What is harder, timing the markets, or your cock?

What is harder, timing the markets, or your cock?

Attached: YawningUnknownCollie-mobile.webm (480x600, 1.8M)

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My cock definitely


>.the state of this bitches kitchen

That's a braprista stand you dumb fuck

My cock gets hard if her cock gets hard too

So how would one ask her for a fuck? Please no troll responses.

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state of 2019

collapse when

How are all these braptistas so fucking hot though?



You don’t just ask them for a fuck you damn incel

Tfw this broad isn’t even that hot.
Stop letting Instagram filters rekt you. I went to the flea market and there’s this Mexican lady that sells there, she usually wears no makeup and looks like a bird. I’d say a 4/10 on those days. I went yesterday and she was caked up. Literally looked like a dreamy exotic 8-9. I realized at this point that this kind of shit is too fucking twisted. So yeah don’t be deceived bros.

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Ask what a big tip gets you

braps don't lie

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They all have brappers and all brap and all brapsniffs are the same. Where does this leave us

>all brapsniffs are the same
Untrue, there are many different scents and flavors.

Though they all revolve around one scent: shit
Not implying that this is a bad thing either kek

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I am so STIFF right now

I want to rape that thot. Does that make me a bad person?

literally their job to be hot

INB4: Someone start posting Laura B

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Not at all, rape used be part of being a person 5000 years ago

she wants it , biz

I-I'll t-take a brappuccino please...I-I mean a cappuccino

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Me dick

>that desperate to convert hetero gay man who crossed from barfly antiquity tactics to 21st century digital warfare harassment
༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

something tells me this girl can fuck like a champ

ummm, you hire hot babes. happens all the fucking time, the place i work at has hot girls hires only

Mfw I forgot I was logged into Insta and accidentally double tapped for a heart and now my squad sees my shit

Time to masturbate

>my squad
nah time to kys

do the nerds that bankroll these sluts know that they could get even better shit on most softcore subreddits?