When did you realize LINK is the gatekeeper of the next bull run?

When did you realize LINK is the gatekeeper of the next bull run?

Attached: chainlink.png (488x152, 18K)

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source: trust me dude

i was informed that about a year ago by someone who collects crumbs

a long time ago.

t. 250k linkie, $10 BTC buyer

Gayness: you have it dude

Before it was announced.

citation needed

Around September 2017. I went from having had a little info about what bitcoin is and thinking the idea is more or less a scam, to learning about ethereum and web3, and immediately realized none of the big promises are possible without something like chainlink. It was literally the idea that gave any of this shit legitimacy

pajeet by any other name would smell as sweet.

Attached: morecumbsSir.jpg (1200x749, 390K)

A good while ago and feeling comfy, my friend


'Bout the time I bought in as well.

When i got my ducks in a row

September 2017

Link isn't gatekeeping the very next bullrun at a btc ath but it is gatekeeping the bullrun that will see trillions of irl data poured onto the blockchain.

TPS, multiple encryption schemes, perfect decentralized oracles and plan to scale infinitely all need to drop and get a reliable reputation through small time use but then shit will be disgusting.

Honestly the token has another year or two as a stablecoin. It makes me literally cringe that people hold this NOW. The simultaneous black and white pill is that it's a legit project but it's wayyy early and not even going to $10 eoy although I'm sure it will peak at $5-$6 for a SHORT time during the next btc bullrun.

Shut the fuck up fudder we all know the main net is just around the corner

If only you knew how comfy things really are.

You are right about marines needing a bit of BTC to swing around on other projects to maximize their LINK stack though.

>still at 43 cents

always around the corner that mainnet

Seriously, unironically we're all gonna make it bros.

When did you realize you are deluded?

>Honestly the token has another year or two as a stablecoin. It makes me literally cringe that people hold this NOW.

>not being able to dodge capital gains tax by holding your investment for at least 12 months

What sort of shithole country do you live in, m8?

when did you realize LINK is vaporware

round the corner mainnet wen?

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