Just finished watching a documentary about the 2000s

What will the 2010s include besides crypto (or will it at all?)

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Its death


I can't think of one positive thing to say about the 10s except for the introduction of cheap smartphones, and even then they're cancerous. The 10s are a copy/paste of the 00s with shitter everything.

What a shitty un memorable decade


Attached: 1518800015983.png (500x375, 271K)

Terrorist attacks, refugees, mass migration

iphone, 1st amendment protests, 2012-2016 elections, equal rights movements, internet culture, esports, black panther and infinity war, millennial statistics, NSA and surveillance

Ah esports is a huge one. Fucking Sooners and their streams

What about 1900-1909, 1910-1919?

The internet being mainstream
The 2000s didn't have a handle on what the internet was for/about yet, despite everyone thinking they did
It's kinda funny to look back and see how people were using this thing back then

I cant wait for all the jokes about how people actually thought fake internet money was worth something.

That's not going to happen. It will be the reverse, where people ever doubted it, much like the internet.

You are exactly the sort of person everyone will be laughing at.

I cant wait to see how this turns out

Attached: images.png (267x189, 5K)

this, and social entropy, unraveling, bigger government, surveillance state, violence, latent anger, riots, political turmoil, style over substance, egoism, etc.

it'll probably end in global civil war. Long live the progressivist pipe-dream eh?

You are exactly the sort of person who doesn't read into trends and what corporations are doing. Look into Ernst & Young, you fucking little insolent shit.

Totally false
The other way around from this Zoomer's point of view at least
Think of the music, the style, the tech, the political and financial situation of the '00s compared to the 2010s:
Music: shit
Style: shit, long shitty emo hair
Tech: shit, not as minimalist as the 90s but not as interlinked as the 10s
Politics: Endless Warâ„¢
Economy: slump after the tech bubble burst and 9/11, worst crash since the GD in 2008
Music: folk/hipster indie rock
Style: hipster and /fa/ style, HY haircut everywhere
Tech: just better obviously
Fuckin' Minecraft and Skyrim come out
Politics: obungo continues the old order amid Ron Paul aesthetics flying around everywhere
Economy: motherfucking Bitcoin and the gold bubble

The gaming scene was the only thing that was really better in the 2000s

What the fuck even happened this decade besides Trump getting elected and the world just getting shittier?

Tulip pricing proves nothing. Technical analysis and human psychology cannot be a blanket defense. I'm defending technology, not flowers, etc. You're uninformed, therefore parrot stuff the Smithsonian disproved.

Have you totally missed the rise of AI, the decline of tv and centralized media, the breakdown of the cultural space into open cultural warfare, and the round-the-clock propaganda?

t. r/buttcoin

Not answering your question exactly but you made me think about gentrification and the shrinking middle class. Rich get richer

Shut the fuck up, zoomer, and go overdose on Vita-Coco capsules. Decades aren't a contest.

That's been going on for decades but the bread and circuses really stopped in the early 10s.

AI is still shit these days no?

Your ponzi bubble will pop and your fake internet money will be worthless.

Much much better than it was in the 00s. Little things like translation and voice recognition are much better.

Whatever is shitty about the 2000's carried over to the 10's. In time you'll come to acknowledge it like we have, I genuinely hope you guys aren't still listening to mumble rap when you're 50.

This entire decade has been the world trying and failing to recover from the 2008 financial crisis. That's it. And you have these retards going around chanting "muh GDP growth" which has nothing to do with standard of living you retard.

>Music: shit
mainstream not worse than 2010s, all decades have good music if you look for it
>Style: shit, long shitty emo hair
maybe, emo was a relatively small scene though, fortnite zoomer style is not much better maybe even worse (not to forget: "IT'S MAM")
>Tech: shit, not as minimalist as the 90s but not as interlinked as the 10s
People had the chance to understand it in the early 2000s, after the iPhone people jut use technology "You are the product"
>Politics: Endless Warâ„¢
Things were actually pretty relaxed, no huge division among the left and the right
>Economy: slump after the tech bubble burst and 9/11, worst crash since the GD in 2008
that carried over into the 2010s, 2010 was probably the worst year for many

i was a zoomer in the 2000s, you'll probably think the same about the 2010s vs the 2020s, because the best thing to have is your youth

It's a transaction note bruv-luv; just digital, not paper.


>the absolute state of US gov
>the absolute state of the media and public
>the absolute state of transnational corps

Screencap this

>mustard gas
>rope trench lighters


He doesn't know..

It's not really AI, it's just that computing power has increased sufficiently to process large datasets in a reasonable amount of time. Current "AI" paradigms are just applied statistics using methods that were invented in the 20th century.

people 'working' at CNN need to
be gassed or shot dead with large caliber anti-air guns. fake news assholes


Whatever you call it, it works now. Paradigm shifts are the accumulation of many small steps.

28year old boomer confirming that the 2000s sucked--because if you were a smart and forward thinking person you could clearly see and imagine the near future would be like today, with everything streaming, smartphones, ubiquitous internet and social media accelerating everything, good taste aesthetics and fashion becoming universally accessible, but it just wasn't there yet--it was always 'almost there', and when it fully arrived around 2012, I already felt old.
When every piece of media in history became available for anybody to stream at any time, the relative knowledge of the average person drastically improved--imagine how different political discourse would be with ONLY the mainstream TV channels and newspapers, no alternative views whatsoever--Trump could never have been elected, to use an obvious example of how this works

>GENTOO + F: shoot

Not a one of you said shootings? School shootings, but also vegas and nightclubs and shit?

We're living in the golden age of shooting unarmed strangers.

It truly is the worst timeline.

Technology has nothing to do with price, just like the internet has nothing to do with the dotcom bubble. What you're really defending are your bags.

you mean the indie gaming scene i hope?

WW1: 1914-1918

Technology in terms of the Ethereum platform does. Bitcoin and its ilk do not. Read into the staking economics of POS and smart contracts of such a glorious platform. It's a token infrastructure that will be used by the many companies already using intranet clones rather than public Ethereum. The world is moving to smart contracts. Ernst & Young et al are bringing Enterprise to public Ethereum. You obviously won't be making it this next bull run for Ethereum, nigger. The internet obviously had nothing to do with the dotcom crash. I know that companies and businesses were at fault. The technology of the Ethereum platform has everything to do with price because of its economic abstraction, guarantees, and staking. Load my bags. Did I convince you? If not, sit the fuck down and watch me get rich.