What a fuck biz you told me IOTA was a scam

partners with land rover and jaguar...

Attached: Tux2.png (167x200, 61K)

Land rover and jaguar are also scams

shut up, nigger following this retarded board we are missing some blue chip

help? Why Jaguars does it supports them if Iota is a scam?

Land Rover / Jaguar musty be technologically inept to choose IOTA.
Aren't the electronics in their cars awful?

well it is controlled by one german incel, so go ahed and give him some money

Found the street shitter

rule 1 of Jow Forums: never believe anything on biz kek. some anons, myself included, told y'all to DYOR and that IOTA was worthy but most of you prefer to chase the dragon while the golden goose was in front of you during all that time lel

IOTA has no secure way to secure the network

IOTA is ancient technology by this point

Partners with jaguar and only goed up 20%. A giod coin would have tripplet. Lmao at iota. What next? Partner with apple and +30%? Lmao

>Partners with jaguar and only goed up 20%
Because we are not in 2017

Because its a shitcoin. Litecoin went up more this year without news.

you didn't do your research.

Even ark pumped more last months hahahahahaha

yes good boy, keep chasing PnD's and get rekt by dumping whales lel

fyi is right and shitcoins surging +30% without any reason is not a good sign contrarily to what you seem to believe

Ok kiddo

Litecoin has normie attention
You can do these kinda comparation
''Pets.com is valued better than Amazon...so it's better''
This is retarded tier way of investing
ANd you will make an hero if iota x100000 and you didn't invest for a retarded logic

>you didn't do your research.
genuinely curious here: what is their way to secure the network? The bigger the network the bigger security.
What if network at X date decreases to a point that it could became unsecure?
Who would ever make a transaction using iota?
What are the incentives to RUN A FULL NODE?

The incentive to run a full node is to not become a bagholder. I think that's plenty of incentive.

india and discord trannys have no right to exist

There is no incentive to run a node... so who secures the network?
Your sister?

lol this shitcoin will dump again under 5k sats
mark my words

I still remember the partnership iota with Microsoft

Once/if IOTA becomes the underlying protocol of the IOT, you as a business will want to run a node to a) participate in the network‘s stability and b) prioritarily promote your own transactions. Some of the bigger devices i.e. smart cars will become full nodes themselves without anyone interacting with it knowing about it

Also the beauty of iota is that the more the network gets used, the faster and more secure it becomes

Can I get a quick rundown of all IOTA's partnerships?



that "microsoft partnership" was a meme in 2017 where many altcoins did join microsoft azure and after that stated that they are partners with microsoft and after that they pamped to moon.

2017 was the year when you've could pump your shitcoin just announcing that you partnered with lemon stand.

Coordicide is literally 3-5 years away. If ever

coordinator-free tangle is already running on testnet lol

>the more the network gets used, the faster and more secure it becomes

IDIOTA shills always parrot this without providing any shred of evidence why this should be the case. Something something "DAG/tangle = magic" and "every transaction confirms two others!" and the claim should somehow follow but it's all just handwaving.

In reality, side-tangle attacks have always been possible and will only get more likely with higher usage. The remedy against them is a hodge-podge of ludicrous hacks like centralized snapshots/rollbacks, "reputation systems" and security *features" like requiring manual (!) peer-discovery for full nodes.