Texas better than California

Texas better than California.

change my mind.

Attached: good.jpg (847x768, 90K)

Looks like the ratio of black to white people in california is now 22 times higher than it was in 1980

For now
Until all the spics move in and turn it into California

Maybe if niggers stopped commiting so many crimes they wouldn't need so many prisons. How many prisons do you think there are in Norway, Japan or Finland?

racist much?

Very few but that's because they have socialism, clearly


Its almost as if socialism works in homogenous high trust societies

its true u fucking idiot

And that’s a good thing! Now do the ratio of spics

>more universities are good

Texas property taxes are some of the worst in the entire country. For a shitty $250,000 home, you'll be paying over $7000 a year for property taxes. What a retarded place. Then there's the tornadoes, humidity, insects, and shitheads. "Don't mess with Texas". Don't worry, we won't.

>end of thread

> Russia
> China
> Cuba
> Venezuela
> East Germany
I could go on. Are you sure about that claim?

On the flip side some home owners made a bank. Now get the fuck out pleb

So what are you going to do when the prices of the homes keep going up from the California Scourge moving in! I don't see you guys making any attempts to pass any kind of proposition like they did in CA to stop that from happening. What are people, especially old folks, gonna do when the price of the home goes up to $300,000, $400,000, etc. I suppose they can cash out and move to another state, which they'll probably have to do because your property tax is going to be $15,000+ or higher.

>since 1980 California built 22 prisons and 1 university
also since 1980, the california white population declines by 1 million, and the non-white population increases by 15 million
hmm could these statistics possibly be linked?

> Russia
Soviet Union was a massive (both politically and geographically) amalgamation of many distinct ethnic groups with little historical ties to one another
See above
> Cuba
Developing nations kept politically and economically unstable by the US in decades of covert operations. Essentially victims of Cold War proxy conflicts.
>East Germany
A cold war satellite nation under Soviet hegemony.

Another thing all these countries have in common (that is much more likely responsible for their fates) is that they're all authoritarian dictatorships. Socialism can exist within democratic societies, but only ones with high trust and I significant immigrant/minority populations. The minute such a population becomes a substantial voterbase, those thirsty for power will exploit the high trust system a nation's residents have paid into their entire lives to buy the votes of new arrivals with a less intimate tie to that nation.

*Insignificant immigrant populations

Based user debunking liberals so I don't have to

U guys are gay bro

>hurr I love paying income taxes to the state and fed

Anyone else only count 21 jump suits to represent 22 prisons?

Attached: 00F64B47-CAE4-47FA-97DB-3C1177A5937D.jpg (250x207, 8K)

No it doesn't

The current status quo is maintained by U.S. military hegemony coupled with anti-American European and Asian market protectionism (especially in the healthcare sector-i.e. Novo Nordisk and Sanofi charging Americans six gorillion dollars a ml for insulin and giving it away like candy at home). If the former went away for even a single month the rest of the world would eat itself alive, and if they removed the latter they wouldn't be able to pay for the comparably few sickly people they do have despite their being taxed as if World War 2 never ended.

Good thing the only relevant socialist states e.g. Russia and China aren't communist at all and even the Marxist "scholars" admit as much.

...Didn't Venezuela only have sanctions levied against it for like the past year or two?

Attached: F09D5434-B13D-4C04-AD41-243FCFBFE88C.jpg (2324x1489, 986K)

Texas no income tax doesn't offset the shitty property tax for many people. If you own a company and are rich, it's in your favor. For everyone else, it isn't. Too bad the hoards moving into your state don't understand this. Maybe you can stop this mass migration into Texas if you were to bring it up to them all.

Where is the crime?
Go back to Facebook faggot.

Stop pushing these racist stereotypes. Idiot.