> play user
play user
what's up with all these roasties threads?
Pink wojaks went out of fashion?
>imagine the smell
Jow Forums has sort of morphed into a thotposting board because there is literally nothing going on anymore in crypto that's interesting and the stockfags have their general.
Wow.. thats reallyy ... *YAAAAWWWWNNNNNN*
>tfw 33 yo virgin
Does this photo supposed to be motivate me or make me feel jealous about something?
time to by then
Still better than the BSV and LINK spam.
where is this?
They dont want us to get rich so they flood the board with low IQ posts and thotposts to distract us.
I'm ugly
btc will crash
Its pretty. I've never been to a place with white pearl beaches and an ocean so blue.
seem to be working
any sort of tangentially meaningful discussion gets far less attention, but that's /biz
I could only imagine having that experience. That would be a good day.
This is undoubtedly the worst it has ever been.
why not fuck ugly chicks?
I prefer little brown fucking machines or slightly chubby Chinese girls. Tall supermodel thots have shit attitudes and don't appreciate dick since they have an endless supply since they were old enough to take it.
I see a chick like this and while she may be physically beautiful, I know she is a shit person (not entirely her fault) and I don't want to make her feel good.
Romancing and seducing an island girl or lower class cute Chinese girl who is infatuated with foreigner and literally fantasizes about men like me, is more satisfying and way more fun.
You can see it in their eyes when you are making love to them: "thank you white man for accepting me and making me feel good", as opposed to "just get it over with" from the western whore.
damn you got us in the kidneys
>I would love to have this girl but I can't so she's a whore for not dating me.
fine incel cope
based and 2dpilled