Right now, there are 7.7 billion humans sharing Earth...

Right now, there are 7.7 billion humans sharing Earth. This population is unsustainable considering the average intelligence of a human. The standard where we are now required to keep everyone alive and with basic necessities goes against the fundamental principle of how life has always worked. Why are we letting low IQ people who are addicted to drugs and on food stamps reproduce? A couple of hundred years ago, and these people are systematically taken care of by nature. Now the burden is on everyone else to take care of a growing class of idiots who will never contribute to society. Not only are they not producing, but hinder the progress of the brightest because their hard work is being sapped by the bottom 50%. No other species does this, humans are a special and remarkable species but to ignore the rules of nature has proven to be foolish. Other animals love their offspring as well, but they also understand that if their kid is too weak to independently survive, keeping him/her alive will cause their entire species to eventually go extinct. The short term value of not naturally selecting a better human population is just asking for the entire population to collapse, which will probably happen in the next couple hundred of years at this point considering how greedy humans are.

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id let her piss in my mouth and id pay for it


based ancap darwinism

This isn't pol. Although you already knew that which is why you posted a roastie to get some attention for your low quality bait.
Now either provide source or fuck off back to pol.

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It would be sustainable if most humans were white, unfortunately we are below replacement levels

lol, Asian bitches wish they were white so much.
I'd fuck her brains out while reminding her constantly that she isn't white.

Based Spencerian

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Literally nothing wrong with that post. We need SOME FORM of racism; but apparently (they) decided that the white population isnt needed

Just wait a few decades. We will be like Japan and women will be replaced with sex dolls. But I guess there will always be the poor/low iq people having more than 1 kid per person to keep the population alive.

>Right now, there are 7.7 billion humans sharing Earth. This population is unsustainable considering the average intelligence of a human. The standard where we are now required to keep everyone alive and with basic necessities goes against the fundamental principle of how life has always worked. Why are we letting low IQ people who are addicted to drugs and on food stamps reproduce? A couple of hundred years ago, and these people are systematically taken care of by nature. Now the burden is on everyone else to take care of a growing class of idiots who will never contribute to society. Not only are they not producing, but hinder the progress of the brightest because their hard work is being sapped by the bottom 50%. No other species does this, humans are a special and remarkable species but to ignore the rules of nature has proven to be foolish. Other animals love their offspring as well, but they also understand that if their kid is too weak to independently survive, keeping him/her alive will cause their entire species to eventually go extinct. The short term value of not naturally selecting a better human population is just asking for the entire population to collapse, which will probably happen in the next couple hundred of years at this point considering how greedy humans are.
good post. i've been aware of this for last 10 years. the human race is devolving.

>thinks meat puppets can evolve any further

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Here you go lads.

i rather piss on her

We should send niggers, indians and chinks into the space colonies.

but then there be no whitey to buy, wtf man?

>muh sauces
Fucking retard, if you need to be spoon-fed Malthus and basic Darwinism, then you're not ready to have an opinion and weight in. Let the grown ups talk, maybe you'd be more at home commenting on the pwetty pikchur
I think it's clear that Cornucpianism isn't going to work, the population can't keep growing as it is. Do you think there will be a rapid external rebalancing of the population (pandemic) or a behavioural change (getting tough on muh charities)?

Since you're a thotposter the chances of you being a low IQ dysgenic are incredibly high. Stop posting

Darwin claimed it was natural selection. This would mean that the animal who could adapt the best to a given environment was most likely to survive.
Then some right wing individual decided to twist his work and started to refer to it as "survival of the fittest." This was done to increase competition and to undermine social cohesion because throughout the animal kingdom, those that compete are out performed by those that work together.
Maybe before trying to put people down you ought to do your own research and understand that it's both left and right wing politics that destroy nations. Politics as a whole is just about trying to administer power over other people. Like I said earlier, go back to pol.

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White here. Yesterday I took a train home full with white soccer fans. These people were the lowest display of intelligence I have ever seen. They were screaming and cursing and attacked other people. I got in a confrontation with.

Even whites have dumb people that should be removed.

My fucking sides. Did you srs just try and make out that "survival of the fittest" is a right wing ideology designed to "reduce social cohesion"? Jesus fucking Christ user. Darwinism is simply the idea that a breeding population is subject to external pressures, and the individuals that are best adapted to the environment in which they live go on to spawn the next generation at the expense of those less adapted. That's it. How you can start R*dditing on about this is beyond me