After the number of crypto projects are well about 2k. I would like to know if you guys think privacy coins have still a good buy recommendation?
Which Privacy coin is a good choice and why?
Privacy coins are a dumb meme. Nobody cares about this shit, and please don't pretend that you do.
Bitcoin is good enough (BCH) it has Cash Shuffle baked into major wallets, giving monero levels of privacy.
Now that Bitcoin is free from the evil centralised blockstream all of the 'problems' which altcoins tried to 'fix' are disappearing.
Bitcoin is instant, Bitcoin is private.
Bitcoin is all you need.
Cloakcoin, fundamentals are strong. Cointradernik gave them almost full points in his analysis.
Price wise, it's still at the bottom, hasn't pumped yet. When Bitcoin consolidates and it's dominate will go down, it will be time for the small caps.
Wouldn't be surprised to see it at 2-3$ before summer.
Monero is awesome but difficult to use. Verge might be good. Zcash is approved by the USA federal government because it has backdoors into it so it's not a privacy coin, might as well be called good goy bucks. Dash I don't know enough about and it's too overpriced for me to care. Rest are completely irrelevant although PIVX seems undervalued.
I want to coin shuffle but I fear that exchanges and coinbase would cut me off for mixing with, for example, silkroad coins.
Do you use coinshuffle? Is this a rational fear?
Opacity, is a anonymous storage provider and by now you get 64gb of storage for 4ct
xmr is the only one i hold but the rest of the market seems so uninterested in privacy coins that it's a pretty shitty hold at the moment
Monero is the only one worth caring about.
XMR and KMD are the only two imo.
Love these totally not a scam projects that don't have to obey cost/price rules. They probably get their gigabytes from the HDD tree
Monero is the only privacy coin. The rest are basically just flawed shortcut implementations of bitcoin (or worse) that haven't done everything right like Monero has.
PIVX (and all Zerocoin spinoffs) just had to disable all private transactions because of an error in cryptography that allowed for unlimited minting of new coins. Zcoin estimates 1% of its supply was created out of nothing since this bug was discovered during this past week. Good thing they caught it with only that "little" amount of damage done. So basically all Zerocoin variants have privacy, their only real feature, turned off until further notice. Awesome!
>Monero is awesome but difficult to use.
If your life depends on a transaction remaining private, "difficult to use" is kind of a poor reason for not doing 15 minutes of reading to figure out how Monero is a little bit different than "Bitcoin cloin with z-addresses #2407108." It's really not that fucking hard.
Unironically eth when it gets zk-snarks and more. Will end up btfo’ing more than half of these shit coins.
Proof Of Stake (Eco friendly)
Fast Transactions
Committed Dev Team
Proof Of Stake
Heavy focus on real world adoption)
Fast Transaction
Committed Dev and Marketing Team
Thanks for prompting me to do more research into Cloakcoin.
I'm all in XMR but nodes are a fucking pain in the ass.
every person I've introduced XMR to has had no problem setting up a wallet or connecting to a remote node
I had immense problems setting up a node because the first 6 I found didn't work. In total I've set up 13 nodes and often none of them work each time I log back into monerujo and I have to find a new one. It's fucking aggravating as shit.
verge is a completely standard btc fork with tor proxying enabled by default instead of off by default, that doesn't make it "private"
I sold 20% of my holdings because it seems like it's not being used anywhere anymore
Monero and its best forks.
Aeon [AEON]
Masari [MSR]
Swap [XWP]
Also, consider Grin.
I think I've seen you post before about your difficulty using monerujo and people keep telling you that it's really not a big deal. Anyway, if you're serious about using Monero I'd suggest the desktop client. Light wallets aren't necessarily frowned upon but by trusting someone else's node you're sacrificing one of the key points of Monero which is that you shouldn't have to trust anyone to use Monero. I know you don't care but just trying to give you a reason that what you're doing is small niche of what Monero is about.
PIVX is literally broken. Read two posts above yours.
dont have a desktop computer.
Mimble Wimble protocol is neat, but Grin's inflation rate is horrifying. Cool proof of concept though.
>internet money
pls stop being retarded
Then Monerujo is probably your best bet, just not sure why you are having issues. A post from the dev stated a while back that it should automatically connect to the fastest "trusted" node and let you update the wallet automatically, but if not, there are a bunch of other well known nodes you can connect to like
Grandpa it's time for bed.
>crypto is breaking the system
>check out this awesome coin, they have partnership agreements with Samsung, McDonald's, and Visa
Xspec about to take off
Monero is a community developed project, it doesn't have partnership agreements with anyone
Fortunately none of that shit applies directly to Monero but you're right that the rest of crypto is 99% garbage.
Scammy emission, scammy mining. No.
justify both those statements
Only one of those coins will end up mainstream use one day.
XMR will be be for darkweb purchases only in 10 years time.
>XMR will be be for darkweb purchases only
So in other words, XMR will be the one users can trust? Got it.
Reasonable fear, but you can check how big the mixing pool is, such that any possible such coins that got in the mix would be drowned out. Fungible.
85% of all the supply mined in less than 1 year. Also, there are people mining it with GPUs.
>such coins that got in the mix would be drowned out.
You're just playing an odds game. No guarantees with Bitcoin and you're completely dependent on any centralized mixer not being compromised. Just use Monero.
TokenPay, just take a look at what they are building, you're welcome.
monero and everything else on that list is a shitcoin.
What's going on with Masari? Seems like it was doing well a while ago and now just kind of sitting there.