So... If I leave a shit computer on youtube auto play on my neighbours WiFi.... will I make continuous passive income?

So... If I leave a shit computer on youtube auto play on my neighbours WiFi.... will I make continuous passive income?

Is this the new mining?

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you cant cash out. you have to give your earned bat from watching ads to content creators...which is what ads did in the first place

yeah but it's worse, you can't cash out.
It's meant to be a tipping system. You "tip" "muh content creators" and other normie shit

Word on the street is they're creating a wallet where you can deposit and withdraw bat

so it seems kind of pointless desu

The ads are incredibly annoying for two cents, feels like someone texting you and bothering you and clearing your inbox folder from spam. For $0.02 it's too much effort. The ad blocking also sucks because it still lets popups go through. And the question is what happens if you get infected with malware? Let's say someone makes a virus that instead of popping up legitimate ads through Brave, it lets through shit that will take over your computer? All this for pennies you cannot even touch.



Not to mention most people who use Brave will most likely have Metamask installed or maybe even crypto keys laying about on their computer. At the very least will have BTC to send for ransomware.

>All this for penises you cannot even touch.

have to issue a wallet to offload at some point otherwise what are content creators going to do with their BAT tips?

>yet another Gab thread

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Tips go in the Uphold wallet and you can cash it out.

wtf I can't spend it?

this is fucking gay i've watched 75 grammarly adverts today.

someone please respond

>You can't cash out!
>KYC? lmao no thanks
>wtf I can't spend it?
>Worthless funding token
>Brave, NOT BAT!
>BAT isn't even necessary
>BAT is centralized
>Brave could have just used Bitcoin
>Brave could have just used Ethereum
>Brave could have just used DAI
>Brave could have just used [insert your shitcoin]
>BAT can't go above $1
>BAT is meant to cost as much as a cup of coffee, it's in the white paper
>Brave whitelists Facebook trackers! I saw it on Reddit
>PRL is a better investment as far as advertising cryptocurrencies go.
>Brave/BAT is just the latest version of pay-to-surf
>Pay-to-surf has been done before; it never works out
>It's a scam
>Brave's CEO is homophobic
>Brave is good, but BAT is a worthless funding token
>Why wouldn't you just use Ublock?
>Who's really going to download another browser
>PRL just mines on your CPU, you don't even have to see ads
>It's premined and centralized
>Firefox is faster
>Opera already has a built in wallet
>I can just use metamask
>No one will stop using patreon
>Any normal browser with a blocker installed is always going to work better than Brave. The only reason to use Brave is if your time is worth a few pennies an hour for watching ads.
>Fucking browser token
>All of those are true. Facts are not fud.

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You have to donate it kid

can't i just register myself as a content creator and tip my self.
then cash out with whatever i tipped myself with?
if not what do content creators do with these tips?

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Use bittube retard.. fuck sake research

Yes that's genius.

BTFO battards

Tor browsing kills projects like privatix and skycoin.

fuck you David Shattingborough

Unless you hire an army of pajeets and zoomers, you're going to cash out like $10 every month for your efforts..
Time is $$$ tripfag

yeah that's not the point i just wanna know how to not assist the basic attention jew

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disingenuous faggots. this is why BAT boys shit on noobs and pajeets

>what if someone hacks the secure end to end system Brave developed exactly to stop malware ads in the first place?
>what if I had a brain???

what if you stopped sucking so much dick? leave some for the rest of the faggots at the gay bar.

>Brave's CEO is homophobic
wtf I love BAT now.
>PRL just mines on your CPU, you don't even have to see ads.
*audible kek*

If only there were machines that ran programs for us

My dad sucked your dads dick and your dad enjoyed it so your dads gay

what a genius idea user! did you think of that yourself? surely it hasn't been thought of and tried hundreds of times by both literal pajeets and those that are just pajeets at heart.

You'll succeed where so many others have failed, i'm sure of it user!

at least he's the top in the gay relationship ya queer.

The absolute state of biz retards

What does being a disingenuous faggot do for you? Telling lies isn't going to pump your bags. You reap what you sew. Enjoy the bags children of molek

Firefox isn't faster than Chrome (Brave) on Android.
This is the main reason why I use it.

what? what he said was facts and how bat earn bat by watching ads but you cant cash it out to fiat, you can only tip it to other content creators. this is literally what traditional ads did in the first place

Sounds like you know faggot

Yeah because no 0day malware has ever got past antivirus software.

>what if my virus infested computer presents even more malware that i'm too stupid to realize is malware. Can I blame BAT/Brave for this?

about your ass bimbo of a father? Who doesn't know about that?

You're clearly out of your element if you think this is how the system works or for that matter how advertising ever worked in the first place. faggot.

ass bimbo KEK gonna call my old man that when I next see him. Thanks user lol

If anything that makes him based as fuck. It's funny how they single out his support for Prop 8 when the majority of CA residents voted in favor of it. Same as Brendan did.

Wow more bat FUD. That's my sign to buy even more.

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I'm not FUDing, I genuinely want to know if I can do anything with it

>you cant cash out. you have to give your earned bat from watching ads to content creators
Right now yes, but soon in the future you will be able to do whatever you want with the BAT you earn

Widespread use of tor in bat may negatively impact vpn crypto projects. With brave tor people in china for instance will not require vpn's. The only reason someone needs a vpn now is 4k streaming or watching content in another country (bbc or football matches).

you guys understand you do not need to watch ads to get the BAT right? There are currently no in-browser ads (that pay). The only ads that pay are from pop-up notifications from the browser. You do not need to click the notifications to earn the reward, the notification itself is all you need. Just use Brave like normal, and dismiss any notifications you get, and you will earn BAT without seeing a single ad, outside of a small notification. You cant AT MOST (not guaranteed) see 5 ads an hour, each of which pay 0.05 BAT (although the rate will change in the future). This means, MAX you earn $0.10 / hour (for BAT @ $0.40). However, you consistently do seem to get your max amount of ads. So for most neets, you can get like $1.00 a day, without any real ads/interruptions.

and for everyone asking
A 2 way wallet is in the works, but currently you cannot remove any BAT. You can however, donate that BAT to yourself, OR you can earn the bat, let it sit in your Brave wallet, and wait for them to enable the 2-way wallet, which is in the works.
Alternatively, you will be able to spend the BAT for basically anything using the TAP network, by the end of this year. Hotels, gift cards, food, plane tickets, etc.

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There are free vpn browser extensions.

if only....

the only way around this is by owning a domain with an SSL certificate and getting verified with BRAVE - then of course sending the BAT to yourself. thats what im currently doing.

Based and loophole pilled

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Google will ban your account before that happens.
t. In the know

so i just add DNS entry... that easy rite?

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I took a grant of 30 BAT a month ago, but now my wallet shows 90+ BAT. Why?

Most likely reason is that you donated 60+ BAT to publishers who have not verified. Before the BAT was held by Brave until the publisher verified, at which point it was given to them.
After Tom Scott spazzed out on twitter, they adjusted their system. Now, your browser puts BAT donated to non-verified publishers off to the side, and continues to attempt to donate to them for the next 90 days. If they verify within that time, they receive the BAT. Otherwise, it is redeposited into your wallet.
The benefit of this is that you need not trust Brave to deliver your BAT on your behalf. The negative of this, is that publishers have no way of a) accumulating BAT before verifying to any large degree and b) cannot be notified by Brave informing they have a large BAT balance waiting for them, as there is no way of knowing how much BAT is attempting to donate


you cannot

Isn't this doable just with a YouTube channel?

Yes, I've donated almost 500 BAT to myself over a number of months. However, it should be noted it appears that I've stopped receiving BAT grants, so perhaps I was banned from getting any BAT UGP grants in the future. That being said, I still withdrew the BAT I donated to myself fine.

>become content creator
>tip yourself

No they just haven’t granted any lately

I've made $60 in the last 5 days by just letting brave idle lol

Been using it all weekend I’ve earned 0 BAT, I’m opted in, haven’t seen ads or popups. Wtf

Post screenshot

I cant even get brave ads, it just says:

"ads are coming"

fucking bs

That explains it. Probably fucking location dependent/specific

he is lying. Even if that worked, he at most got 5*24*5*0.05 BAT or 30 BAT = $12 at most
only available in a few countries right now. US, Canada and a couple more I forget

Also this pajeet browser won’t load the Binance trading page

>>Brave's CEO is homophobic
You are saying it like it's a bad thing

yes it does faggot

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(my post is tongue in cheek, I enjoy collecting BAT FUD and putting it all into a document because it's all so repetitive and horribly ignorant/stupid)

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Why not just make a real cheap website yourself?

5 computers?

WTF are you doing. You can't just hand out the BAT FUD template.

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I joined too late then. Still going to keep it since the browser is actually decent on both Android and PC.
Though it is a pain in the ass browsing Jow Forums since the privacy stuff blocks Google tracing, and I have to solve captchas 100% of the time rather than once in a while.

Just buy a Jow Forums pass

easy same just have two computers you retards...

and youtube account