Friendly reminder that taxation is theft

Friendly reminder that taxation is theft.

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Property is theft

taxation on capitalists is not theft, since their wealth was stolen in the first place

fuck off commie

Think you meant property rights

It's ok, as expected from a communist

why do you say it was stolen?

capitalism is based on the owning class exponentially accruing wealth through the labour of their workers without having to do anything themselves

it's just like feudalism except there is more mobility between the owning class and underclass, and obviously all classes are materially better off. but the master-slave social relations of dominance are unchanged

anarchist are anti-capitalist for a reason

reminder that bcash and core is polish communism

you didn't answer the question

the workers agree to work for a sum of money, nothing wrong with that.

And anarchism, which is voluntarism, justifies involuntary taking of wealth from others how? You might want to look up definitions of words sometime.


That's a very naive way to look at it.

That being said, nowhere in history have we stepped away from the master-slave structure. So why even bother. Might sound defeatist but there is more social mobility than ever for the motivated, and in no century before today was it ever comfier being a "slave".

Are you saying the French is wrongly translated or what do you mean?!

thanks, capitalism!

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t. clueless cattle

Our only redemption from ourselves is delegating executive decisions to machines, but who's to say absolute power corrupts absolutely doesn't apply to machines?

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Start a religion it's tax exempted. Make all your purchases trough that religion and you won't ever have to pay taxes??? I think taxes are a good idea cause money is needed for public infrastructure we all use. But when the majority is spend on creating wars I'm kinda out.

>being a communist faggot in [current year + 4] because you're retarded enough to get swept up by meaningless pseudo-intellectual pedantry like

Oh no no no

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Go live in a 3rd world shithole faggot

You don’t own anything faggot

yeah, so, whatcha gonna do about it, cuckboi?

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not an argument

>UNMANNED aerial vehicle
>actually manned remotely by some zoomer in a hanger

yikes and cringe USAF
all it takes is fortnite shutting down and all of your drones are out of commission

Legal tax avoidance

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because they are forced to out of desperation. because otherwise they couldn't feed themselves or their families tomorrow

very few people actually enjoy the state of wage work or do it out of their true volition (exemplified by this board), they do it because they have to

freedom is only freedom when people are presented with meaningful alternatives

Capitalism is the societal realization of natural selection. The sharing of income and property is a travestite of natural order intended to artificially erase differences between individuals, usually encouraged by those sitting at the bottom of the pyramid of genetics and ambition.

redistribution of wealth is a concept within capitalism

anarchism is opposed to the capitalist structure entirely, it doesn't advocate keeping capitalism but then redistributing some of the wealth via government every tax day

that's just an attempt to prop up capitalism and prevent the masses from going full revolt (this is basically why the new deal happened)

capitalism has existed for about 300 years, humans have existed for around 100,000-200,000 years, almost all of which (until the rise of statism) were lived in pretty socialistic societies

why are right wingers on the internet so fucking dumb?

The definition of force is one moral agent making another agent do something against their will. Reality itself cannot exert force. You don't have to eat but you don't want to die. That is your choice.

Voluntarism does not allow the use of force. Taxation requires force. Capitalism is economic voluntarism. Therefore taxation cannot be a part of capitalism. Under capitalism, redistribution happens voluntarily through charity.

u need to realize roger is probably the scammiest person in crypto.

And when has most technological development taken place in human history? The first 200k years or the last 300?

>humans have existed for around 100,000-200,000 years, almost all of which (until the rise of statism) were lived in pretty socialistic societies

force is a verb which means compulsion, it doesn't have to be physical or have any moral agent attached at all

if someone jumps out of a burning building to their death, they were forced to do so by fear of a painful death. it was not a voluntary, willing, action

>capitalism has existed for about 300 years
>it's just like feudalism
hang yourself, pederast

>almost all of which (until the rise of statism) were lived in pretty socialistic societies

Except all of your low IQ dependent ancestors were serfs and slaves sucking cock for food because you had no skills. I wouldn't be surprised if your average communist descended from people who should have died and were saved by modern medicine and welfare.

>Friendly remainder that a word is a word implying another set of meanings

Actually I'd argue that sucking cock wasn't a thing for most of human civilization

Ah, so if you feel an emotion and choose to do something, there is 0 responsibility for your actions on you? What a convenient way of thinking.

Almost all of humanity were serfs during feudalism and slaves during slave societies. And wage cucks during capitalism. That's the entire point.

You are worshiping a ruling class you aren't a part of and never would have been a part of at any point in society. The textbook case of a self hating cuck

>look everyone I'm projecting

>Almost all of humanity were serfs during feudalism and slaves during slave societies.
And yet the merchant class and bourgeoisie grew so large they managed to overthrow the monarchy under the guise of popular uprising.

Based Rogerposter

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Argue about definitions when you can't argue the logic itself. All that matters is that the end result is the same, either you work or you die. There's practically no difference

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Go live in the woods by yourself then. That's what cracks me up about the "muh tax is theft" crowd. You literally choose to live and participate in society, what did you expect to happen?

> no free lunch for freeloaders

roger would be 100% based if he stood behind digital gold instead of digital fiat

This is the face of a man who had to sell his ass in prison.

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after a while of doing deals i figured out what scammers and people who try to screw me in deals look like

they all have this same look.

it's kind of a fake smile or smirk like they are getting off on the fact they're screwing u over. they have dark or dark dyed hair look to be mid 30s to mid 40s shaven etc. basically that guy right there roger ver.

they've no interesting in putting together a genuine business deal

anyway that's my blog and hope you all stay away from whatever trash he's peddling

Roger scam exchange Binance pumped and dumped BSV before delisting it.
Don't trust binance and don't trust BCH.
Binance DEX is not descentrilized, don't believe lies

Nobody is exerting force on you to work. It is simply a necessity for life itself. You want to eat, you need to work. Food doesn't magically appear by itself, actual people have to catch, harvest, cook, prepare and distribute it. You can do that yourself if you want, and that requires work.

Why do you think you are entitled to eat what other people made and prepared? Are you entitled to THEIR labor? No, you exchange your own labor for something of value, like food, that other people labored to get. This exchange of labor is mediated through a mutually agreed upon system of stored value.

Congrats I've just taught you the basic concept of money.

Who cares. You need theft to keep a society together

Same smirk as skrelli

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