Where do we go now?

Jow Forums shot up another synagogue
this is the 2nd pol mass shooting in under 2 months
surely this site won't survive this one

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Welp there's always still reddit. I better start practising my spacing.

um no sweetie that's eightchan. we're on 4channel. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

punctuation on point kind good sir

In the event that 8ch and 4ch get shut down we move to 7ch

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Nah we always get scapegoated for Mossad ops. You just have to keep in mind that jews worship an oven god of fire and practice human sacrifice as was common in the days of its founding. They killed some 250 million people in the 20th century. Never believe jews, there is always an agenda.

phew we are safe! Not like those guys aint here r-right?

Hey looser. Check out how many Christian churches have been bombed lately. I bet your CNN brain wont be able to acknowledge them.

>Christian churches
you mean easter worshipers?

Link to the vid?

theres a mediafire one but thats it, no streams

>Jow Forums shot up another synagogue
>this is the 2nd pol mass shooting in under 2 months
(((Who))) could be behind this post?

I wonder

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Pack it up lads. I'd like to say it's been fun, but desu you're a bunch of cunts.

Why doesn't Jow Forums ever try to do something useless instead? They clearly have the smarts as evidence by fucking with Shia La Beouf with the "he will not divide us" flag fiasco.

How come they don't set up groups to clean graffiti from walls, have people pick up trash from the streets or help to build a church? In addition, in the past ruling parties get power by ingratiating themselves with services to the people.

IT would show that they are actually trying to benefit western society

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not useless

Why don't antifa do mass shootings?

Because they're losers and always will be losers.

The men they look up to wouldn't be caught dead associating with them in a million years.

>1 dead, 3 injured
Wow, it's fucking nothing.

>lurking for a year and a half
literal newfags are overdosing on facetious memes
what times we live in

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1 Dead??? lmao
8ch pol > 4ch pol clearly

fucking kikes everywhere
true, like 100 christian churches in second and third world shitholes for one mosque and one synagogue, the ratio is fucked up

It's fake.
The 911 calls happened at 11:30am. Post is from 2pm.

This. I remember Jow Forums when it did not have country flags. Fuck pretentious zoomer newfags.


timestamps on Jow Forums are est, the shooting was pst. Half an hour after the post

They are so fake

You are retarded if you think they are real

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What a dumbass. He didn't even collect Intel on his target location otherwise he would have seen the heavy security.

All the things you suggested are useless.
>wasting time cleaning up after minorities
>clean graffiti
Oh look some 10yr old nigger sprays it back the next day
>pick up litter
That's a paying job nowadays and again it's endless
>build a church
That's knowledge, time and money that neets don't have. Christianity is fucked anyway, pope has some nigger foot fetish or something.
You have to cleanse the source and the only way is to make them afraid and unwelcome or not exist.