What are you doing

what are you doing

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Just finished GoT ep3 the night king dies

Being a loser like everybody else. Feelsbadman

im going bald my head doesnt tlook good shaved, what do to attract grill?

Procrastinating. Need to work on my startup and polish up my website and work on product to reassure my potential co-founder. Also, schedule a dentist to remove my root canal.

Chase a check, never chase a bitch

this now a fren thread. frens are great!

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Ur mom


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What fuckin loser would waste their time with that absolute shitshow!


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The president of China watches a specially prepared, condensed version of it.

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State your place of servitude for the sake of curiosity.

Losing money at a alarming rate

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o wreely

Doing unpaid internship

Root canals are horrible. In the future, have the tooth extracted. If you loose too many teeth, then get dentures.


contemplating my 'exit strategy'

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A tire center in geneva

Go to a good dentist! Had to have two from mouth injury. The guy had a tool to measure the dept of the root hole! It was private in the UK cost £1200 to get 2 teeth done! barely felt anything! worth every penny from what others have told me! cheap in fact

Quit crypto today. Left the shit alt bags to rotten. Gonna go back to school. Start reading mcat at age 35 fucked.


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just waiting.

They are unhealthy, root canals. Dentists say otherwise. I don't want that little fucker in my mouth anyway if it doesn't want to behave like all the others. It will be removed.

I am doing good.
Fixed most of my (mental)health issues. About to have some barbeque with a couple of friends. Until that a little studying, gardening and drawfagging.

frens are magic

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Fren threads are the best threads

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i founa quarter ounce of marjuangas today

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My condolences.

bought a 9-years old thinkpad. Swapped old components for new ones and installed lubuntu on it

absurdly robust and runs like a dream. Absolute sucker for old-but-well-built things, this feels as comfy as driving a 1990s toyota camry or soarer

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> Mac background

Me too, want to kms
Also checked

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>private in the UK cost £1200 to get 2 teeth done

I payed for the same 200e in Croatia

Masturbating. I'm so addicted to image boards that I browse them while watching porn, eating and watching movies/YouTube.
Some may call this a gift. The ability to multitask on two things at once without losing focus. Personally I believe it's a super power that one can only obtain via the NEET pill. Either way, I've been typing this one handed while fapping to Sasha Grey. They must don't make them like they used to. *Sigh*

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On the ferry in Thailand heading to one more paradise island


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Yea but i went to someone that was actually good! I could have got the NHS to do it ffs!
You are looking at it the wrong way! pay 200 get it done shit have pain/potential complication OR be pain fee/worrie free as he had all the right experience & equipment.

Also, I am not a poorfag, if you came to the first world you would realise £1200 is FUCK ALL

Dude, I went to private dentist. No pain, good equipment. New x-ray, depth measuring device... You could pay the flight, hotel, escort and teeth for 1200shilings in Croatia

Trying to muster up energy to go to the gym before a long shift sitting in the riot van

>giving the gym your money

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Lmao arya fails and then doesnt fail and he gets glassed

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Prepping my wife's bull with one hand, buying bsv with the others... Literally pumping two bags at the same time

Living the dream, don't you?
Cucks hang second, after traitors.

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Hi frens

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Imagine having a nose like that in a Jewish run Hollywood and still being killed off from the rest of the series

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