Mainnet really is coming Q2, can't believe it!

Mainnet really is coming Q2, can't believe it!

Attached: xcard.png (417x174, 4K)

Attached: xc.png (414x168, 5K)

Attached: xcardd.png (595x332, 20K)

What shitcoin is this?

pretty cool actually, never have to sell my links

Attached: xxcc.png (1600x937, 172K)

>All brown IDs

partnered with chainlink and waiting for mainnet


Attached: mobilum.png (396x556, 33K)

Lmao they ripped X Cash’s logo

Attached: 2737B713-ED20-4D52-BDAE-19BCBEFAB5E5.jpg (1200x907, 229K)

Just because mobilum wrote an article about chainlink doesn't mean that they will use chainlink in xcard or if they will use it at all.

we're all gonna make it pretty soon! huge volumes right at the beginning!

Attached: xc-cl.png (596x647, 199K)

all the chainlink partners are top tier technology, remember that!

I feel hopium, levels of hopium I felt before 2018.

Get Bogged.

Attached: Screenshot_20190429-205756.png (1080x1920, 228K)

Who the fuck are all these Who’s?

ChainLink partnerships are literally doctor suess Whoville Whos


it's oven fresh new technology and you have a chance to be a pioneer at using it. never have to change money when travelling ever again for example

invetas is an scam

That technology’s called having a debit/credit card...

Attached: pajeetsworstnightmare.jpg (400x400, 27K)

>there is this new thing called automobile, it cuts down travel time to fractions
>that technology's called having a horse