Tired. So very tired

How do wagies do it? I have a programming job. Day after day waking up early as fuck at 8am, exhausted to the point I can barely focus on my work, finally leave at 5pm, just to sleep as soon as I get home until 9pm just so I can have the energy to exercise and play a round of videogames and go to sleep to repeat the cycle

It’s been 4 months. 4. It feels like 4 years. How the fuck am I supposed to keep this up for the rest of my life. I’m seriously not kidding - Someone help my insides are screaming

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give up hope that your life will be anything but this. it will slowly but surely happen

you will do this for another 10 years, things will not changes or get better.

Consider changing your diet to something more energizing and healthy

Consider having coffee if you don't drink any

Consider cutting down coffee if you drink too much

Consider cutting down blazing if you smoke too much

Consider buying shilajit to boost your energy. (Not a pajeet joke) This stuff really delivers a punch

Consider how you sleep. Do you snore loud? Breathing issues can affect and deprive you of deep sleep needed to re-energize your body. A doctor can suggest a few solutions.

Consider moving closer to your job if you live far away and it takes you a long time to drive/commute home.

Consider investing in chainlink and bsv as a form of a lottery ticket with better odds than your average lottery ticket. Consider participating in the memes if you do decide to be a stinky marine.

You can't escape wagecucking. You can only minimize and do things to alleviate the pain.

Consider to spread out ur vacay days so that you have a few consecutive four-day weeks rather than taking the whole month/or 2 weeks vacation in one shot.

>Consider changing your diet to something more energizing and healthy
I did, tons of fruits and veggies now

>Consider having coffee if you don't drink any
I do drink coffee now

>Consider cutting down coffee if you drink too much
I cut down to 1 cup a day

>Consider cutting down blazing if you smoke too much
I did. I quit smoking pot 2 weeks ago

>Consider buying shilajit to boost your energy. (Not a pajeet joke) This stuff really delivers a punch

>Consider how you sleep. Do you snore loud? Breathing issues can affect and deprive you of deep sleep needed to re-energize your body. A doctor can suggest a few solutions.
When I had a gf I asked and she said I dont snore

Consider moving closer to your job if you live far away and it takes you a long time to drive/commute home.
I live 15 minutes away at most

>Consider investing in chainlink and bsv as a form of a lottery ticket with better odds than your average lottery ticket. Consider participating in the memes if you do decide to be a stinky marine.
I was a millionaire during the bullrun, but didn't sell. My shitcoins are nearly worthless now

>You can't escape wagecucking. You can only minimize and do things to alleviate the pain.

>Consider to spread out ur vacay days so that you have a few consecutive four-day weeks rather than taking the whole month/or 2 weeks vacation in one shot.
I don't even accrue 1 vacation day per month

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I have to wake up at 6 in my 3rd world shithole so I can earn sheckles for Mr. Steinberg... waking up at 8a.m you have it good user, for real

40 hours a week is not a lot. if you wake up at 8 you can stay up til 1. you have plenty of free time.

>I eat fruits and veggies
>still consuming animal products
>still consuming grains
Kek you better get comfy it’s a long ride.

I know, its literally the only thing keeping me alive at this point.

Oh fuck, user, can you give me a warning about CS jobs? Was it worth the degree? Tell me before I blow the shotgun and have regrets in the future

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>Was it worth the degree?
Heh, enjoy this thread. Nothing personnel kid

maybe you're just low T

I'm up at 6:30a, at work for 7:30a, finished at 5:30p, study 2 hrs for CFA till 7:30p, then workout till 8:30p and home for 9p or so, in bed by 12a and repeat


Why don't you just buy Chainlink and be a millionaire in 2 years tops you stupid faggot

I was a technical lead for a startup in my city and worked as a senior engineer in corporate before that. If you think six figures is worth having to figure out what the fuck the pajeet team overseas is doing day in and day out, be my fucking guest. I went NEET three weeks ago and feel amazing. I'll probably go back someday, but after a week I'm already bored as fuck and back here, trying to teach myself. If you think that's worth the degree, go for it.

Just learn to code bro!

Oh wait...

It's worth it if you really like it....but since you have to ask....gl bro.

t. fell for the CS meme and hate my life

exercise and diet
do leg raises and windshield wipers and circle 8s and starfish crunches twice a day and eat lots of vegetables and fruits (nutrition pills are a meme) you can also get addicted to caffeine that will work too you'll just have to go through a withdrawal once you make it

god i wish you stinky faggots would just disappear from the face of the earth

It's not the fact that it's a CS job, I always loved programming, it's the fact of having any fucking job. You have to wake up early and spend your whole day jacking off and drinking caffeine just to stay awake. But oh wait, turns out caffeine and pot, the only thing that make being tired bearable, slowly kill your body so you gotta be """healthy""" like this faggot. But guess what being healthy just means you don't get to have any fun, and you still just feel like shit. I might just go back to ripping the bong honestly, it made working previously bearable. Lung cancer here I come

jesus fucking christ bitching about an 8 hour shift I've worked 12-15 hours per day with no breaks for almost 3 years now and I still find time to go to the gym 4 days a week

find a remote job. they pay less but hella comfy

12-15 hours? What the fuck do you do, user?

Probably a nurse/similar

When the tech bubble pops you'll look back on this as the good ol days

You're probably not getting enough sleep and/or you need to change to your diet.

Is there any job for people who like solving things and like improving their skills but hate programming?

What I do is kind of like that but even it gets boring after a while because of the repetitive nature. I fix things like electronics but mostly things used by large corporations. Takes a lot of problem solving for more complicated machinery, the main contract our company has is with one of the largest names around fixing photo printers. There are dozens of things that can go wrong in just one type of device and it takes about 4 hours on average to fix one

I should clarify, it gets boring because after a while you don't really need to actually actively try to figure out what's wrong once you've fixed a few hundred of them. I can look at it on the surface and know what's wrong with it, why, and how to fix it. It was a really fun job at first but shit got boring quickly once I learned every possible fix for the devices I worked on.

Another down side is that all the company sees when they look at you is dollar bills, so they will keep you fixing what you're good at pretty much forever while people who produce less get more interesting work because they don't produce as much. The working world is a joke

I make pizzas and pizza accessories

I spend the majority of my shift next to a 550 degrees oven so I drink about 2 gallons of water per day

Maybe you have a blood sugar issue: diabetes, hypoglycemia, etc. ?

Because society has programmed you to work for the system and you are a slave to money. Imagine living the rest of your life like this.
You went to study programming so you can get a good job because you are a slave for money. Meanwhile, there are other rewarding careers with less stress you could have applied yourself to but you opted for what you thought was the safest option. You could be running your own business right now or getting paid for what you enjoy doing. In your next life,dont work for money,let money work for you. Dont be a slave to money it should be a slave be to you.

Get a better fucking job or play less video games fucking incel wagie. If want to get ahead your only hobbies should be making money or finding other ways to make money.

Because you are in a career just for the money and the pay isn't even worth it. Either way you are still struggling like every average person. That's why it's better to do what you enjoy. By the way the most fun jobs pay better these stressful and boring IT jobs. Difficulty diesnt equates to high pay...

***The most fun jobs actually pays better than IT jobs....difficulty doesn't equate to a higher pay.

Caffiene and cannabis as well as any other drugs deplete your magnesium.

Cannabinoids EAT cancer.

Wifi fatigue also exacerbates magnesium depletion.

holy shit anons. I unironically think I have sleep apnea

Difficulty depends on the job and the individual.

Stop jacking off so much, it's not just a reddit meme. 30 days of no fap and I feel more masculine/more energy/less brain fog throughout the day.

You're just not cut out for being a slave.
It's okay OP.
I hope the wageslaves form a large scale strike soon. This shit is getting ridiculous and robots are coming soon.

Imagine crying about getting up at 8am and working 9 hours.

Early onset depression

Are you cucks going to blame da joos?