/smg/ - Stock Market General

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sorry sir but I only purchase memes

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Seriously considering buying disney. Can they keep the marvel money machine printing?

name one chinese car brand that is succesful in the west

What's the meme stock of the week?

chinese cars too small for american bodies

I can't wait for a vol event to btfo all of the volatility shorts

I want to go long VIX, sort of,...
depends how we open Monday, then depending on that, how the rest of Monday/Early Tuesday go

If we open low VIX Monday I buy some calls


they're going to fill in the hole Intel left when they report earnings Tuesday

I'm unironically going 50% cash until February 2020

bought some vxxb the other day. I'll probably get assblasted, given that all the huge hedge funds are mega short vol right now, but its so fucking low I feel like its a good value

not even bonds?
not gold?
not bitcoin?
I like cash
I mean, I love cash, but cash is a short term position
hold cash on the weekly/monthly at max, for buying opportunities
don't hold cash for a year (IMO)

VXXB decays. It's precursor, VXX, split about every year or two.
so don't buy it just because it seems cheap: you have to buy it as a timing play/hedge, but with a specific (short) time period in mind, a couple weeks at absolute most.
That's why you might as well go really balls to the walls and buy options on things like VXXB, it's necessarily a timing play

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>Bloomberg says Etrade is close to launching crypto with Bitcoin and Etherium
>trying to keep up with Robinhood

Is it time? Should I get some crypto? I just don’t trust this shit.

you shouldn't trust it, it's speculative
but you shouldn't necessarily trust anything else either (USD, equities, bonds)
If you go say, 2% - 5% crypto, maybe you'll make some money
just be sure to start selling out as it goes up, don't be too patient to sell out. I lean towards 2%. some in BTC/ETH, some in a small alt-coin. worse case you lose it all

Give me some clownworld stocks

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You guys are OK.

Don’t go to the Nikkei this week.

There are so many factors I have no idea what to pay attention to...
>Sell in may and go away?
>Low expectations on earnings keep leading to upside surprizes
>US businesses slowing in China
>China juicing the economy -> surging in China
>Retail investers FOMOing into the market as it breaks records
>Institutional investors on the sidelines until we get a trade deal confirmation
>If trade deal is well received, tutes likely flood in and economy races to new highs (ROCKETFUEL)
>if trade deal is poorly received... it's going to be real bad

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FTSV. New groundbreaking Cancer drug. Famous Stanford oncology team. I’m doing you guys a favor.

So what's the plan for this week, lose money, or lose A LOT of money?

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Going to need more words than that and some links as well

100% buy rating by 8 analysts.

I'll be watching, thanks user

on 3rd clinical trial and a new price point set 30% higher than where the stock is currently. yeah, I'm in.

>muh analysts

analysts are wrong all the time, especially when it comes to biotechs where a seemingly promising stock can be completely demolished by bad clinical trial results

>on 3rd clinical trial
progressing to phase 3 doesn't mean the company will succeed in phase 3
what matters more than the stage of development a company is at is the actual results of the clinical trials

>After 5 days of having to watch call and put videos on youtube because I'm a retard
I know options

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I'm not sure if he's shilling, sarcastic, or naive.
But Robinhood's analyst metric is super sketchy.
Check out any of those other pennies I posted?

I don't, post the good ones please.

start with the khan academy videos, the man essentially knows he's teaching to a brainlett like me and dumbs it down enough for me to keep up

a combination of these things is a good indicator the stock is going up

>progressing to phase 3 doesn't mean the company will succeed in phase 3
no shit

idk what has made you so cynical but take care of it

that analyst metric really is sketchy
it's only useful to the most clueless of normies who are just getting into investing (who are part of robinhood's target audience)

>Check out any of those other pennies I posted?
assuming you're >CPRX
I have this one on my personal watchlist of random small cap biotech stocks, but I don't actually know anything about it

this one is a wall street biotech darling
really good results in its clinical trials, but there are a lot more normies and boomers in it than you would see in most biotechs

don't know anything about these, but I notice ZYNE is going up a lot without a major catalyst
in general, you should avoid buying biotechs when they're going up on hype and try to buy in low when nothing is happening
don't know anything about ZYNE's long term prospects, but this short term action reeks of a pump and dump to me

If you aren't just messing with me, I really think you shouldn't mess with biotech
There are a lot of differences between clinical stage biotechs and most other stocks, it's easy to lose money on biotechs if you don't know what you're getting into

ex: all the people who bought into VSTM and LPTX without doing research of their own beforehand

Where my foodbros at? We hyped for the Kraft Heinz earnings Tuesday?

I got a great feeling even though I had a good feeling going into last quarter as well. I doubled down at $32 so my average buy is only $39.

oh thank you, yee who is all knowledgeable of thy market, for your unsolicited advice on trading biotech. how ever may I repay you?

is the market opened yet guys?

jfc I already sense a mass wave of normies because of the post showing a guy making 160k off of disney options

the market opens 9:30-4 normally I believe, but robinhood gold users can trade from 9 to 6

Kraft and other companies who are in the dumps (NWL, DF, etc.) usually don't just turn it around in one quarter. They're on a longer rebuilding period than that. There might be a small pump with earnings, but KHC is a multi-year investment from now on.

CAG did dump one quarter and pump the next, but that isn't the norm.

Hang Seng/Shanghai are open. Basically the Asian markets that aren't the Nikkei (which is closed all week for very special circumstances).
Europe it's almost 5 in the morning, so they'll open in 4 hours or so

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leddit was a mistake

I don't think they are in the dumps. Earnings were still strong last quarter and all the bad news was immaterial financially. The write down in Oscar Meyer (wasn't buy the company for that garbage brand anyways), the cut of the dividend (saw it coming and wish they cut it more honestly to pay down debt faster), and the SEC inquiry which was already resolved. None of that is impacting their bottom line and it's all overblown.

All the bad news was priced in and the drop was a major overreaction. The core business model is still strong. And I like the business's they did decide to shop to help pay off the debt.

If it does take a while to recover I will just enjoy accumulating the cheapies and reinvesting the dividend.

>I believe

hahahahahaha I'd take a bunch of reddit normies over a fucking retard in an stock market thread who is unsure when the fucking market opens lmao

this place is a fucking joke

>this place is a fucking joke
no shit and it's getting worse...

he sounded like he was unsure of normal hours because he always trades on robinhood gold

here isn't worse than other communities like wsb and yahoo finance

make the nasdaq/nyse open up im tired of waiting

>saying you don't know when you don't know is a bad thing
>Expressing uncertainty when you are uncertain is a bad thing

It's like you think everyone should be a conman
fucking normies I swear to god

it still cracks me up when people post times here that arnt in the only timesone that matters: EST

there is usually a bunch of salty westcoast and mountain time noobs in these threads

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wish I lived in mountain time zone

time zone rankings by where I would want to live:


EST has TN and the Carolinas, those are nice, never been to the northeast

one nice thing about PST and MTN is the market opens earlier in the morning

there's nothing wrong with not knowing something, but it lowers the quality of discussion when the thread is flooded with people asking questions about basic things, so I think some degree of elitism has a legitimate purpose here

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It doesn't matter. the fact you are trading but dont even know when the markets open is mind boggling

>newfag trying to make himself look better by belittling someone else

>a tripfagging jannie trying to control the the thread by replying to everyone

>stating my opinion is trying to control the thread

Easy. Some of us are socially disabled and somewhat obsessive.

Thanks for making is so much better.
Also considered selling puts on LCI, why does the options market for it suck so hard

Thoughts on AMN for this week?

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>why does the options market for it suck so hard
imo everyones wacking the bid

that wasnt an opinion, it was a statement.

how fucking old are you? serious question. youre in every general and post numerous times, i never read your shit but have just assumed you know your stuff but god damn im coming to the conclusion you're just another retarded teen faggot.

I mean...
>I really think you shouldn't mess with biotech.......ex: all the people who bought into VSTM and LPTX without doing research of their own beforehand


>CPRX. I have this one on my personal watchlist of random small cap biotech stocks, but I don't actually know anything about it

Jow Forums is fucking gay as fuck. youre all LARPing faggots and I enjoy bullying you losers

>Jow Forums is fucking gay as fuck. youre all LARPing faggots and I enjoy bullying you losers

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it's pretty obvious he's just fishing for replies at this point, just ignore him

he a zoomer don't let him bother you too much

how old are you ? what kinds of things are you buying ?

Will YUMA keep pumping?

I want to get back in cheap but it's not dropping.

If I wanted to make $10 a day in profit, roughly how much money would I need to play with in order to do that?

This is so I can fund my weed and fried chicken addiction.

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just get a job tyrone

I would own a shitload of Disney in a heartbeat. Disney is one of those buy and hold forever stocks because it isn't going anywhere. At the very least, buy some option calls for it this week. Avengers is absolutely huge. And Star Wars is on the distant horizon too so keep an eye out for that.

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Ayy fuck you white boy

>mfw selling September 20th $15 puts

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the issue isn't you not having enough money, it's the market/your performance not being so consistent that you can make a set amount every day

makes sense. im 28. I only trade options. I have calls on DIS, SIRI, HSY, and PFE right now. I'm selling my HSY tomorrow morning and DIS tomorrow afternoon. SIRI is going to go back up to $6 this month and I'm betting Pfizer will beat earnings projections

>limit buy triggered...

Oh shit shit shit shit I just bought some bitcoin and now my portfolio is moving a bunch even thought the market’s closed.

I think I just made my taxes unnecessarily difficult next year. And I just bought a speculative asset I don’t fully understand but find fascinating.

Tell me dr. /smg/, what’s the damage?

>already lost 14 cents

What’s stopping you?

> Inflation is "low" right now apparently
if one ignores the massive stock market growth and asset price inflation, to which the QE and bailouts contributed ever since 2007.

2000-202X should in history probably be treated as two decades that were lost, and one continuous economic zombie era in USA.

The robbery in plain sight, here. Tax payers paying for all of it. It's just a joke.

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nothing. I do own Disney shares (though, I want more). I was just giving my opinion to the other user.

Bull type feel

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gotta be careful with all calls like that: as earnings season starts to wind down this week, the market could decide a direction. I don't know how secure your position is if we hit some turbulence

if we play our cards right, zoomers will pay for it all in 100 years

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>, zoomers will pay for it all in 100 years
or, unlike the current generation they wise up to the plan and then there's just a lot of meatbags hanging from lampposts. Communists and National-Socialists tend to share that attribute.

Which should I start trading, crypto or stocks?

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Warren and Charlie are so cute :3


Four same numbers!
Good post!

Oh. Same here. I also own disney and want more. This me:
I do not understand what this graph is trying to convey. Maybe I should just give up on understanding macroeconomics. Seems important though.

I'm fairly confident that boomers have things orchestrated perfectly so all the shit will hit the fan and bubbles will burst when they die.

Make no mistake X'ers, millenials, and zoomers: we're in for a bad time.

the populace lacks the strength of will to fight and kill
they'll sit on their couches right up until the moment that the supermarket shelves are empty. They won't have enough sugar in their blood to do anything but fester and die where they sit.
country has been 99% feminized, it will die the same slow pathetic death as every other country that emasculates itself

most of us got our start selling drugs. once you get a handle on that, the bond market and forex should be your next steps before you try and touch stocks or crypto

>I do not understand what this graph is trying to convey
do you understand what the concept of inflation means in the general, classical sense?

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> inflation in the general, classical sense
classical: money supply growth (but the fed completely lost track of that in 80s)

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bullish move.. do you hold till expiration?

I understand inflation to mean money buys less. Savers lose and spenders win.

y'all go look at Five Below (NASDAQ: FIVE) and read this


TL;DR the stock is overvalued by 151%

seasoned traders, tell me what you think about it. It has flown under the radar HARD

so 'traditional' inflation that you learn about in a basic macroeconics class does mean that.
if there is more money in circulation (called the 'money supply'), but the same amount of resources, each unit of currency is worth less, so it takes more of it to buy the same amount of assets.

The federal reserve has a mandate from congress to keep money supply and asset prices stable, while keeping unemployment low.
But they realized a trick to get around this: if they print money and directly buy equities and other financial instruments, the money doesn't get out into the pedestrian money supply.
In this way, 'they' can increase the price of things like the S&P, through a quasi-inflation (an inflationary process), but the price of a loaf of bread doesn't increase as much.

does that kind of make sense? the money directly goes into financial assets, not 'real' assets. So it's a targeted inflation, to try and keep the financial system from collapsing, to try and keep pensions and municipalities afloat, etc.
No one knows the long term consequences, if it can be stopped or normalized, etc.

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JUST I've seen the story behind this crazy bitch. There's no way she didn't know her company was a fraud. Look at those eyes!

>read this meaningless bot article

Interesting. I am curious what the consequences of this economic model will be in the future. Odd that other societies and ancient world economies didn't have something similar. Was gold backing the key difference?

>the numbers are pointless
this is why you'll fail at trading

I’d rather do one to start. Do you recommend one over the other? Crypto looks like it’s a pain in the ass having to figure out the “wallets” and taxes and all that fun stuff.

these articles are actually generated by bots
they consist solely of plugging numbers into a template regardless of context

>Based on the latest filings, there is 150.50% of institutional ownership. Short-interest is 0, which is 0.00% of shares outstanding. The short-interest ratio or days-to-cover ratio is 0.00.

financialization of everything is a completely new concept, only a couple decades old.

inflation has only been around since currency was used that could be easily replicated, IE paper money. Even with paper money, if it is backed by a tangible asset (IE gold), then high inflation isn't really possible.
So 'normal' inflation as a concept is something that is only a couple hundred years old.
But quantitative easing (the inflation of just financial asset classes, but not normal consumer goods) is much newer, only a few decades old.

What he means is that is a bot-written article. There is a template and then a webscraper finds and fills in the details, a human glances over it, and it gets published on a website to generate ad revenue. Many such articles

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> federal reserve has a mandate from congress to keep money supply stable
lost track of in the 80s
> asset prices stable
lost track of in 2007
> nominal interest rate policy
not working despite being at zero lower bound under Obama (so their argument is counterfactual: we avoided Great Depression)
> targeted inflation, to try and keep the financial system from collapsing, pensions and municipalities afloat
comes unironically at the expense of the future, mainly the taxpayers getting hollowed out.

trying to control emergent system like economy with extra-market institution just means that now the economic actors first have to buy the people in control of these institutions and then they might think of producing something real of which economic value can be extracted.

no shit. it compiles the numbers and makes it easy to digest and understand where the company is headed. the fact I have to explain this to you is mind boggling. do you only read articles that have fun words and colorful pictures?


>tfw some 3rd world poo in the loo citizen
>wanna talk about stocks with /smg/

In fact, let's have some more fun and imagine Jow Forums as a microcosm of our twisted economy.

how many of this board's users are interested in putting their capital towards investing in productive businesses?
everyone just wants to gamble and get rich.

Obviously outside of these threads it's mostly a crypto wasteland, but even within it's a bunch of kids who just want to trade options.
Very few are interested in actual economic activity, real production of value. Few even would understand what you mean if you told them that the purpose of financial markets in a healthy economy is to facilitate such investment.

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Why, yes, I am European myself too.

That kind of makes sense but that sounds... I don’t have the right word for it

Isn’t the US always bashing state owned enterprise like Chinese steel manufacturing, Petrobras petroleum in Brazil, Venezuelan govt owning farms and power companies, etc.? If the govt is buying equities, however you slice it that’s govt ownership of the “private” sector, increasing overtime.

Jesus Christ these fucking baby boomers I swear to god

>Do you recommend one over the other?
I like stocks so i'd recommend stocks.

>Crypto looks like it’s a pain in the ass having to figure out the “wallets” and taxes and all that fun stuff.
it all becomes second nature

> investing in productive businesses
Classicals, real classicals like Ricardo and Say considered the link between saving - investment that of prime importance and economic engine. When you saved (by investing, these were the same thing to them) you deferred consumption so you could consume more in the future period (meaning: amount of items you could buy with money had grown, your purchasing power had grown, there had been deflationary effect through economic growth).

But Keynes subverted all of that: to Keynesian economics savings = hoarding = stuffing money into sock & Investing = investing into new productive capacity. Now you have 'deficit' appear here since according to Keynesians S doesn't match I. So the government has to come out and help investing, from which, terrible amount of terrible consequences follow, such as crowding out investing, replacing it with government intrusion funneling tax moneys to projects which were not explicitly chosen by saver-investors (in the Ricardian sense) in the first place and wealth is destroyed; now long term saving has been completely fucked by (forced) low interest rate policie , which is a huge opportunity cost we are going to pay as time goes on.

When one reads Keynesian economics or monetary economics, the psychological trauma caused by the irreducibility of Say's Law is the more or less implicit and explicit red line.

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