The market isn't going shit but it's feeling god damn close to mainnet.
Ocean Protocol made an announcement, LinkPool made announcements today, and CloudExpo is practically begging to suck Sergey's dick if he keynotes for their corporate attendees.
pee poo pee poo
Don't tell Reddit shit until at least the $15 mark. I'm not naive as I know one of you fuckers will blabber your mouths on Jow Forums and reddit.
It's Ocean Protocol a good buy rn? It will do something if CL mainnet happens?
Asher Bennett
Ocean Protocol has their ICO in partnership with Bittrex.
Jacob Harris
How weird that crypto market stops dumping and you faggot suddenly care about "muh tech" again. Really gets the noggin jogging. Fuck off you fucking pajeets. Can't wait for this piece of shit to dump
Cameron Morales
It's really going to happen isn't it. This is why true Marines held. Held through sibos. Held through the bull while all other coins ran. Held while squirrels ate their passkeys. Held through countless larps. Held through 2 EOYs. Held through the bleak bear. Held while others swung and fudded every event. Held while Sergey remained silent. Held while clowns honked and ducks quacked. Held while the larp dates came and went. Held while link became a 50¢ stable coin. Held while being called delusional. Held while doing a cheeky bit of fudding oneself. Held while dipping toes into the world of making memes (pic related). Held while rich anons ate steak and drove r8's. Held while being derided for wageslaving. Held while the world tried to part them from their linkies. This is why true Marines held. Strap in boys. Its happening tonight.
> Consensus 2019 > Sergey waddles onto stage > Gives the exact same speech > "So like ummm yeah smart contacts can't ahh talk to external hmmm sources of data" > Most of biz tunes out > "Oh yeah ummm err mainnet is like ahh out now and umm you can umm build..." > Sergers stares into space for a solid minute > "Build things with the chainlink network. Also we're umm looking for developers for the ahh reputation decentralized system. So if you think you're qualified Check The Pivotal ™ and drop us an email at our Cayman Islands HQ"
This comic would be a lot more accurate if it were a fat loser jerking off to anime with 45c with someone saying “it’s a scam” to him in all four frames...
Evan Miller
I just went all in on LINK after spamming this board with FUD for months. No idea why, the meme's got to me I guess.
It's gotta be soon now. The fundamentals are absolutely solid. The partnerships just keep coming. Got to work out the kinks. These things take time
Nicholas Lewis
So much this. The IBM and now that partnership we just got today and it's astounding. Watch where the money is going and you realize that most of the institutions are aware this is a solid project.
Justin Nguyen
Shut the fuck up retard. Soon I'll have so much cash Taylor swift will be begging to swallowing my cum while I tell her what a worthless whore she is.
Luke Edwards
it's not soon, it's shortly.
Kevin Lewis
You know we have IDs?
Ryder Bell
Anyone following the pivotal closely would know that the last two weeks many more tasks have been moved up to happen sooner than initially expected.
They've been powering through a lot of shit lately. Last week their plan spanned until the 16th of June, then they moved all tasks in to the 2nd of June, if you look at the pivotal today the tasks only span until the 19th of May.
This is the same amount of tasks they think will get done in less time than they initially expected.
I'm unsure whether we'll see mainnet after the 19th. Seems like there is still quite a bit of stuff in the icebox that should be required for a mainnet release. Development speed seems to be picking up though.
Ryder Cooper
Xavier Howard
user Taytay is fatty now I'm so sorry
Nathan Reed
The fundamentals and technicals are the best they have ever been. We have a Marketing director who has placed us in Forbes. If we were to say that a year ago you would have gotten laughed at.