How do I setup a mafia? Anyone know anyone in a mafia or come across them in real life? Where do I start? Any tips ?

How do I setup a mafia? Anyone know anyone in a mafia or come across them in real life? Where do I start? Any tips ?

Attached: 5BD14A01-AD2F-4D50-BA1B-A86B6B7B6BE6.jpg (1920x1080, 112K)

>start up mafia
>the actual mafia just shoots you in the head

Attached: Thangos.png (585x375, 302K)

Think you have to be Russian now and they're pretty hardcore and unglamorous.

i'm a mobster, AMA

How does mafia work?

I'm a member of the n-mafia, I can give some details but will need to keep a lot of it vague if thats okay.

How do I get women?

Go ahead.

Lets get this thread started.

Interesting topic

(Italian) Mafia is a criminal organization based upon clans (families), they control some territory, and usually they are under a bigger boss, or a consensus.
Every clan has its own boss, and the soldiers (picciotti).