless larp, lets be real.
Once mainnet launches you can use my node to verify meeting time and place
AK-47 ran out of gas user here. I'm down to meet up.
Keen. Should we hit up a gay bar after?
sure, just lemme put on my dead man switch that detonates the explosives implanted inside my body if something bad happens to me. wouldn't want someone to rob me of my stinkies now would I?
therewas a pittsburgh meetup that actually went pretty well talked about running nodes in depth the dudes were finewouldnt necessarily wantto be friends with them but had a good time goodchat
that poop does not look healthy tbdesu
No, son.
Jeet here.
If you guys ever meet up I will bring my gun and shoot you all.
Here is my ran out of gas thread from last year
You can't take q gun to NYC. That's why he's trying to lure people there.
I wish a nigger would.
Physically how could they stop me from using my gun?
Like you're the only one with a gun. Fucking idiot.
Why do you sound scared? I only have 18 rounds in the mag, 1 in the chamber. :)
When are you guys going to post the address?
There's already an official NYC Chainlink meet May 15th. Just go to that.
You're so full of shit. Do it faggot
This guy meetups
Then post the fucking address, coward.
Be sure to bring your private keys
Interested... after mainnet
I dont know the address because i don't goto meetups of any kind. I'm just calling your bluff.
Don't try me faggot I would end up on the news with fame to my name while you faggots would be statistics.
No one cares about mass shooters anymore. That's yesterdays news. No fame for you faggot.
You gotta point here. But you guys could also meet up to chat about the API economy and what you guys are up to in that regard for your nodes. I'd join but alas, I no longer live in the Big Apple.
This. I can't stand being on this board with you retards and there isn't a single thing I would want to discuss or do with you.
I'll be the black guy with the mix-tapes, see you all there
Fuck off Timo