Oh Hey Matty: "After listening to The Modern Investors recent live stream he mentioned that according to some rumors Holochain will plan to make a push into the top 20 cryptocurrencies on coin market cap. We take a look at historical price action on Holo dating back to 2018 and see how feasible this would be." -- youtube.com/watch?v=mTifKuKrKE0

Looks like they have some huge whales on the team or aligned up some big corporate partners. To be that confident...
This could be the final time HOT is this cheap.

HoloChain(Hot) -- 1000x investment possibly or Bust - worth the risk
-- youtube.com/watch?v=p5TJXbNRxbs

^ This guy recommended Holo in January 2019 to his subscribers when it was at 90mill cap.
HOT shot up to $200mill mcap a few weeks after.

Attached: aws-vs-holo.jpg (1200x479, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


HOT will be top 5 imo

holo will dominate the dapp market as it is the better solution. HOT and BTC will live. What other purpose is the blockchain good for seriously? Execpt for currencie, which BTC takes pretty much the whole niche.

Attached: hololink.png (512x512, 339K)

Holochain more like homochain


Why does HOTs chart look like this...

Attached: DF1BA064-A459-47B0-A07A-1E69EF2D09D4.jpg (750x1295, 199K)

When LINK(a coin with substantially lower market cap and trading volume) has a chart that looks much more normal?

>pic related

Attached: 191077CB-B8C7-4E5F-ACC9-532B5C3B2422.jpg (750x1297, 204K)


because its only 20 satoshi, brainlet

That doesnt explain the long periods of time with ZERO movement. It doesnt make any sense. Seems a little scammy.

there is literally a celio next to the ticker HOT
the problem's with your app. HOTETH looks of course more organic. but it's ''market adjusted usd'' and the sole reason is the low satoshi

from 1 to 2 satoshi is 100% gain.

Jesus christ. The average LINKtard.


Ethereum has 8,000 nodes right now, refer to:

On launch day, HOLO will have 1/4 the number of nodes Ethereum has.
Thing is, Ethereum has been around for nearly 5yrs. You would expect the numbers to be climbing yet it is going backwards because Ethereum cannot scale, dapps are slow and too hard to build.

The next World Web Web revolution is coming and it's 100% decentralized

Bitcoin has 10,000 nodes.
When there are over 10,000 Holo nodes, we will be flipping ETH!

Sorry retard we live in reality not fantasy land believing in some unrealistic internet 2.0 that's going to dethrone the global elite. ChainLink complements and enhances the current paradigm, holo wants to replace it and it's never going to happen. Pretend to be smart somewhere else you dunning kruger faggot.

> ^ This guy recommended Holo in January 2019 to his subscribers when it was at 90mill cap.
HOT shot up to $200mill mcap a few weeks after.

You think January 2019 was early on this coin? Fucking hell, Jow Forums was shilling this in march/april 2018 when it hit IDEX

Have sex and take your meds

serious question: wasnt binance's dex supposed to be built on HOT?

today ATOM COSMOS is pumping 47%. excuse me what the fuck

No it was a rumor shills started. How could Binance build a DEX on vaporware?

NKN has over 10,000 nodes already and it's cap is 1/10 HOT

>devs hate marketing and hype, got delisted from binance voting for fraud.
nah thx buddy i'm good

I'm putting in 3-500 a week split evenly into: btc/eth/linkbat/hot starting next week for the next few months till bull is on the way. Good plan?

Post hotfolios

Attached: 7CDB5ED3-7EDA-45B1-AF59-868418C25C07.png (828x1792, 266K)

I would just focus on link and holo, and accumulate those with some btc